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Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 29, 2013

           The wagon makes front and center today again. Here you see it propped up against my shed with the PVC electrical conduits showing. This also demonstrates how light the trailer is that I can maneuver it around myself like so. I’ve run into the metalworker’s infinite loop. Unless one has a 90 degree jig, it is tough to get these things square. Each time I measure and tighten, I’m a full half-inch out. I finally stopped at dusk. Tomorrow we tackle that again. It has to be within an eighth-inch. I’m going to put some extra triangular bracing on the underside. You can see one of the struts leaning up near the tire on the left.
           I listen to the radio when I’m working. Let me qualify that. In Florida I listen, since that’s where I’d be doing such work and the grind is that the commercials here are so repetitive. Each station only has five or six sponsors and their ads get really annoying. Cars with no payments until you are 65, then they take your house. Or the restaurants offering meals at the huge discount of $26 per person, so take advantage now. Spend your weekly food budget now. I took a sixteen mile bike ride for the exercise and that’s how come I know so much of the gossip that’s coming up next.
           Eddie must be back in town, since I saw Michelle at the club. Going in for a diet soda, you get to see everyone who is pie-eyed before noon. I just found out it was Eddie that fired me and not the other way around. Or maybe I already knew that and forgot it as if it never happened. Oh no, does that mean all the places I’ve played since 2009, I was fired? Do I have to give all the money back? Because we know Eddie hasn’t played any gigs and I must have took all the work away. When will I learn to listen? I also heard it was Eddie taught me how to sing. All the more amazing since he has not yet taught himself the same trick.
           Yep, you know who I would honestly like to find passed out in a dark alley? The asshole who programmed youTube to come blasting on if you ever have to restart your computer or you back out of a link. That bastard needs to suffer. Badly. And it is not true that men don’t understand how women think. Most men don’t understand it because they’ve forgotten what it was like to be eight years old. Like Al Bundy says, women understand women and that is why they hate each other.
           Feeling wide awake, I finally watched “In Search Of The Castaways”, a Disney movie from, well, back when Disney still knew how to make a movie. So, it only took me fifty years to get around to the most influential movie of my life. Don’t read that wrong, I’m not a big movie person, although I do like a good first-run in an air conditioned theater. I must have mentioned this particular movie, however. We lived a hundred miles from the only theater that was showing it. The Fowlers, who ran the telegraph office, drove their kids in the car to see the movie. When I saw that happen, I knew I was on my own.
           What’s this, Rolf Harris, the “Tie Me Kangaroo Down” guy has been arrested for sex with minors? Where were the parents? The State should not be involved with who does what with whom. What gets me is these alleged crimes took place over 30 years ago. It is my general understanding the age of consent was 14 back then, and the alleged victims were older than that at the time. I say not guilty via Statute of Limitations and that this is just another show trial in an era of celebrity busts. I view the media reporting this type of incident to be the natural envy of newspaper types toward real stars. It’s another warning to those who think they have nothing to hide. Neither did Rolf in 1980.

           Blog rules say I must report my diet experience to date. My injections ended four days ago and they served one major purpose—to get me used to a starvation rations without undue agony. Now that they are finished I’m experiencing the full brunt of real hunger. I’ve lost 10.19% of my weight. Every molecule of it was from accumulated triglycerides and I report to you first hand this is not fun. I’ve also lost 5” off my waist and must again wear a belt or my trousers fall off. That's around the house, I mean, to any reporters. That is one of the few encouraging signs as I can go up to week without any weight loss while still feeling the impact of those missing calories.
           Psychological or not, the withdrawal from food is not for the half-committed. What I feel every waking moment, my friends, is specifically why most diets fail. It is a dizzying and soul-weakening slow grind, you must fall asleep and wake up hungry. Not one scrap of extra food is allowed and yes, the stories you hear of your system adapting by fighting back are 100% true. A less mentioned factor is the energy that appears sapped by hunger—that is an illusion, but one that you nonetheless must fight. You feel that you cannot go on, if you drop your pencil, you don’t think you can pick it up.
           But you can. It makes you light-headed but only momentarily. You find the energy is there, lots of it. The lesson has to be re-learned every day and if you do it early, you fill the day with activities, which gives you the satisfaction of knowing you must be burning the right energy up. It is one of the few pleasures of a real diet. All my tools, hinges, sliding doors, gears, motors, fan shafts, and drawer glides are freshly oiled. Most metal objects are shiny as new. All lights are replaced with energy bulbs and matched to room size.