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Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20, 2014

           Tell me the red scooter didn’t quit working. It did. It turns over but isn’t firing like it isn’t getting the gas. But I sprayed the goop in there and even that won’t get it to fire. I had Miguelito on the horn and he’ll be over in the morning. And I get a cheap evening right here at home, practicing my bass lines. The Frenchies are still showing up and making all the noise associated with setting up those motorhomes along the main road. It’s not loud, but constant. And cussin’ sounds about the same in any language.
           What’s this? My pac-man pizza. This is the small order from Caesar’s up the block, I fasted a day to be able to indulge. Part of the situation is that cold weather brings on two circumstances. One is you can make bigger meals because the kitchen doesn’t become a furnace the instant you turn on the oven, like it does in the summer heat. Two, you get a hankering for cool weather food, like turkey pie and potatoes and gravy. What we used to call “heavy” food that keeps you warm inside. I know that’s false, but if you think it works, then it does.

           Since mentioning the Atacama Desert last day, I searched and found some of the latest research going on. I suspected they would use the cold dry terrian to emulate the Martian surface, and they have in a sense. They’ve learned to look inside rocks for life, not just the surrounding soil. Recent studies have also shown that it has not rained in the Atacama in a while. As in 23 million years. These tests involve carbon dating, decay of halides, and a method of measuring how long the rock has been bombarded by cosmic rays. Fascinating. Mankind only evolved in the last million years.
           Around the neighborhood. This is a building that has been abandoned for, let me count on my fingers, some seven years now. It was a club or something, I recall going in there once and not being impressed. Neighborhood pub, that’s it, where the downside is the neighborhood hangs out there. You walk in and twenty pairs of beady eyes are checkin’ out the stranger. It’s a part of the real estate picture I can’t see, how people can afford to let these buildings sit vacant for years on end. Even if they own it outright, would it not be profitable to lower the rent and get a cash flow? Somebody should explain that to me. This place has been closed without a for sale sign since before the crash.
           I’ve also taken a breather from electronics. That was upon confirming there is nothing “in between”. The material out there is for beginners or experts, nothing else. The ROM I built was a between and I understand it is harder work than most of these web authors want to actually get out and do. Their monotonous web pages all cover the same material. This is how such and such works, but no examples of how to build something useful or entertaining. It reminds me of home, the way each “expert” starts off great but runs out of steam in a week or so.

           I was reading the newspaper. I was in Starbucks for a half-hour, but didn’t have coffee. I’m on to their tricks. I walk in, I find an empty table, I sits. And I occupy it until the lineup gets to less than three people. Waiting my turn does not involve standing in a long lineup because they don’t have enough staff. They actually have too much staff. If no break in the lineup occurs, I find something else, like a path out the door. Which is what happened today. Reading the paper keeps me informed that the world is full of idiots. Top idiots of the day? Mike Rogers of Michigan and Dianne Fienstien, pardon me Feinstein, of California.
           This duo of dumbness are saying Snowden was a Russian spy. Not because he spied, but because he fled to Russia. Duh. Apparently having brains is not a requirement to be a senator. They can’t get Snowden any other way, so they slander him. Can someone please inform Mike & Dianne that the USA operates a huge international military and financial empire that would, probably illegally, extradite Snowden if he went anywhere except Russia? Seems to me the government had another pack of stooges to declare Jason Derek Brown to be sexually mutated or something. There is no shortage of ignorant-to-the-core senators in the US of A.

           Or how about that guy who won the lottery while living in some kind of institution? He went through half the winnings in a month. Some say the state has no business handing out huge checks to the mentally defective. But how else would senators get paid? I’m saying the last thing we want is a state-operated agency declaring whether or not people are fit to manage their own money. That would completely finish off what’s left of the working class. But the issue here is that the guy, the lotto winner, is a ward of the state. That changes things.
           You see, he actually won $500 per week for life and opted for the lump-sum. (The lotto people should not be responsible for anything beyond respecting the winner’s wishes.) If he’d taken the weekly payments, he would have been cut off welfare. And $500 per week is a meager existence. We not be dealing with that much of a dunce at all. If he plows through his windfall, he’d be right back where he was before. He may be stashing the cash or who knows? He does, and he knows the system won’t ever let him starve.

           [Author's note 2016-01-20: for clarity, what I was describing was the man to took the cash payout instead of weekly installments because he was on welfare. Depending where you live in the USA, welfare pays more than $500 per week and rarely ever gets "cut off" the way other sourced of money can be. So, if he takes the lump sum he can still collect welfare (although he would be cut off for that one month in which his income "exceeded $75.00". This way, if they ever cut him off welfare in the future, he can claim he had a sudden "gambling problem" and lost the lottery money. Or whatever. He's smart. He knows once you've ever been on welfare, the USA will never let you starve. Mining the welfare department.]

           Last item of news is Rafael. This is the surrogate arms company the USA operates out of Israel. What? We’re not supposed to know that? Um, Snowden told me. Anyway, it is a laser beam that shoots down missiles and, get this, mortar shells. That can only be done with lightning speed and incredible accuracy. Anyone who believes the Israelis accomplished this without US help is full of baloney. The US needs another arms race. Or we're all going down the tubes. Well, not the US, but the US military-industrial complex, and they ain't goin' down without a fight.

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