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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 20, 2013

           I can’t make Zumba class tonight. How I hate to miss an all-girl class (all-girl meaning except for me, but only a total dumbfeck would interpret that any other way). My leg won’t make it and I’ve got plenty of exercise on the camper trailer today. I wired it, then rewired it, then drilled new holes and wired it again. I didn’t like the original design which ran exposed wires along the frame. This is just the marker/brake/signal wiring I’m on, enough to make it street legal. The camper wiring itself is going to be an entire separate circuit except where it ties into the power supply.
           Here is a blurry Nikon-grade photo of the conduit being installed. I don’t trust exposed automotive wiring, never have. I then commenced to break three drill bits making holes for the chassis ground. The LED kit doesn’t use the same system so I’ve got to get through to bare metal at five different locations. The happy news is I put in a six hour day. That explains why you get such a steady diet of trailer news.
           Turns out the trailer has to be registered. The law is confusing but unless it meets all of a list of seemingly conflicting requirements, haul out your money and be on the safe side. At least there is no lame two-day “trailer course” to listen to some professional talker tell you not to go over 45 mph, $300 please. This adds to the incentive of keeping the trailer minimal and small, as it still qualifies as a utility model. I need this trailer to travel to Seattle in the near future. Without it, I will waste twice the money on motels.
           I just talked to the west coast and have a place to park the trailer and stay for a month any time I want to make the trip. And yes, I want to go back there more than just about anything. I was on the phone for an hour to find out many, many things have gone wrong for a lot of people I’ve known over the years. Mostly financial, people getting whipped silly by foreclosures, debt, divorces, type of thing. It’s sad because these are my people, not prone to taking chances and not into making big mistakes. We are talking ordinary, prudent folk; I don’t know anyone into drugs, prison, or Ponzi schemes.
           That does it, I will never own another Nikon. Good money wasted on a piece of junk that will not take consistent pictures. I fixed a bracket to the kitchen wall to take pictures of my diet progress. Turn the camera on, set it on 10 second timer, take the photo. What could be simpler? Nikon managed to even screw that up. Some too light, some too dark, some out of focus (come on Nikon, how the hell do you manage that with a permanent focus lens). But the worst feature is that damn automatic flash. It comes back every time you turn on the camera. It then proceeds to charge itself, eating your batteries, while you wait ten to fifteen seconds (you have no choice when this happens because the thing locks up). You’ve just missed your shot. Up yours, Nikon. You do NOT build an “automatic” camera with any features that cannot be disabled or permanently overridden. Now I have to spend another hundred bucks.
           Office Depot cannot part with the display bracket for the GPS. Here is what it looks like, front and back shown here. It is the only sensible arrangement for this unit to be attached to a motorcycle. The flimsy dash disk works itself loose and is subject to dust and moisture. If you examine the back view, you can see why I was partial to using this bolt-down bracket. But no way can the Office place part with this, despite the fact they have several, so I’ll design my own.
           Back to the wagon trailer, but not the work progress. The overall length of the whole trailer is 84 inches, of which 68 or 69 is useful space. I’ve decided to go with a box instead of a crate (recall the difference?) but use interior stakes to secure the structure to the wagon bed. When hauled in a straight line, the batbike and trailer combination is just under 15 feet in length. This is handy but one must always remember to park where possible to get underway again without pushing the combined units in reverse. Don’t worry, I learned long ago to back up a trailer in a straight line only. I’m no semi driver and don’t need to get fancy.
           Why the sudden interest in this blog from Russia? I supply a good cross-section of information on topics other than cats and sports, this is true. Maybe because this blog isn’t a forum for queer issues and from what I hear, other countries get that impression about most American sites. I will never refer to “gay marriage” as if it is a major political issue on everyone’s mind, got that JimmyR? I will never write about AIDS as if it is in the same league as cancer for needing a cure. Or try to deny that it carries a terrible stigma for the way it is spread. Russians like the facts, maybe? I’m not against queers. I am against minorities with their self-interest issues who will not STFU and leave other people alone.
           Don't be concerned that you are the only one who finds these loud-mouth minority gangs obnoxious. Here is a recent headline from the international media:

           Damn. How about that. Somehow the headline has been blocked from uploading by this blog. I must find out how they did that. It is a headline that states Russia will arrest openly gay tourists. Not all gay tourists, only the openly gay ones. Big difference. I'll publish a copy of the headline as soon as I figure out the workaround.