This is one of the most horrible pictures of me ever taken. Read the blog and I’ll even tell you where this is. This photo makes me look fat, so I left it in. Fact is, well two facts actually, all my extra weight is midsection, which can barely be seen here, and I have not aged a day since my heart attack ten years ago. If anything, I may look younger. And my billowing summer clothes are the second fact. One more contributing factor is my white hair, which I usually darken but not for some time now. Why bother? And my hunched-over posture? I was born this way and it is just unfortunate that stooping is associated with the elderly. Compare with y’day’s picture.
[Author's note: that last passage is a difficult read. What I'm saying is most of the extra weight I've put on is around my waste and this photo is not as bad as it could be. My photos from ten years ago show me in the condition I got out of the hospital and I literally looked much old than I do now. But the climb back to health isn't easy nor will it ever be complete. I don't know why I worded it so oddly, but the original version stands as it was when originally posted. That is one terrible picture.]
Another problem is they are part of the Meet Up web outfit which has an atrocious track record for respecting privacy. I’m not a member and by the ads they email me, they’ve already profiled me by which clubs I’ve even looked at. Is that a secret? No, but once I discover a hidden agenda, it becomes one.
The usual Monday of checking the stats and updating the books. We my see some travel yet, if only to Naples for the day. I don’t follow a pattern with the stats except for the essentials like real estate, silver, and inflation. One figure I’d like to see is the percentage of men, such as myself, who join dating clubs hoping to meet a higher caliber of woman. I have now tried the free clubs and the expensive clubs and found no difference. The women remain generally the dweebs, the leftovers who want to be formally invited to do everything.
Yes, the charming high-IQ [dating] outfit I joined shows that even the most qualified of women lack the confidence to pick the guy they want. To me this smacks of a woeful shortcoming which may go a long way to explaining why the majority of their ads run for years when it should be merely days before they get picked. Women with PhDs will not show the slightest initiative. I suspect it has to do with maintaining that vague psychological edge of retaining the right of first refusal.
Seriously, most of these women are never going to get a date unless they grow some kind of spine. Imagine the situation they put themselves in: a lady with a post-grad who doesn't have the "balls" to walk over and introduce herself in person. Result? Loneliness.
I met a gal at Karaoke last Friday, let me give you some details. She was over 40, slightly plump, bobbed hair, sitting alone at the bar. She was plain-looking but somewhat dolled up, I noticed her but did not get any vibes back my way. Well I did, but not come-hither, more like buy-me-something before we talk. Gold-digging. None of the hustlers were present, so she’s not going to get any free drinks type of thing. She was by herself, but (I’ve mentioned previously that Jimbos is the kind of place it is fairly safe women to go alone.)
I’d have hit on her but not cold, meaning I want at least a smile before I move in. Nope. So maybe I’m not her type, I’m okay with that. But still, let’s take a look at my “written invitation”. As soon as I walk in, Scotty and I are talking electronics and history, the Karaoke starts and I’m the first one up by request. I ace five songs in a row since no other singers are present. And that is also where I did the a capella tune when the Karaoke amp went on the fritz. I had the room rocking with my favorites, and even held the mic up to see if she’d help me out on a chorus. Again nope. Not a flicker.
My conclusion is that she must meet so many dynamic, popular, easy-going, friendly, talented men who put on a good show that she can reject the ones with blue eyes. I have no idea where she would be meeting great numbers of such, but that’s the most plausible explanation. So, where would a lady looking for such a man find one tonight?
Well, at the grocery store. The one in Aventura that serves free coffee. During the treacherous Wallace-Theresa Siege of 2010, I quickly learned where I could land on a budget and I still go there, especially when the bakery is closed and I need supplies. Grab a newspaper, I take my own coffee creamers along (which I bought there). I would probably wind up dating any woman that walked over to me in that place and said, “Hi.” She’d likely get a fifty buck dinner out of me for nothing. Open to new, single, attractive members only, of course.
You meet idiots in this world, but then there are idiots beyond belief. Upon watching a video about sending humans to Mars, I found the idiot of the decade. Senator Sam Brownback from Kansas, ugly hair transplant and all. The guy listens to an engineer who maintains (as I do) that thirty years has been wasted and the American public feels betrayed by NASA. And all Brownback has to contribute is to point out the engineer is “mad” about the delay. Wow, how perceptive Brownback. How relevant. People like you are the disgusting pinnacle of the time-wasting uneducated politician. You may have degrees, but you are as uneducated as they come.
And don’t be placating us with the Bush commitment about the moon by 2020. He did not say the government would return Americans. He said “humans”. And the program was cancelled in 2010. People saying the money was needed for other problems. As has been pointed out, Spain in 1492 had “other problems” than exploring and despite discovering untold wealth, Spain has the identical problems today. Sloth and stupidity cannot be cured by any amount of free money, so it is fine with me should all the liberal humanists hang it up.
Myself I pray I live long enough to witness a manned landing on Mars. To me, colonizing the place is not a question. I’ve seen personally small and large scale proof that it is better for mankind to move onward into new environments than to squander inestimable resources trying to “fix” those who will not help themselves. I’m not talking about a man who’s missing an arm or a leg here, so don’t get teary-eyed on me. We are talking about Mars, another planet.
A planet that right now has no religion, no armies, no politicians. But when you think about it, there are also no druggies, no welfare cases, and no queers either. If mankind has the wisdom, we’ll make sure none of them get there. And should any arise indigenously, there is always a rocket ship back to wherever they came from. Sorry if anyone is offended, but the types mentioned above have one thing in common. They cannot thrive, they cannot find happiness, without constantly pestering others. And that’s something we really don’t want on Mars.
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