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Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10, 2013

           First, the unusual events of the morning. That’s unusual in the sense only that they don’t happen every morning. JZ is out of commission, I wonder if it really is just the flu this time. Why the sudden upsurge in blog visits to my posting from Golden, Colorado around this time last year? It’s not been twittered [posted on Twitter], but I’m showing up to 64 times the usual number of visits [from that source]. That post is where I reported a friend got mugged overseas, which is a common Internet scam except that I know the person involved. I wonder what's going on? (Rhetorical question, somebody reposted or linked my material.)
           Here is my shopping basket. Guess what the highest calorie item is. My big toe. Seriously, it is the corn on the cob, with something like 115 calories per ear. These days, that is my junk food. Today I strayed from the diet and had an apple three hours early. I like to live dangerously.
           And who knows when England will produce another Beatles? It won’t be [the band] One Direction, which I thought was an Irish group but only one guy is from there. I was listening to their hits trying to find something to play but alas, this band does not play any instruments. Except the cow bell. They are vocalist, not musicians. I can’t figure their popularity since their music is kind of soft pop, like Michael Jackson easy-listening disco. Unfortunately I suppose, my ear cannot detect five part harmony. Not even four most of the time. But I envy what these kids are doing. Plus, they’ve got the right attitude to deal with success, Justin.

           Here’s my dedication to another unsung group of idiots. Those who design a soldering iron without an off-on switch on the handle. So you have to reach over your workbench and unplug the thing or to get at the supply box. And why no timeout feature? Yes, I’ve left my soldering iron on overnight by mistake. I’d buy something that worked right if it was available. How about soldering iron that chirps after ten minutes of non-use, asking you to turn it off or refresh the timer? Or is that too extreme for them engineer types?
           At bingo, I coined a new phrase for men who marry famous women, in this case, Rodney Crowell. Mr. Roseanne Cash. Get it? The Moose crowd was back so this will be a fun weekend yet, though nothing like the old days. I’m about to donate my old TV to the Bonanza fans at Jimbos. It’s been sitting on the porch since I moved in here. I just cannot change myself to watch that thing. JZ is shelling out for one of those new converters that pick up only free channels so I’ll wait to see how that works. Even then, I’d get a flat screen, so this big TV is out of here.
           This busy picture is for the amateur sleuths in the audience. While the subject is the TV, this picture contains something that I’ve learned to be cautious about: reflections. Was this photo taken in the morning or afternoon? There are three vehicles discernable. Things to look for include the now trimmed back cactus and my birdbath. Except for a couple of bad stretches, it has not been that bad of a summer so far, note the shrubberies are doing fine. Even if now until October are brutal, I’ve decided against replacing the AC units this year. Just wait it out and a caution to others, do not visit Florida in the summertime.

           Time to time, I like to check the seniority list of my old job at the phone place. You can tell by employee number who is still there. Things are not looking so great over there for the wage slaves. Every person hired in my era is gone, most of whom laughed when I took the buyout package. Well guys, I haven’t heard you bragging about your expensive houses ever since you started working at mall security on graveyard shift. You criticized anyone who thought for themselves and gee, now you have a job where thinking is not required. Or for that matter, allowed.
           Let me add a few words on those imbeciles. Instead of just doing their job, they were always on about creating an interdependent work place. Their attitude was that every free thinker (like myself) was spoiling their imagined harmony. Not me, I knew before I got there how much I could rely on that pack and in the end, they all learned the same lesson the hard way. When the scrunch came, it was like I said: every man for himself. Except, I had not wasted my time playing their game, so I left with everything I ever earned there. Plus more than $100,000 to spare. And that was real money back then.

           My Nikon camera has got to go. There are just too many things wrong with the way it operates. I bought it because I remember hearing good reviews about their products, but I am not pleased with this unit. Worst features include it resets itself to defaults every time you turn it off. For me, that means having to turn off the flash every time I use it. There is something cheesy about the sensors, they will not take a consistent set of photos in the same spot day after day, that is, some turn out dark, light, orange-colored or grainy despite being aimed at the same wall from the same tripod.
           The scooter is also due for replacement. It’s showing signs of age, little rattles under the panels, new parts don’t totally restore performance, plastic parts are worn, stuff like that. It’s running fine for now, but in the past year, I’ve sunk $740 into keeping it that way. To cheer up, I’ll look at it another way. If everybody’s net worth was considered, the scooter cost me nothing. I said net worth, meaning the number left when assets are subtracted from liabilities. I’m one of the few Americans (or Canadians) with a positive net worth. I may not be a millionaire, but I’m doing better than 95%. If that bugs anyone when I say it, let me rub it in a little more. Not only do I have considerably more money than I owe in the world, I have more cash money right now than I owe in the entire world. Bwaaaa-ha-ha-ha!

           Aside to readers, this blog is NOT, repeat NOT associated with any other blogs that I do not publish. This includes links to blogs selling books and that depressing blog about the pink slippers. Dat broad is a head case. And Fox17, a reminder this material is copyrighted. A further aside to all you dorks who put ads on your video posts. You are undoubtedly equally annoying in real life. You want money? Go get a damn job.

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