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Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 10, 2014

           Good news. For the past 48 hours there have been a constant stream of motorhomes into this trailer court. The office really makes a fortune off them. True, they usually show up in November, but nobody is complaining. Since this is the first court to fill (because it charges the least), I’ll be watching the big lots up in Dania (rhymes with mania). There is a general upswing in the local economy as the Frenchies arrive, though since ’06 they have been arriving later and not staying as long. In a week or so, the beach cafes will be hiring bands again. I have my fingers crossed. I’ve got seven months invested with the big band.
           Here’s another shot of the midway up at the casino. When I was in my teens, I had a chance to purchase one of these rides, I think it was $40,000 back then. No way I had that kind of money. However, I did like the idea of only working in the summer and travel. That would make it a vastly more interesting lifestyle than my ex-career in that cubicle at company headquarters.

           When I was growing up, I met a man who ran the Spider. To us teens, it looked like he never worked. That makes sense now, since he was on the road every summer while we toiled on the farm. When we did see him, he played checkers all day by the stove at the railway station. He was in his fifties then. He lived in a hotel room and paid a fixed rate for his food every day. I never could understand why he didn’t read or write when he had all that time. He once told us how much he made and I forget, but it was a lot.
           Anyway, you remember the Spider? It was the hottest newest ride at the time, which explains why he wanted $40,000 for it. Made by Eyerly Aircraft it is similar to the Octopus ride with different shaped arms. The original inventor had built an early form of flight simulator and found he made more money from people wanting to ride the thing. His name was Lee Eyerly and he has a fascinating history. A used Spider today costs only $35,000, still a lot of money.

           My friend from out west called for a two hour chat. I reviewed the paperwork she sent and I don’t see that the prosecution has a case. It has to do with a private e-mail that got forwarded by one of the recipients. And that is my point. Nobody actually saw her write the e-mail. She did not personally forward it. They cannot prove she was the only one with access to her account. The whole thing stinks of politics. The Plaintiffs ostensibly know that an accusation carries more weight than a denial. If I was her, I’d let this thing run its course. Then file a massive countersuit and retire.
           I found a nice three bedroom on fifteen acres in Arkansas. But it is 25 miles from town. That town being West Memphis. My limit is eight miles of good road so I said no. There is a barn on the property. The asking price is $32,000 because the plumbing has to be replaced. But I happen to know an excellent plumber who could take of that pronto.

           My second look is at this place (see photo) in Riviera. I may drive up for a look at the neighborhood. The story with this picture is I sent it to my buddy who lives near Seattle. He writes back saying it looks the same as the place he rents, “except the landscaping is nicer and the price is $500,000 less”. Good one! But the real laugh is that some house the last guy slaved his life over I will buy with what's in my tip jar.
           Grrr, my other computer is acting up and I must take it into the shop to get the sound working. How does MicroSoft know I need that sound extra badly right now. I’m reviewing the music I forgot while on the trip last October. It isn’t music I play every day so it fades unless I continually run through the list. I know it is my perspective that blames MicroSoft because there is probably never a good time for one’s computer to fail. But the fact they still make operating systems that crash like that is a scam in itself.
                      And while I’m crabbing, there is something else I don’t like. Those constant warnings on packages that microwave cooking times vary. Listen to me, the people who are so friggen stupid they don’t know about that fact in this day and age are destined to die from falling off a stepladder or eating packaged peanuts anyway. I mean, where in Hell do these subhumans even find microwaves of “less than 1100 watts”? Have you ever even seen one?
           Now that's crabbing.

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