I’m aware that these people may value their privacy. As it stands, if you ever get arrested, your name and photo is plastered all over the Internet whether you get acquitted or not. When these rich broads champion privacy for all, maybe they’ll be granted some themselves. I hear some complaining, but the people arrested have legally done nothing wrong either. Remember innocent until proven guilty? Meanwhile, no matter how smooth-talking old Helg may be, can you imagine being around when he [arrives, I believe the rich call it]. End of nauseating visual.
It was movie day and that is all that happened. A great outing to the Aventura Mall ruined by Broward Transit, but you get used to that. I'll provide both sets of information, other than that, I did nothing all day and loved it. The movie was Django, pretty gory and DiCapprio can’t really act, but always does passable work when the role is stereotyped and stilted enough.
It’s a tale of slavery and only makes sense if you consider the author’s intention—written to show whites in as bad a light as possible. Except for the bounty hunter, every white in the movie is portrayed as a murderer, bank robber, hired gun, slave driver, illiterate, bigoted, or just plain stupid. Except for masochistic plantation owners, all whites make their money chasing, whipping, or feeding slaves to the dogs. When they aren't spitting and scratching, that is.
There is some great scenery, including buffalo herds and elk, but they are not part of the plot. Kind of an up-dated spaghetti western with a budget cast. All the shooting parts splatter way too much fake blood but took an amazing amount of choreography. The one white actress with any lines plays a dweeb with no breasts, which doesn't prevent her from kissing her brother half the time.
Our bulletproof hero, Django, can read, ride horses, and gunsling although where he acquired these workaday skills in 1858 is never explained. There is plenty slaughtering of no-good whites who display utterly modern cussing talents, which they probably need considering how often they accidentally shoot each other. Lots of gunshots through flesh and I guess the body count at 30-something.
And it is a long movie, which brings Broward Transit into the account. The 6:00 PM movie ends at 9:00 PM, just as security is pulling the mall gates shut. No, you cannot walk through the mall to the bus terminus, which is at the opposite end of the building. Now me, I know better than to travel anywhere out of walking distance by bus after dark, but they still got me.
One has to circumnavigate around the mall, over a mile. And that’s only if you know all the exits through the parking lots. Even then, the last stretch is on an unlit side road with no sidewalks. As I got to the yard, the last Federal bus was pulling away. Sometimes there is a straggler, so I waiting until 10:30 PM. Ah, here comes one, but as he nears he slows but does not stop, instead flipping on the “Not In Service” sign and booting it.
There could be reasons for that, so I waited, along with sixteen others, for the next scheduled half-hour. No bus came. In other words, that scumbag first driver drove off stranding those people and knowing there was not another bus on the way. Welcome to Broward. Normally, I can take any bus down Federal, but the hike to the first contact point is a third of the way to my house. I made the first stop at 11:32 PM and that is too late on weekends, so I kept walking.
Another telltale sign is the local rip-off taxis. The least fare to go anywhere in this town, even one block, is $15. Whenever they show up in groups and start milling around, they know the bus isn’t coming, but never say a word on it. Some obscure by-law must prevent them from soliciting business, so they cluster in the parking lot off the bus lanes and wait for desperate riders to pool their cash and approach them in small groups. They then act so surprised, “Me? You mean this taxi?” And you can guess the rest.
I walked it, four miles (not including the mall part), stop-to-stop with periodic rests. I know all the safe shortcuts and even stopped to hear the band at the jewelry store play music that’s older than me. A large coffee to go from Dunkin, and home again by just past midnight. The other people I don’t know, I know all northbound routes out of the mall would [have to] drive past me and none did before I got here. Way to go, Broward Transit, you showed ‘em tonight. You showed ‘em real good.
Oh, and be careful not to cross Federal wherever there is a median with shrubbery. They turn the sprinklers on for two hours near midnight on purpose. Other than that, it was a great evening, even if I didn’t get in my after-movie shopping for essentials. Like painkillers (that's how they got me). One more thing, all the nearest spots at the AMC theaters are now roped off for $7 “valet” parking. For your convenience, they say.
But "they" are not bright enough to see that, if someone else is parking your car, it could be anywhere, not where it blocks the main entrance. Valet parking is the only "invention" by Amerca's class of 85, and they believe they are saving the nation.
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