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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013

           Here is the new “5 Channel” mixer which I got for half-price. I dislike these things because they are really three channels and lack an on-board power supply. But for the price, I have to try it. This is not powered, meaning I still need to hook it to an amplifier to drive a set of speakers. Consider this bingo money well-spent. Part of the planning for my new act involves avoiding anything too high-tech. You be careful these days, a lot of seemingly bargain equipment has to be hooked to an expensive laptop before it will work. Don’t get fooled on that one.
           The fun part was rigging this gizmo up and doing a quick trial run. It will work, but I was reminded of how third world Florida is. The primary ingredient of third world is that everything is micky-moused. Nothing is done up to standard because every person that got there before you cheaped out. In time this causes the entire system to degenerate to the point where only a minimally functional retard can exist without undue problems. And retards are one thing in plentiful supply in Florida.
           Sure signs of third world mentalities are the built-in obstacles to trying anything new or different, as I experience testing the mixer. Everything you try to do throws something else out of kilter. Everything you move out of your way just gets in the way of something else. The attitude of people who cheap out that way amazes me because none of them ever get rich. Yet, they continue to skimp where it does no good. Do I have any examples? Sure.
           To begin, I’m out of outlets. The code says they are to be six feet apart, but the skinflint who built this Florida room put them on opposite sides of the room. You either run a cable across the floor or use outlets as twelve feet apart. Rather than unplug my computer and A/C, I fed out an extension cord, which got tangled in the chair casters about fifteen times in fifteen minutes. Then no place to set up the camera, so I use the tripod, but every time I tap my toe, a musical habit, the tripod shakes and blurs the video. Of course, no place to set speakers where they don’t pick up feedback, and away you go.
           I know the place is too small for me, but it seems to me if I was the guy building a small place, I would save enough money to really make things convenient. I mean, whoever buys this place from me will find everything I am responsible for is done right. All repairs done to better than spec, and even the hinges have been oiled. But such behavior is rare in the third world. Even rarer around Wallace, because you would use the wrong kind of hinge oil and hold the can at the wrong angle. But if you leave it up to him, the hinge will never get oiled. I miss the old guy sometimes.
           Another downturn in quality on the Internet, this time with Crackle, the “free” movie site. It was enough to get their annoying and repetitive ads, but now the popup is a “survey”. Before you could go pour a coffee and listen for the movie to recommence, but these surveys wait for you to reply to every question. Usually some stupid BMW ad like which model you intend to buy. Right. People watching free movies are going to buy a luxury car. It shows you low-grade morons the US college system is churning out these days. If you try to cancel the window, the survey changes your Internet log-on and drops your connection.
           That’s the trademark of morons. They always know more than you do about what you want. They can solve all your problems in a wink by assuming you have infinite time and money, but they don’t. That’s how come they built my new mixer without an off/on switch. See, you just unplug it when you don’t want to use it. Brilliant, and convenient, too. Why, their gear is so high-quality, who would want to turn it off? Pure genius. Of some kind.
           I understand short-sightedness of these “engineers” in that most of the gear I require is marketed as recording equipment (studio gear). But it should still not be deliberately designed and constructed in ways that make it difficult to use on stage. I would pay extra to have certain features included, such as:
           A) Internal 115V power supply. Wall warts are for the sick-minded
           B) Battery capable, with a battery life of at least six hours
           C) All equipment to include an unswitched AC out (a power outlet)
           D) A method to wrap the power cable
           E) Power switch with pilot light
           F) All jacks of any kind standard sizes ONLY
           G) Snap down lid forms carrying case

Later, I finished a test run with the new mixer and I’ll need a power amp and some reverb. I’ll never be A-room material, but I’ll find something, even if I just host an open mic or play pizza joints. I’ll also need a foot pedal to control the volume on that drum box. It has setting for different drum sounds, but for some screwed-up reason, the volume also changes Never buy a Zoom. The smallest powered mixer these days has eight channels and I can’t afford too much of that. My PA head up at the club is 600 Watts and 8 channels, but that’s overkill for what I have in mind.
           What happens when an accountant goes on a diet? Well, I can tell you exactly 40% of my calories are from protein and 17% from vegetables. Of those vegetables 34% is radish and 27% is cucumber. You can match that up with the 14,202 calories I consumed during the month of August. Still no change in weights and measures today, that’s nearly three weeks without progress. I’m awaiting a breakthrough. Nobody can stay the same weight on less than 500 calories per day.