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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27, 2013

           Would you look at how cheap some things are getting. No, not the $2 scribbler and not Taylor. So what’s cheap, if you have not already noticed? Yep, the wire binding. It no longer goes down the whole spline. Just top an bottom as shown here, and that is where the inside pages are punched, as well. What’s that you say? Taylor is getting cheap? That’s not true, she is not any cheaper now than the day she got started. Ha, that was well-put.
           Actually, I like Taylor Swift. Even if she doesn't pick me, she still has more of a brain on her shoulders than her contemporaries. She's dumping these pretty boys left and right. Oh, some of you are saying she is too young. Um, folks, there is a double standard at work here. I say she's finding out that fame and talent are not the formula for meeting a decent partner. In fact, being on stage means you meet more of the bad ones.
           So, plainly her only best hope is to team up with me. In a band I mean, anything else is extra. Whe still has to find out that money isn’t everything. I’ll give her till she’s 24. That’s another three months. After that she leagues up with Britney Spears and the celebrity pregnancy gang, just you wait and see. Her and that Disney answer to Miss Piggy, Miley Cyrus with the red panties. Aging gracefully is a lost art, except for me, I mean.
           Well, extra coats of paint are paid for. I got a callout this morning and it was one of those shutdowns triggered by a visit to the wrong site. It is probably a virus but this one sounds like something more serious. I won’t detail it, but let me just say that the FBI does not put flash warnings on your computer screen. Nonetheless, I can’t warn people enough time not to put any of your personal information on a computer. Ever.
           (Facebook just admitted today it “only” gives the government people’s names when they ask. Well, let me ask in turn how in hell did Facebook get your name to give it away? Oh, I see. That was pretty stupid, so don’t compound the stupidity by claiming there was no warning. Read on to find out why how the authorities know you didn't just visit a particular "once and by accident" by carefully selecting who they will investigate.)
           How many times I gotta tell you that the law changes and computers are reaching ever further into the long ago. You do not know what will become illegal in the future, and when it does I will laugh at you people who will have a pre-existing lengthy past usage history on file for the authorities to target. They will pick the easy suckers first, it is how they do business. I’ve originally stated before it is a fool who gives up any right to privacy because he isn’t using it at the moment. And he’s worse than a fool because he gives it up for his neighbor as well. I think I’ll buy the best paint available, afterall, it is being paid for by trusting souls who are SOOOooooo much smarter and better adjusted than me that they don't have to listen.
           It says here [in the Herald] to be able to rent the average house in S. Florida, one needs to make $49,000 per year. That’s one of the first things I ever noticed when I moved here. As I put it, the difference between renting and owning is only $100 per month. That was then, for as I predicted when I bought this place, rents have doubled since 2003 and about to get a lot worse. Myself, I pay less rent now than I did thirty years ago. (Buying a house ties you down, so I rent when I move.)

           Gee, if there isn’t an article in Bloomberg’s pertaining to student loan concerns I expressed more than thirty years ago. The article is titled something else and you’ll have to go to about two-thirds down the page to find the similarity to which I refer. But it’s nice to now somebody finally drew the same conclusions. I worded it differently, that the loan, if you were poor, was only enough for tuition, books, and a bus pass. You had to rent a hovel, basically, and I did. Every penny saved on rent was spent on food.
           But the rich kids would use the loans to buy houses and cars. The rent they declared on the loan was really house payments (they “rented” from their parents, who put up the down payment). When they graduated, they owned valuable real estate. The system is a giveaway to the rich. I never did borrow more than half the maximum, while all the rich kids on campus took every cent they could get every year. It was not uncommon back then to find an adult student (pushing 30) who was $50,000 in debt.
           When they graduated, they flipped the property for $100,000 profit, paid off the loan and were miles ahead of the rest of us who had to use the loans to go to school. The same barbs exist today, but the quality of education these days is so disgusting it is doubtful they could pay off the loans even with a decent job.
           Standards are to low even a dumb ass can get a degree. There is no time limit, like in my day, you had eight years maximum to get a Bachelors. It is the general quality of education that has sunk out of sight. Where most grads now cannot spell, in my day you could not even get away with sloppy handwriting. If these children are the future, will they ever succeed in placing a man on Earth?

           Later, and this pertains to the callout mentioned above. Man, that new Russian virus is nasty. It displays a screen that locks the keyboard and mouse out so you can’t even go hunting for it. There is a way in safe mode, but don’t go there unless you know what you’re doing. The virus is caught from porno sites that display a message that you must click to view videos and a lot of people fall for that. It then displays a message that the user has been caught viewing kiddie porn. It looks official. The giveaway is at the bottom, where it says upon payment of $300, blah, blah. Folks, the FBI does not take PayPal.
           Even later. Here is the beautiful blue $60 per gallon undercoat going onto the wagon base. What, I’m using Glidden industrial to paint the bottom of my trailer? Yep, and I got it so cheap I painted all the other lumber for the project already. And it gets another two coats before I even inspect the wood again. Now this paint covers well, I’ll have enough to do the entire camper inside and out, several coats thick. This was a customer return, what I sarcastically call “used paint”.
           The final color of the camper is intended to be black to match the batbike. I may leave the interior this particular blue, which is relaxing and gives the illusion of more space. The little white dots you see near the edges are recess holes for the trailer bed bolt heads. The notches match up where the side stakes go to hold the box in place.
           Hey, that was Ray-B on the phone just now. He pulled the pin on this town and took a job on the cruise ships in Hawaii. I always wanted to do that but I’m not a solo performer. He doesn’t like having to hot-bunk and quickly noticed on a boat only the best looking officers get the women, but other than that he’s where I was at nearly the same age. Making a little money while living cheaply is a far better deal than busting yer ass for a living. He maintains my guitar playing is good enough, but I am not convinced about that.
           He’s decided to get rid of all his accumulations and travel light. Good plan, in my books. I have to smile because I know the transition he is about to go through. I quit the phone company at much the same age for much the same reasons. It got to be a daily grind that went nowhere. I’d rather live in a hollow log, the song goes. He also noticed the rate of pay they quote you, usually $2500 monthly, works out to less than half that after “deductions”. You get all the food you want, so it is all spending money.
           Congratulations, Ray-B. Hope you get all the things I didn’t.

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