Unless one is a total write-off, each day does have its high points, which I’m straining my brain to find about this one. Oh, I know. Ice cream. My prescription gives me the crave but not for the everyday flavors. I spotted “carrot cake”. Wow, it is the real thing. Now I wonder if carrot cake itself will ever taste as good. Recall our chat about how there are kids today who have never anything but artificial flavors? Well, according to a post in jimmyr, the average baby born today will be alive in 2100. Let me guess, and still paying off his student loan.
There’s some uproar over unlocking cell phones, which became illegal today. I was unaware it was even an issue. You buy the phone, it is yours. Not so. I am totally against these kind of laws because the only way to enforce them is to create an even larger network of public snooping with even more potential for abuse. I believe it should be illegal for anyone except the respective phone company to even know you have a phone unless you allow it. Unlocking a phone is not high tech, it mainly involves replacing the SIM chip with one that uses other carriers than the one specified on the phone contract. (Jailbreaking a phone is something different.)
I watched the Crackle version of “Joe Dirt”, a comedy about a kid searching for parents who left him at the Grand Canyon. It has a few new twists on this tired theme, but great scenes, old rock music, real cars, and hot shots of Brittany Daniels back when cutoffs made up for her lack of acting talent. Not a bad low-budget movie with Christopher Walken in the lineup.

This particular trailer is weightless and could be towed by the sidecar itself. What I would do is use this to tow the sidecar behind JP’s truck until we get to some destination, then I have my own transportation. On average, I go out to different places six times more than he. JP likes cable TV. That is not to be interpreted that JP stays home, it means he’s more likely to go to the same place all the time, whereas I prefer to be on the prowl.
Is there a form of life lower than real estate agents? I’ve studied DNA and nanotech when I ask that question. I had to revamp my algorithms thanks to the sudden rise of ignorance in Boca Raton. These places for sale mention in fine print you must also purchase an “equity membership”. I know I pointed this out a few months back, but now the listings are flooded with them. If you have to pay $30,000 or you can’t move in, then it is part of the price, you peckerheads. Same to those who advertise a mobile home without listing the lot rental.