The X-rays indicate I might not require shoulder surgery, which is a boon for me. It means no restraining sling and I’m anxious to move along. The Broward Hospital (in Ft. Lauderdale) is something else, with and electric grand piano playing itself in the foyer. Comfortable and modern, it comes across a user-friendly and I stopped to try the new McBites fish tots from their in-house MacD’s. Okay and tasty, but it was pollock which I find less flavorful than cod. I brought along my reading material, “Compulsion” by Kellerman, shown here. What? Yes, this is at the hospital. Why do you ask?

So, the LAPD has a rogue cop. Once I got convinced it was not a movie stunt, I sat back and enjoyed the chase. Enjoyed? Damn rights. It has been years since I viewed the cops as only law enforcement—the one thing they are legally empowered to do. But now they break the law to get a conviction (called "creative" law enforcement). They have progressively stuck their noses into more and more areas, much if it un-Constitutional. They rehearse military-like tactics which possess no possible crime prevention purpose. And now they act surprised when one of their own uses same against themselves.
Ask yourself, what is the largest number in any enduring criminal gang? Three? Maybe four? So why are police deploying armored cars, drones, tanks, and mass face-recognition technology? The police arrest mainly the lowly dealers, not narcotics importers and crooked bankers, so what’s with sophisticated mass weaponry? Something about this whole chase smacks of dirty-dealing. But whatever it is, the matter is internal and known only to themselves and Mel Gibson, so let the games begin.
From what I gather, the entire force is out looking for the guy because he did to them what they do to everybody else. The fact it was against the law is not that material by the sounds of things. They need to shut this guy up fast. So few are surprised that Dorner has the largest posted reward ever. This is one storey we truly want to hear the other side of.

Everyone loves the motorcycle. Chopper got me up singing, so I picked older country tunes that everybody knew. That was a wise move. Later, noting none of the women present projected availability, I got on the dance floor alone and did six basic steps of a Foxtrot. It worked, within moments, a lady got out there with me, walked into my arms and we brought down the house. Anyone whose taken lessons would recognize the way I was holding my arms and would also know exactly how to follow the right leads. She did. I thanked her. I sat down. Finished my beer. Went home. Another rule of mine says after a certain age, it is enough to know one could have scored.