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Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 12, 2013

           I’m impressed. Here is an artificially flavored candy that taste like the real thing. Pez does it again, a real chocolate flavor without the chocolate. But wait, see this little package? Weighing in at 8 grams, it packs a full 35 calories. So ten of these, around the same size as a chocolate bar, will be just as bad for you. Still, if they can do that, they can make the flavorings I want to see. Fresh farm cream, real French fries, and peanut butter. (Pez must hire engineers, since there is no way to open the package and remove the candy as a unit to load up your Pez dispenser. The paper shreds and the candy falls out.)
           Face it, I won’t be leaving on schedule. But the extra time on the camper won’t hurt, and I’ve sort of made up my mind to see how cheaply a trip can be made across America. This will provide great blog material and be a valuable experience. True, I was never a spendthrift, but on earlier sidecar trips, I merely kept track of expenses. This time I search for the bargains. To get to Colorado cost me $162 in gas and food, then double that for accommodation. That got me, because I paid basically to sleep overnight in some strange town with nothing to do.
           My question is, can I cross the country on $300 total? Why $300? Because for all the “discount” fares, advertised, the lowest actual air fare is $600. My backup plan is the Amtrak fare of $450 (these are one-way prices). Like airfare, that still leaves the problem of local transportation. I have a budget for a motel out West there if the camper proves difficult over a longer period, or there is no place to park it.
           And before I leave, can anyone explain why whenever I take a trip out of state, silver prices plunge?
           The camper voltage controller uses a hard-to-find 4 Amp blade fuse. Another typical engineer-style foul-up. Even when you find them, it is one fuse in a package. You know, the way dickheads package things when they have junk that won’t move any other way. This is what they mean when they say “third world mentality”. Anybody could have done these small-scale burns all along, but there was once an ethic against doing such things, and it made America the greatest.
           Oh, before I forget, congratulations all you idiots who signed up for Facebook and Google using your real names. I knew there were a lot of stupid people out there, but I had no idea 99% of them were that stupid. What am I talking about? If you have not heard about the latest Google plan to publish your private data, including your name and picture, without your permission, then you are part of the problem. They get part of their information from Facebook. Just think of it. Your name and address written on the largest washroom wall on the planet. These people want your information on file in the worst way. Tell me again I’m wrong to keep personal data personal? Ha, serves you right.
           Next, I’m an observer of human nature, but confined to the narrow areas of life that concern me. That is, I watch and sometimes ponder, but I’m no student trying to figure it all out. That’s why this morning I was stumped for an answer when a lady at the bakery asked me if there was anything I found in common with the dating scene these days. Could you answer that? I told her yes, in that every woman I’ve dated over 24 (the woman, not me) did seem to be totally focused on making herself happy. I would like to make some lady happy, but only if the feeling is reciprocal.
           This got me thinking that the bulk of the women who won’t do a thing to please anybody but themselves must have been stung big time. Do I think so? Like I said, I’m saying what I see, not conducting research. And that new book I’m reading, “Actual Innocence” confirms what I’ve been saying for years about crime labs. They stay in business by falsely matching evidence to facts. That’s their business. According to the authors, these labs are woefully incompetent and there have been an embarrassing string of convictions over the “scientists” for lying on the witness stand.
           And that is why DNA testing has become so important. It appears to be a procedure that produces consistent results. The crime lab people are rarely scientists in any real sense, but ex-policemen who have a vested interest in the case outcomes and, most dangerously, have foreknowledge of what the detectives are looking for. There is also the matter that after a trial, the evidence gets locked up, though for what reason I cannot fathom. To protect it? From what? In all too many of the worst crimes, this evidence also has a tendency to go missing.
           The moral? Avoid getting into any situation where you are “interviewed” by the police if there is the remotest chance you are a suspect rather than a witness. But if you must, don’t give up any evidence. If you are charged, make sure you have a copy of all the evidence and have it tested at an independent lab with no connections to the police department. Expensive? Not as expensive as going to jail. The revelations in “Actual Innocence” scare me.
           I’ll be giving an update on the camper electronics in a moment, but I had to shop at Walmart. I have a theory that on weekends, the average Walmart shopper is borderline retarded. They can’t park their car, they can’t get in the automatic door, they can’t behave in public, and they sure as hell cannot get through a checkout lineup without some display of gross stupidity.
           Now, trust me I knew, by the time I was ten years old, all I needed to know about the ignorant peasant class. The ones who can sit there like a pile of shit for months, until you do something first. Then they fire up their little circus. Are they in your way or are you in theirs? Don’t matter, as long as they can stick their noses in your business.
           Well, this lady at Walmart must have taken lessons from my brothers. She was such a lout that I stood back and observed her for ten minutes or so. What a deadbeat loser, and no, we are not talking about somebody having a bad day. This bitch would wait until somebody kneeled down for some product on a lower shelf, then instantly she had to push her shopping cart through there. I watched her do this three times, so I walked down an aisle and pretended to stoop down.
           Damn, she was there in a matter of seconds. Could she get through here? Sir, would you move, please. Oh, do you want to get by? Sure, be my guest. I was not able to ascertain why she was in such a bother to get into the men’s washroom.

           I gave up trying to find the vibration isolator. I built my own and they work reasonably fine. Here is what it looks like without the solar panels installed. The lower spring prevents road shocks, the upper spring allows a little “float” if needed and acts as a standoff for the protective wire mesh, not shown.
           The Internet has spawned the generation of the dumb answer. If there are no dumb questions, the Internet generation makes up for it with dumb answers. I finally asked for the article on-line, in case somebody knew where I could buy them nearby and today. Around three of the twenty replies were useful, but not one answered the exact question. Where can I buy this article? I note they give you useless information in a three-step process, so there is something behind it.
           Step 1: they don’t listen to or understand the question
           Step 2: they are more concerned with sounding smart than being smart
           Step 3: the dumb answer arrives as a cover for them to avoid saying they don’t know.
           Now, modern society has no monopoly on this type of behavior. I’m saying the Internet has made it pervasive. Years ago I wrote how in S. America people will lie to you rather than admit they didn’t know something. So some of the answers I got were to order the parts from Ali-Baba. Like I didn’t know there was a factory somewhere in the world and I could wait 16 weeks for delivery. Minimum order 50,000.