Neville Chamberlain. What a total, livid ass-kisser! You can draw your own conclusions, but by the time I’d read a few thousand words, I dislike this guy. The one who gave Czechoslovakia to “Herr Hitler” and called everyone his “good friend and colleague” as they threw his sissified ass out the door. I see the parallels then to American politicians right now who want to please everyone. And those who dabble in such politics for self-glory.
I also read about the execution of General Dostler, a German commander in Italy. He ordered the execution of fifteen US soldiers on a sabotage mission. He was executed by firing squad despite the fact the Americans had been posing as Italians, which made them spies. Dostler was also following orders to execute commandos, issued by Hitler after five German prisoners at Dieppe were found shot with their hands tied behind their backs. (Apparently at least one of the tied-up POWs was shot when he began shouting warnings to other Germans hiding in a nearby hotel and two more tried to escape while tied up.) So much for justice.
But Turd of the Day Award goes to lawyer B. Fournier in Sarasota who’s opposing the anti-panhandling bylaw. Bob, whose friends call him “Robert”, maintains confronting people for free money is somehow protected by the Constitution. I challenge Fournier to publicly swear on a Bible that he personally and honestly believes in his own heart that the Founding Fathers wrote the Freedom of Speech clause to protect street beggars from vagrancy laws. Or shut his pie-hole.
Then, you get the ALCU stepping in with their nonsense, that the real issue is homelessness. (If so, ALCU, why don’t you buy them some homes instead wasting millions on your asinine lawsuits?) Now instead of the city council respecting the will of the majority, they have to start pretending it is a safety issue or contemplate fining the drivers who give donations. I advise Sarasota to emplace the laws anyway and accept the lawsuits, if any. Then drag it out so long, all the bums will have moved to New Jersey, and city council can claim tactical success.
Breakfast at the excellent "It Cafe" at Presidential circle. Still no silver left in town. I was returning from a silver buy empty-handed. No luck, the silver is gone. Am I the "41st buyer", the one who upset the entire supply and demand chain? The smallest commonly available silver bars left are ten ounces or more. The bigger price tag scares away the small operators, in which Broward is awash.
Ever get told "F*ck You" by an 88 year-old lady? I did this afternoon. Due to time constraints, I biked up to the McDonald's on US1 where the [cashier] lineup was not moving. Some old lady was having a conversation with the clerk.
So myself and several people stuck back, and I mean waaaaay back, in the lineup were making jokes about this. Nothing off-color, just to the effect that some people were a little unclear on the concept of "fast food". Oops, she heard us. She turned around have gave us (but particularly me) the two words. I said back to her if she knew she was holding up the line, she deserved what she got.
She handed me the crap, "I'm 88 years old, I guess I don't know anything."
Okay, a smart one, huh? I replied, "No, but your attitude explains to me why you are pushing 90 and still eating at McDonald's."
All I can remind the reader is that in my world being old or being stupid is not a disability. Oh, it is inconvenient as hell, you got me there. It certainly stops one from amounting to anything, but at this point allow me to suggest getting old without never having amounted to a damn thing in life is, if the truth were known, nothing but another, slower, creeping form of stupidity. Stupid does not get a break, never will. The old and the stupid, like every last one of us, remain responsible to conduct themselves in a manner that causes the least inconvenience to others. There are no exceptions to the life rule that states they cannot get away with doing as they please forever.
Wow. Is that controversial enough? It's the best I can do. I don't make this stuff up, you know.
And that attitude explains why I'm still eating at McDonalds. Well, that, or maybe it was just that my scooter is in the shop. Let's be fair here.
You will simply not believe how fast this guy is with a gun. You'll have to watch the whole video, but it is worth it. I thought for sure he shot off his foot.
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