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Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013

           It’s early so you may get two versions of events today, before and after. It’s laundry day and the coin op is directly across from Dunkin Donuts. The one I don’t like when the bakery is open. It seems to draw the wrong crowd and today the police were checking out the, ahem, ladies who take their coffee on the outside patio. Which is open to the street shall we say, whispering distance away. I gotta get up to Boca Raton, I’m telling you.
           This is why tourists dislike Ft. Lauderdale. The parking is horrendous. I had to read these signs and look at my watch five times before deciding it was okay to leave my wheels here. And this is across from the science museum. See the trailer hitch on the batbike? I’ve removed the passenger seat for more cargo space. Not many riders since I dumped Estelle, who by the way has disappeared again. Odd lady.
           The Honda has a design defect, there is no dipstick on the oil cap. I keep forgetting to ask my mechanic how one checks the oil. When the cap is removed, there is a metal plate right beneath it, so you can’t use a dipstick anyway. Speaking of defects, I mentioned the New York lady y’day. I read her profile and she really is a PhD. She has decided since I drive a motorcycle, I’m either immature or in my second childhood. I see her ad has been there for six years. I confess, I am egging her on. I specifically checked the site box that says I prefer no responses to any negative responses. Can’t she read?
           Turbofan jets. I’m reading up on these things. The general principles I mean, I don’t easily learn mechanical things although I can become an expert operator. These are jet engines that allow cooler, slower air to flow around the combustion chamber and surround the hot exhaust leaving the rear of the jet. Somehow, this increases the thrust. Now that, I cannot figure out. Newton says the output of a jet will be proportional to the difference in temperatures of the gasses involved, so can anyone explain to me how this bypass concept works? Right now the only thing that makes sense to me is if the turbine fan blades work like a propeller. That makes it a turboprop.
           Later, it was not slated to be reported today, but I’m back from another vein surgery. This one hurts and won’t go away. Painkillers? No thanks. This is the operation that re-routes my blood via less-used leg paths as my heart can’t keep up with anything larger. My doc is doing his best yet several more sessions are needed. His assistant gal is totally good-looking, and I mean gorgeous. Do you think I should tell her about that? I mean, in case she doesn’t know?
           The trip there and back was on the batbike and that has drawn concerns. The oil light is winking and that does not happen on a Honda. I rumbled down I-95 to I-585 over to the sticks, and came back at 85 mph without incident. What? Everybody else was doing 90. I stopped and Jimbos to keep things on an even keel and stayed for three hours. My operation was an hour late and after that amount of time in a waiting room, you will need a break. I mean, Sports Illustrated and Diabetic Digest.
           You've caught me off guard, we'll play catch-up in the morrow. Check back when I feel better. Thanks.