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Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 6, 2013

           The superlative of the day, that rotating formula for this blog that keeps you coming back. That wonderful unpredictability that reassures the sane people of this world that we are not alone. Let’s see if you can guess what is supremely unusual about this photo. I had to wait for this shot, but I saw it coming. This just does not happen in Florida. Answer below.
           Then, breakfast at the Senor CafĂ©. The bakery was closed with a note on the door. I have the impression these are family-owned businesses where the family works, so they have my patronage. Yeah, I know about Nicki’s but the staff isn’t family. But either way, a decent breakfast in this town has skyrocketed to ten bucks. I’m not talking fancy, just casual dining ham and eggs. True, I could go fancier, but then I’d have to dress up and the next thing you know I’d be going to church.

           Another usual item was that this blog is repeatedly showing up on searches for pvc pipe bed frames. To my knowledge, the only time that topic was ever mentioned here was once at a thrift store in Colorado last summer. You can see this pattern by reading the list of terms included at the end of various posts, like today’s. A complete mystery is the kanoon musical instrument, which I don’t recall ever mentioning. Still, in a blog this size, one must accept a degree of repetition. As for remembering what I wrote, I repeat the Hunt brother’s defense.
           I have a new theory derived from trying to buy the PA system. The guy wants to sell it, but clearly lacks the aptitude to answer his phone. Convention says musicians are right-brained whereas intellectuals are the opposite. Insert joke here how guitarists can’t spell.
           My theory says the brain grows from the inside out. Think about it. The innermost, the cortex controls heartbeat, breathing, and explains why crocodiles and athletes have to bellow at the top of their lungs before they can get laid. You see where this is going.
           The curiously misunderstood next layer, where consciousness is just perceptible, there is your guitar player who switched to bass. He’ll never be a real bass player but he can sort of beat on a drum and, given time, find rap stations on the dial. Sort of. From your lower layers, continuing upward are guitar, vocalist, then by mid-brain you'll find bassists and classical pianists.

           And so on, upward until the highest brain level, where of course you’ll find Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. My theory remains incomplete until I figure out why those guys were not bass players. Nonetheless, somewhere in between there is a sweet spot where you’ll find that rare combination of a good bass player who can think, type, answer his phone, and on occasion come up with these cornflake theories.
           Bingo was disappointing, but it still picked up the [food] tab. I’m in the mood to read the entire Sunday paper, minus the sports and real estate sections. I’ll spend time but not waste it. There is a methodology to reading here. Phone off, windows open, all six fans aimed at the recliner. If you don’t get the fans just right, you will wear your newsprint instead of read it. That reminds me of a limerick I heard when I was eight.

           There once was a girl from St. Paul
           Who wore a newspaper dress to a ball
              The dress caught on fire
              And burned up her entire
           Front page, sports section, and all.

That went over so well, here is another favorite.

           Said Miguel to the gringo, "Senor,
           Eef I open thees here closet door,
              An' dee lady eenside,
              Ees my leetle lost bride,
           Then I theenk I mus' shoot you some more."

           That was quick. I read the entire Miami Herald in an hour. The only interesting item was the police pulled the old stand in front of a moving car trick to shoot two people dead. Then claim self-defense. But hold on, isn’t that the opposite of their stated policy of not acting on mere intention? They let the thief go in front of my house because they had no proof he had intention to steal my bicycle. You see, he had only hack-sawed through half the lock when we caught him. But I get it. When it is their bicycle, cops become mind-readers. I’d say there’s some controversy.
           The photo of the day? It shows a Florida gas station with all the pumps in use. Extremely rare shot, eight out of eight. And yes, we are quite aware the one fan photo shows part of the computer screen.

           Historical note. I am the guy that originally hacked Craigslist. I'm the one that could go right into their code and make it say what I wanted. Yes, I'm the one who invented (but did not program) the automatic-flagging systems, and was selling the IP addresses of chronic flaggers to their victims. At one time there were no commercial posts in the musicians section--me again. You're welcome.
           Craigslist devoted immense resources to finding counter-measures against what took me maybe five minutes to cook up. I am the reason you need a phone call to get an account these days. I did this because Buckmaster (Craigslist's programmer) gave the advantage to flaggers and would not level the playing field. So I levelled it for him. They spent a fortune converting to the script they use today. All I wanted them to do was limit the flagging to five per post. That is, only those who post can flag, and only five flags for each time they post. Seems reasonable.

           [Author's note 2016-01-06: for clarity, this photograph first appeared years ago, not today. I'm claiming to be the person who popularized it on the Internet.y. I had been looking at articles on magnetic theory when I saw this as part of what I thought was a Korean enactment aimed at schoolchildren. I believe I was first to publish this photo in Craigslist back in 2007. But I have nothing to back that up.]

           I was also the guy who redirected their flags to send my material to "Best of Craigslist". I'm the one who designed the fake screen where none of the buttons worked (I caught every last genius on the Broward musicians list with that one.) Or the one where you had to scroll down 1500 pages to find the return button. I described various methods of gang-flagging that some amateurs still use today. I finally left Craigslist alone after around 2009 as they became wearisome and unworthy opponents. I have previously complimented them on the depth and thoroughness of their defense.
           This photo was put here this morning as a temporary placeholder, but it generated 103 hits, so I'm leaving it. Did you know I'm the party who originally found and published a lot of the rant and rave photos considered standard today, such as this one? It's from the early days when it was relatively difficult to upload graphics. I called this photo, "They're back" but you can call it anything you want.

kanoon musical instrument; memphis bridge; pvc pipe loft bed; sex sosua; pvc bed frame; chicago pedal pub; homemade concession trailers; pipe bed frame; pvc bike trailer; piles of money; sosua women; bike; caffe;
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