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Friday, July 12, 2013

July 13, 2013

           Today another random list of the day’s events. Some of it based on what I know to be crowd-pleasers that get people here and reading, and I’m bent that way. Never hand me a microphone in a room full of unentertained people, either. But other than work stuff, which exhausted me, bingo was the only break today. And the crowd was tiny due to intense rainstorms. For example, the turnout was so small the first game’s pot was only $13, the smallest ever for regular games. (“All righty folks, we have 13 in the kitty. Plug in yer chargers for game one. Again 13 bucks. That’s a month’s supply of, … of, … something.”)
           Shown here I’m suited up for a ride on the batbike, though I’ve used this gear on both the scooter and eBike. The rain is exceptional and that disappoints me as all my transportation is designed for fair weather. I didn’t appreciate having to pull into this gas station and wait out the downpour. (This photo has not been shopped, but it somehow makes me look taller and thinner than I really am. It is so misleading I’m tempted to use it in my dating profile.)
           The eBike is back, but no cartwheels yet. I have not tested it and the damage was extensive. The red scooter is over at Miguel’s for a muffler job, still the same problem as years ago. When some thieves stole my muffler bolt (two years ago), every repair or replacement has eventually worked its way loose. Other than welding a custom bracket to the scooter frame, there is no permanent fix. This is why, folks, you need three vehicles to not get stranded. Actually, it is more like a situation where two’s not enough and three’s too many.
           By trading computer time for repairs, I was able to get everything (so far) done for $140 bucks. Face it, computer users these days, particularly the younger ones, are a truly different type of consumer. They seem to accept and sometimes encourage all the wrong things. Spying, adware, false advertising, malware, bad code, hijackers, bait and switch, it is past the point where legitimate business on the Internet can even compete. Miguel’s computer had 2800+ trackers and spyware on his laptop, yet none of the (three) teenagers in the house said there was a thing wrong. The top third of his screen was useless toolbars, but all those whiz kids said that was normal.
           Don’t worry, they shut up fast when I began deleting the junk by the batchload. By mid-afternoon, I was at the eBike place waiting out the rain. Is anyone here unaware of my total dislike of most Florida guitar players? Then you just got here, because they are a pack of the worst braindead egomaniacs and mental cases on the planet. I wasted a half-hour talking to another one, I should have known. I got his number from the bicycle shop.

           His name is Anton, he’s in his fifties. When he first got on the phone, he said he did not play guitar, that he was a bass player. Right there, I knew he was lying, but I went along (I know all the bass players in this town). What was he doing musically, I asked? Starting an Allman Brothers Tribute and tells me he’s got a Marshall amp. Duh. (Who else but a guitar player would talk shit like an Allman’s band or think anyone gives a damn about his brand of amplifier.) So I explained what I had to offer and he finally says he can play guitar after all.
           Standard offer, we exchange song lists and each pick five of the OTHER guy’s tunes, we meet up and rehearse them. Anton focuses on where we will rehearse, I say anywhere is fine. Nope, he latches on to “where is rehearsal”, a question I can’t answer until I know he’ll learn those five songs. Says he can’t “rehearse” without a hall to see how he sounds. I told him he could rent one, but we would not likely be playing any halls. No, he wants me to rent one for him. What the actual fk? I told him he was being unreasonable and hung up.
           Sure enough, he is living in a studio apartment paid for by his mother [and he] with no job except cleaning her house in Dania Beach. How do these people even hold themselves out to be prospective band members when they can’t wipe their own asses? I’m not a fan of crazy people either. This guy was nuts, but not so much that he didn’t know it. Those are the worst kinds. It was worth a shot even though I know quite well there are no guitarists in this part of the world who make the grade or even seriously want to try. But not that loser, for sure.
           Aside, I’m not an Allman fan. They are a guitar band with a few hits, one of which I can name. “Ramblin’ Man”, but only because it has an identical theme to an earlier Hank Williams tune. They do great guitar work, if you are into listening, I’m not. I’d recognize parts of their other songs, but I’ve never bought one or paid for one on the juke box.

           So, the French have ordered Twitter to turn over the identities anti-Jewish tweeters. Goes to show you two things. A) Some people are stupid enough to give Twitter their real names, and B) the Jews didn’t actually complain, instead they filed a $50 million law suit. I’m going to let you, the reader, add that one up on your own.
           Looking for a job on-line? You and 1,399 others for each ad that is posted there. That’s the average number of hits and I’m not sure how to interpret that. Does it mean the Internet reaches a wider audience, or that available jobs become so undemanding that anybody anywhere is a candidate?
           That's the day. I now conclude this generic Saturday something-for-everybody post and hope you found parts of it informative, or controversial, or plain interesting. Because I’m so bagged I’m sleeping till noon tomorrow. Do not knock on my door. And may you bingo-out on the big O-69 of life.

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