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Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24, 2013

           Getting back on a good circadian is rough after even ten days of bad sleep, at least for me. I slept in fits because I could not roll onto my right, which is how I usually zonk. I spent the day reviewing real estate. For the umpteenth time the media is declaring the slump is over because 16 more houses sold this month. I have not achieved my target yet, but I would easily go for owner financing if I find something. The season is just a few months away. For me, a place will be one final big push. Then life gets easy as well as fun.
           There are some weird listings, like this one. This shows the interior rear area gutted by a flash fire in the family room that left the [rest of the] structure intact. I looked because this is how JP and I missed the last great deal. Well, that and the piano. The problem is the price is $90,000 which public records from 2007 show this was the same [price as] before the fire. Can’t be abiding by that nonsense.
           Life is full of mysteries and surprises, though much less so for the well-rounded I imagine. Why is my blog getting hits for “Memphis steam laundry”? And about the hot wings from Domino’s, where do they find the midget chickens? My paragraph on the Balkenkreuz was my daily double. If you got here by mistake, please stay and read enough to keep coming back. This blog contains no paid advertising, is based on actual persons and events (but salted), and as far as is known, this is the only blog that has always indented the paragraphs. Who could ask for anything more?
           Here’s a southern ad for a bass player. Or how about that guy that invented a robot to separate his Skittles and Smarties by color? Following my age-old prediction that if you drill deep enough, a new oil field that rivals the Saudi reserves has been found in another desert: Australia. And I love to hear that repair shops are charging $125 to remove Windows 8 and restore Windows 7, which itself is plugged as “at least it isn’t Vista”.
           Have you seen the new PC ad campaign? It’s all about price, as in the PC cup of coffee is $2 and the iThing coffee is $8. It will flub, because the $2 version is not worth it and the $8 one is. What I dislike most about MicroSoft is the intolerable gimp commands that cannot be disabled. If you feel sorry for other people, do it on your own time. Want me to feel sorry for welfare cases? Stop taxing me to feed them to breed. I’m with the restaurant customer who says they can “be special someplace else”.
           Trivia. Remember those radiometers in the lab? That little twirly device that spun around by itself when placed in the sunlight. The photons were supposed to be absorbed by the black side and bounce off the white. Great theory but the thing spins the wrong way. Turns out, according to Nuts & Volts, it doesn’t work in a complete vacuum, but needs some air to flow around the vanes because the dark side does get hotter. I used to keep one in my window years ago, so people who forgot my address could always find my house.

           JP forgets to pay his phone bill on the first month, that’s my buddy. Now that he has a cell, I regularly run over my monthly minutes. We had quite the discussion, I think he should quit his job and retire. He has no experience living without the extra income from working, but does not begin to realize how far he is ahead of the pack and that he doesn’t need anything extra.
           We also chatted about Estelle and why he hasn’t been over to meet her yet. Let me explain something that certain people can’t follow and I suspect there are some of those types among the thousands that read this blog every month. It starts with, “I am not Mother Theresa”. Come around here looking for compliments and handouts and I can assure you that you are lost and out of luck.
           JP understands that I am recommending Estelle, not passing her off as not good enough for me. There will always be the idiot gallery who say my standards are too high. They are nothing but miserable losers who condemn because they haven’t what it takes to qualify for any standards of their own. The point is, and drill this into the mind: I’ve met countless men with no standards who are infinitely worse at meeting women than I ever was. Let my critics explain that.
           I’ll have you know my decision not to date Estelle was not selfish, but rather a understanding of her situation. What would life be like for her sitting in the audience watching me? I’ve tried dating women who don’t sing and dance and I know that it takes three months for the infatuation to fade. The alternative is [for her] to sit at home and wait. Neither is acceptable, to me dating has never been a spectator sport. If a woman can’t get out there and have fun with me, I’d rather be alone than drag somebody along.
           I enjoy the company but I’d still rather have a girlfriend. Estelle came over late this afternoon. Hey, this is where the tea and crumpets are. We listened to classical music and she is finally starting to take more of what I say at face value. That’s a function of time but also because when here, I can reach for the photo or the guitar or provide simultaneous proof of what I say. Over the years, I learn what people tend to disbelieve. Example, okay Estelle, talk normal and actually watch me type what you say at the same speed. Stuff like that. Her new brunette hair is real, you can’t fool me in broad daylight.
           Plus, this place is always a learning experience. Nobody ever leaves without at least one brand new idea. She had never eaten grits before. No cheese soup either, she doubted it existed so I bought her a can. She will not try it, won’t even touch it. So much for insatiable curiosity. I like it because it really kills the taste of broccoli.
           Here is the soup in a busy picture. Cheddar cheese, I’ve eaten it as soup and it is not bad, but using it as a sauce or a sauce base, that is luxury. If you look, you’ll see the box of ginger snaps, a tray of wire terminals, my $1,610 Tiffany lamp, and my snoop alarm. Snoop alarm?
           Yes, at the right, hanging on a bead chain you can see a triangular [pyramid shaped] lead weight. See it? Just above the soup can. Anyone who messes with my desk electronics will set that to swinging and there is no way to stop it moving for the next five minutes. I can tell if anyone has had their mittens on my junk. One touch and you are busted!