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Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4, 2012

           There can be no doubt now that silver prices are being manipulated. This does not surprise anyone, and personally I was counting on it. You see me, the master pattern-spotter, is trying to detect any pattern. I have no intention of complaining or stopping the crime, only to get my share of the proceeds. It’s like a hobby with a potential payoff. Unlike 2008, coin dealers are not reporting stockouts, so the big money is still holding back.
           Here is a photo of a silver bar almost lost in the usual clutter of my work area. (Oddly, the desk is highly organized, what you see is my ability to work on several projects at once. But that is a secret.) Can you play Find Waldo and locate the bar of silver? If not, I’m holding it in the lower panel, which makes it easier. This is also proof of how much I trust silver “certificates”. Paper is paper. Kids, if you can’t hold the metal like I am, you do not own it.
           No, the bookshelf is not a security lapse. There are books of similar titles all over this place. I’m reading another mystery, but it is by [James] Patterson, meaning I can’t remember the title. Hey, don’t blame me, the way he rattles them off these days. Let the title be a mystery, too.
           See the work desk, I want you to see what I’m up to. I am no longer surprised at the high prices of electronic gear, while at the same time I do think there is price fixing going on at the component level. Everything is so subsidized these days you can’t prove anything. I have more often balked at prices than not, but experience counts a lot. For example, I no longer purchase fancy knobs for my projects. Instead, I save the caps off toothpaste tubes and small spray cans. And for a matching set, the tops of empty bingo markers.
           Next, I got on JP’s case to go to the dealership for quotes on the new truck. It’s been the family dealership for years and I think they may be distantly related or at least from the same country of origin. Either way, he got a dandy deal last time. Get that truck, I told him, let’s get out of Dodge. Find some hokey town with a Karaoke bar and we’ll be the Alpha males for a week. For decades to come, the women will whisper about us in legend. Or so I told him.
           By noon, I was again in the bakery with DeeDee. Like most Americans, it is only in the past few years she has begun to seriously worry about privacy and freedom. The primary concern is illegals costing the system billions. But white people won’t protest due to irrational fears of being labeled racists. Worse, such people are quick to call down anyone who does express concern. My take is that it is already too late for the meek because (stay with me here) politicians can only get elected by catering to blocs of minorities. Thus, minorities control the vote because no Anglo candidate can possibly possess the all the factors each group deems important.
           The media has glommed onto the story how MLK’s family has blocked a memorial from using his name. It makes sense when you follow the money. His legacy is a family business that wants to control 100% of any funds (read donations) in his name. Recently that family has been posturing for legal ownership of his public speeches and photographs as well. I could not find any details about what kind of salaries the family pays itself for administration of said foundation, but the word “pimp” comes to mind. Repeat after me, “We want controversy.”
           For the doubters, here is another shot of the scooter drive train, minus the kick starter. Can you see where I broke off the shaft? It is exactly dead center of this photo, between the two empty bold holes. This is an amazing photo considering this didn't happen until next Monday. The old muffler has proven unable to move the volumes of air put out by the 180cc motor, it is due to be replaced while I’m on holidays.