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Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 6, 2013

           Is it possible there is a classroom in China using this blog as lesson material? I’m getting a consistent number of hits each day from that direction. That would be an interesting distinction, but I must warn the reader this blog does not, repeat not, represent the daily life of your average American. Not by a long shot. Then again for all I know, that could be the very reason this blog is a lesson.
           Want some real Americana? Here’s me pointing at the more expensive version of the weekend newspaper separated into two piles. Without all the flyers, you see the newspaper is the same thickness as the weekday editions. But it costs twice as much. This is the type of low-scale rip-off that is perfectly legal in this country.

           And it is everywhere [in Canada and the USA]. For what purpose, if any, was I charged $73 for a license plate on my trailer? When you consider what I get in return, that's theft. Why does a bicycle tube patch kit cost more than a new tube? Well, except for down at a local grocery store called “Sav-A-Lot”, where the “Best Before” date is something like next Tuesday. They'll sell you a kit with a glue tube that cannot be recapped.
           What’s this, a band in this town advertising as playing country music? I’ll have to check this out since I know every band everywhere in the area and there is no such thing. If they exist, they just came from out of nowhere. And they have a budget for advertising. It is now 6:38 AM and I am heading out for a cup of coffee. Bingo, like most of the town y’day, was empty. Another reminder, I am the caller and I get paid for it. I do not play bingo.

           [Author's note 2018: to clarify the following, I had originally seen the band as a rhythm section, as they had no personality present that had any chance of fronting a truly professional group. The individual members are extremely talented but they seem to possess no concept that musicianship is only useful for jiggling the knob. I had specifically told them I was looking for group that performed regularly, and I suppose twice a year is fairly regular for them. But there was no contest as to who was the best showman and of course I was disappointed when they reacted to this the wrong way. Instead of giving it a shot what they could glean from me, they closed ranks and decided they were not ever going to pay any attention to such an inferior entity as a bass player.
           Thus, when they wanted to add a lady singer late in the game, I voted less or a fifth band member than I voted for anything that might cause change. Ha, the change was I quit. The guitarist was talented as guitarists get, but he was tapped out. He could not learn anything new without it taking the edge of what he had already memorized. And the band collectively said once too often, "Bass is easy". Shows you what they know.]

           But I most definitely play lounge music, which was somewhat fortunate when a lady showed up for an audition this afternoon. It is also a type of music I have not played in twenty-five years. Stay with me here when I tell you singing is a tough call. To the absolute best, and I say best, of my knowledge, singing ability is so common that success is nowadays more dependent on personality and projection. There are far too many vocalists looking for a band than the other way around.
           How would we fare as a five piece? Great, I think, if there was any demand for big bands. Musically how did it go? Fantastic, since I’ve already told you how this band would make an excellent rhythm section. The new lady was actually somewhat wide-eyed to hear how great we sounded even when stumbling through unfamiliar territory. Like most female vocalists, she likes the big production numbers and we are the closest thing to a big band you’ll find in this county.

           Essentially, I voted yes, but on condition. We faked every tune tonight and I want to hear how she deals with the real thing. I’ve myself been through many an audition where the band somehow managed to pick my best tunes in the same key. This lady is good, but I need to know it isn’t pure luck. My [Chinese] horoscope today said I will attract cultured and artistic people to my home. Horoscope! Yep, I’m not even superstitious but that tells you how much a good band is dependent on fortune and fluke.
           This is not the same lady as pictured in the blog a few days back. I had no idea we were auditioning until I showed up for practice. Again, not the same lady. The addition of a new member would go against my desire to form a duo and get back to work. It might even be a major mistake. But I'm not one to let fear of failure stop things up. There are few things more boring than men who don’t take chances, who don’t pursue their own passions in life. Did I just say 99% of men are boring? Sure sounded like it.

           The trip draws near and I’m way behind schedule on the camper. It is possible the test run and the real deal may coincide. Hauling a trailer by motorcycle down unfamiliar roadways could be a little more adventure than I’m looking for. However, the unit is basically ready for a test run any time. To the best of my knowledge, this has never been done before.
           That makes this a one-of-a-kind picture. This is testing the air mattress for size and leaks. It is just resting on the lid of the sarcophagus getting a spray of bleach solution. It has been stored in the shed for the past few years.

           Notice how closely the standard length of air mattress matches the camper. Amtrak got the minimum size of things exactly right. The mattress is fully inflated, but would not be so once inside. Also, I’ve redesigned the hatch of the camper to lift open.
           Think of it as the back third of the lid propped open at 45 degrees. It need only be battened down for travel. I have no problem sleeping in a confined space. It seems to me even claustrophobic people only feel it around their head and shoulders. If the hatch open makes a difference, I may add some tenting material to keep out the rain and bugs.

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