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Friday, December 27, 2013

December 27, 2013

           October 26, 2011 has been updated. If you are curious how just that short a time has changed my writing style and blog posting skills, take a peek. Remember to return here later for today's post. Most popular viewing time? 11:00 AM locally, or job starting time out on the west coast.
           Also, here is a pic of Australia's top model of the month. That month being November, 2007. A bleach bottle blonde. These pictures of babes work wonders for my ratings, though I doubt more than 1% of the men who view them actually learn anything here. But I thought I'd let you know if you go to Australia, almost none of the women there actually look like this. And this photo may be deleted after it shows whether or not it is drawing a crowd.

           Later. The picture stays. 828 extra views. Aren't there enough sites that specialize in babes? Anyway, her name is Ashleigh and she is 5 foot 8. Unfortunately for you guys, that seems to have been her only gig. Six years later she is 235 pounds, on social assistance, and has six little wombats all under five years old. Just kidding, I don't know.
           It being my day off, I watched as series of documentaries on “intelligence”. (This is one field where documentaries fail because unintelligent viewers can't follow the plot.) I have a theory. Just like rich people don’t view poor people anything like the way that poor people view each other, intelligent people don’t view “dumb” people in that corresponding manner. This, I think is revealed by the very stupid tests that mediocre people come up with to test who is smart. Their entire concept of intelligence is wrong so their tests are meaningless. I’ll explain.

           Let’s look at how the masses quantify intelligence. They think a chess champion, or an eighteen year old stock broker, or a computer programmer is “intelligent”. Yet time and again, these individuals have exhibited exceedingly narrow mindsets and all too often, substandard skills outside of their single specialty. It smacks of them not really being intelligent, but of concentrating their energies at the expense of broad-based learning. History has shown that a broad-based type of intelligence is required to innovate and create.
           So what are we dealing with here? The way dumb people view smart people, with all the incredible dumb people rationalizing, blundering and inaccuracy, that’s what. There is one common trait that both the stupid and the smart possess. They each view the other group as “all alike”. All stupid people think contracts have to be in writing. All smart people have tremendous respect for privacy. The corollary is also accurate. What smart people don't think reads like a list of what stupid people sincerely believe in.

           I don’t have the answer, but my point was the tests that are supposed to measure intelligence are way off the mark. It's as if Oxford types keeps designing trickier tests until some truly intelligent person fails one, and they can then all sleep at night.
           Right off, I can tell you that a real test of IQ would not be conducted with a stopwatch. When you are measuring smarts, you don’t tell people when to put their pencils down. Another bad test is the one at remembering a string of numbers. What moron came up with that one? Intelligent people may have exceedingly bad memories because they can figure things out in real time, whereas any dumb bunny can remember the past. I am never surprised when I hear about intelligent people who are self-taught, since often it is the only path. Some of the dumbest people around today have advanced university degrees, Mr. Bush.

           Most of the studies reach much the same conclusion. A person good at one thing is usually good at many things and vice versa. There is no "personality-creative" type of intelligence, that is an illusion. Being good at many things is a quality that is replacing the IQ test and is known only as “g”, which seems to stand for "general". Highly artistic people don’t make the grade, again because they are usually over-specialized and often their success can be as much attributed to luck as brains. This was referred to as the “flip side” of intelligence.
           This exciting scene is me in the yard, in front of the famous "trailer". Since you know how much I just love yard work, how do you explain this photo? Well, put it this way. In terms of sheer thrills and excitement, it was either this or go to over Starbucks again. I decided raking leaves was sheer delight by comparison.

           The diagnosis is in on the Chinese scooter. The compression has fallen to 60 pounds per square inch, about half what is needed. This is either the valves not closing completely or a piston problem, a piston replaced just nine months ago. We'll set the valves and see if that is the cure. If not, I think it is going on Craigslist, a dreadful fate for any old vehicle, broad, or guitar player (see addendum).
           Moments later, it is the piston. Completely scored and losing pressure. That’s the new piston Mario sold me last March 16. And it was parked for two of the months since. No wonder he went out of business. The entire replacement is going to set me back $175, but unless the thing is running, I can’t sell it. I will revert to a 150cc piston, the one that lasted the longest so far. I need that red scooter for around town. If I was not so tied up with my current projects at this time, I’d have serious transportation problems by now.
           But at the same time, I may again find a second mechanic. This is how I conduct most business. Why? If I don’t, people begin to figure out that I am never really completely broke. And their behavior changes accordingly. Ask Theresa.

           How about some controversy? My ratings are down, so let’s see what kind of nonsense I can stir up. Hey, I once worked for a Canadian company, so I know exactly how make a big bullshit issue out of nothing. Let’s see, how about this ad in today’s entertainment section?
           Here’s a “guitar player”. Except it isn’t really guitar because he is using a looping device, a bass synthesizer, and a beat box. Plus who knows what other tricks. This is the exact brand of pea-brained “music” my new band is taking dead aim on. Boo and phooey on these “guitar” players with all their pedals and gadgets. If you want to sound like a band, hire one. Otherwise, get off the stage and let your goddam equipment entertain the crowd.

           May I single-handedly dismantle the sad regime of “guitaritis” that broke out in San Francisco the 70s. That's the mental disease that makes guitar players thing they are God. Good luck on my crusade, some say, but what do they know? Just because I’m outnumbered has never held me back. Nothing against Zach Deputy personally, because he probably actually believes he is doing a great job, ahem. But so are all his foot pedals, if you get my meaning, Zach. (Not to be confused with the other Zack from Willie’s pub who could not follow me on a two-chord song so now hates me for exposing his ineptitude.)
           And while on that topic, think back to Monday at Guitar Center with those seven guitarists. Guitarists, as a tribe, place immense stock in being able to “follow”. The arrogant bastards mean only when they are leading. I took it upon myself to tell those seven guitarists to “follow me”. (I told them it was easy, simple, etc. like they like to tell others. Not one of them could follow me on a three chord blues song (“On Your Mind”).) Point proven. They all had major guitaritis, the poor bastards, the first symptom of which is not knowing you are a guitar turd-brain. Am I getting my message across? If not, are you a guitar player or something?

           But wait, what is controversy without a little politics? Take a look at this dumb old fart. An American kidnapped in Pakistan two years ago. Well I say leave the bastard there and raise the IQ of both countries. I said the same thing about the Iran hostages—those dismal lunkheads were warned time and again and again to get out of the war zone and they chose to stay. So let them rot. Why should I pay taxes to rescue idiots? Political correctness ends over here about the point my dollars are getting wasted over losers like that.
           These useless morons stayed in harm’s way of their own volition and against all good sense. Now this old coot is appealing to Obama to come get him. If he wasn’t so damn old (72) I’d say go get him—and send him the bill. No wonder the world thinks America is full of retards. These are the only kind of Americans you find in countries than end with "stan".
           PS: did you know "Pakistan" means "Nation of Peace". Yeah, like America means "privacy".

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