At first you were not going to get this photo. It’s here to demonstrate I’m not exaggerating about this sore shoulder. Medical costs a lot in America but you get the best. This is me after a complete battery of tests and scans, and about to take the first hard drugs of my life. Read on to find out about that. The photo is partially there to show that I empathize with people who say the system is guilty of overkill, I hear you.

It was an evening of one-handed bingo. The gang showed up so it was worth the bus ride in. If there is one nice thing about being smart instead of dumb is you don’t have to ride the bus unless you actually want to. Broward has a nice system, but there must be a covert government academy that rounds up the most colorless of the truly ignorant and drills them how to annoy other riders. Yeah, you, Mr. 28-still-goes-to-high-school-parties with your three-day stubble and iPhone wires shoved in your head cavities. One day you’ll get yours.
For today’s controversy, try this. I’m okay with disabled. But only to the point they aren’t playing the disability ticket. This mention is due to a legless Miami drummer advertising for work. I support him auditioning because he clearly states that is what he wants. But the room is reacting like he is using the handicap to enter contests and scoop trophies for pity rather than talent. If he does that, I withdraw my support. So far, he has not crossed the line.
I’m back home and exhausted. Between the shifts at the hospital and fitful sleeps here because I can’t roll over to the right, I’m a mess. I like my sleep. There simply has to be an easier way to meet sexy nurses than checking in at emergency. Did you know my insurance even covers a nurse to attend me at home? I declined, since we’d just be in each other’s way. But it’s nice to have the option.
Okay, quit beating around the bush. Let’s hear about these hard drugs and the beginning of my long, slow slide into oblivion or whatever they call it these days. I get the prescription home and the label says it contains narcotics. Use me as the test case, I’ve never done before, so let’s see if I can document the effects.
For me, very little side effects because there was no euphoria or drowsiness. The drug does not even kill pain, but it certainly alters your perception of it. You sense pain as mild pressure and I’ve already instinctively picked up heavier objects than I would have otherwise. The drug (not specified here) is slow to act the first time, so any gaps means the pain returns in moments. You learn not to miss any doses.
The longest stretch without a dose is overnight, so you wake up and the first pill of each day is wasted in a sense that it takes that to return to the state of painlessness. I can fully understand why some people would enjoy such a situation, though there would be as many reasons as there are users for any habits that form. My dosages are well below any cause for concern, but I did notice as the ingredient wears off, you do get random scary thoughts that don’t make sense.
There you have it. A non-druggies first foray into the forbidden zone.