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Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 20, 2013

           Here is the place I’m looking at. The largest unit in the park. They are reluctant to sell it to me as it is well known I am looking to buy up in Boca. They want somebody long term since this court, like all in the area, is dying at precisely the same rate as the retired French Canadians. That front area is all parking, there is no room left for a yard as all the pads in this complex are the same size. And once again it seems of all the “offers” they’ve got, I’m the only one with the cash. More about this place below.
           We cannot get any readier for Sunday. I’m spending so much time [at home] on it that I’m getting cabin fever. Little things become important. Example. Why are those European loaves of bread so popular here in the trailer? Take a closer look at those small, round loaves. Now imagine the shape of that same loaf after it is run through the [rather noisy] slicing machine. Picture in your mind’s eye the pattern. Got it? Okay. The smaller end cuts are perfect for the eentsiest snack; while the center slices are ideal for the late night half-sandwich, and you can slap my back for that keen observation.
           I’ve put the word out for the Sunday benefit and I think a lot of my fan club may show up. They’ve never seen me except in my own band so this is a first. Alaine is driving up from Miami and I know my duet partner will be there. This new band is great on vocals, so I’m made curious why the set list they made up features so much guitar music. It’s not unusual to see that but I don’t think it is the band’s strongest material.
           Silver took a dive, heading for that predicted low of $19. What is going on? My guess is panic selling, let me elaborate on how that highly underrated factor works. It is not like somebody has a ton of silver buried and decides it will irretrievably fall in value. What is far more likely is some idiot bought it recently banking it would go up. That is the difference between the rich and the poor. The rich know how to protect their investments. The poor continually have “emergencies” that require every last cent they can lay their grimy paws on.
           When I said underrated (last paragraph) I mean that panic is a major influence on price that gets overlooked by those who study the topic. I can read a chart or graph as easy as the next guy, but the largest single power on the market is the gullibility and short-sightedness of the masses. A few billionaires don’t drive the economy anything like Joe Shmoe with his half-baked whims and bad instincts. The price is falling simply because people who bought at $21 thinking it would climb back to $31 are panic selling exactly one month later. For emergencies. Here are 17 brand new ounces I picked up at the lowest price yet. It’s been nearly a quarter [year] since that quantity of one-ounce bars has been available in this town.
           Upon very close inspection, the new larger mobile home I was looking at has major problems. The floor has been patched under the carpeting, spelling termite damage. The water doesn’t run in the tub, plumbing issues. No air in the huge dining and living rooms and no place to cut a hole in the wall. But the bedrooms are huge, almost too big. Sixteen foot on a side, with walk-in closets. Inside, everything is full size, no impression of living in a trailer. I will have to think about this one. Give it a week, see if somebody else bites and if not, throw in a low-ball offer.