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Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30, 2013

           The decline of the bakery has begun. Not the quality, but it has plain been discovered by too many people. Quality does its own advertising and business is booming. Early mornings are still quiet. The rest of the day is constant people in lineups and in characteristic European fashion, each sale takes many times longer than American style. It is more like socializing than shopping. Here is a Texas bumper sticker to get things going.
           It was also a close call on pulling the pin on bingo. There are certain times to wait out a turnaround after a slow period. But gambling is not such a business and I believe this may be the first time I’ve taken a loss. Not much [of a loss] mind you, but negative revenue is for big corporations, not small fry like me.
           Bloody rain. I’ve been trying to get to the movies all week so yeah, when I finally find the time, it rains. How does that stop me? I’d have to stand at the bus stop in the rain, as the bus is the only convenient way to get to Aventura. There are no bicycle racks and all the convenient parking has been roped off as valet only. There is another reason the rain made the blog. As a bike rider, I often drive in short sleeves and cutoffs. During a lull, I raced home from the bakery and the strangest thing happened.
           The rain picked up again a short distance from home, but get this. As it splashed on my bare skin, it gave me a quite uncomfortable burning sensation. Like acid, I had to get home quickly and shower it off. It didn’t bother my clothes but what is up with that? I was the only person outside so I have no idea if anyone else experienced this.
           The gun that aims itself. The testing range for this rifle was in Sonora, the town I passed through a couple weeks back. Skill free killing is the description of this weapon. Newly developed in Texas, this puppy allows the incompetent with no training to make kill shots from three-quarters of a mile away. The video is complete with photos that suggest it is a boon to zebra-hunters and claims to “democratize” shooting. I instantly thought the gun was used to shoot down drones, but the video later shows they got the same idea. Oddly, the claim that one doesn’t have to spend thousands becoming a marksman is probably offset by the unmentioned price tag of this rifle. My guess is $50,000.
           Although I think the Texas company are complete jerks for trying to avoid outright stating this gun is for assassination (and just in time), I was more intrigued by the shift in attitude amongst the younger people who work there. Did I not warn that the next generation will be like the Mafia of the last century in one giant sense? They will arrive into an era where all the traditional money-making operations belong to someone else. If they want to realize the American dream, they will have to do so following alternative and not always socially-acceptable paths. Get a load of that hippie on the video talking like he's in the Peace Corps.
           I caught the tail end of Wheel of Fortune on TV last evening. The questions were particularly tough, so tough that something funny was going on. These game shows are somehow coaching the contestants. Another clue is how generic the answers are, that is, the answers given do not reflect they were arrived at by independent research. Anyone who actually studied the life of Tesla would consider him a madman, not a genius. He insisted Martians were trying to contact him by radio. Even scarier, that TV program is broadcast to millions who don’t know the weird side to Tesla. They don’t have a clue about how manufactured the answers are either. There is something fishy with that Stephen Hawking character, as well.
           I have not been in Venezuela in 14 years. My godson is now 17 years old. I probably could not have afforded to travel since my heart attack, but the political situation has also deteriorated enough that even vacationing there could be tricky. But, that is one of my projects for 2014. We shall see, but one of the reasons I originally chose Miami was because Caracas was so accessible. The last time I was in Venezuela was for New Year’s, 2000. On a little black & white TV with the staff of my taxi company, I watched the Australians begin the big celebrations.
           What, you didn’t know I used to own a taxi company in South America?