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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014

           Relax. That’s what I’ve been doing. Between the cold weather and tight finances, you’ve noticed the slowdown. If I get any more relaxed, I’ll have to move a cot in front of the computer. I’ve been doing plenty of digging into the workings of the system, particularly forming a corporation. What do I find? Well, I’m now thinking the powers that be would like to ban the formation of all new corporations except multi-mega-million types that can throw money around to start with.
           Do not even bother with “S” corporations or LLCs (limited liability companies) as these are essentially a tax status and not real corporations. At worst, they are a way to get those who can work under the table to at least pretend to be legit. Kind of like, “Put yourself on report.”
           The application and approval is heavily centered on the corporation owners having a Florida non-post-box mailing address. As everyone knows, the ferocious application of this brand of rule has prevented any narcotic sales, money laundering, or Mafia operations throughout the entire state.
           All morning over a customer monitor. Yep, that was the scene as we (Fred & I) scoured the town for a monitor cable. Be careful when you buy monitors to ensure that it always has the male connection and the computer has the female side. How many times we’ve gone on a wild goose chase on this one because the male-to-male cables are not stocked by any suppliers in this vicinity. I tore my shed apart but could not find either cable nor adapter. The good news is this forced me to do inventory and realize I’ve still got a good supply of the really important parts to keep my current generation of computers in service the rest of my lifetime anyway.
           Did you hear about the drone that the Feds crashed near San Diego. They lost control and crashed it for fear it would otherwise have hit a populated area. Well, in California, I’m not buying that. Now, this cannot happen to our drones because, for openers, ours are not worth $12 million apiece. Just what do we suppose a drone worth that kind of money was really up to? I can accept they crashed the thing into the ocean, but not that they did it out of concern for public well-being. That will be the day.
           Do I have a theory about the “flying saucers” of 1946? Not really, I know nothing of the physics involved except that nobody, including the Germans then or now, has the technology to make a machine that flies equally well in both air and water. I would, however, like to see any authentic photos of Operation Highjump escapade to see if there were any icebergs present in the area. Here is my logic.
           Ice has positive buoyancy, and the bottom of a very large iceberg is a long way underwater. Thus, any piece of ice dislodged from the bottom of an iceberg would instantly shoot upwards with tremendous velocity. The ideal shape of something moving in a liquid is not spherical, but more teardrop or, if it was already spinning its own axis, saucer-shaped. Due to algal growth, there have been pink, blue, and green icebergs, so any other color should not surprise anyone. The Antarctic bergs could be a mile deep, meaning anything down there would be 80% of that distance underwater. And if dislodged, would behave like a cork.
           Suddenly, it breaks free from the low frequency vibrations of huge marine engines and pumps, as would be present in a task force. The chunk spins itself into a saucer shape as it melts and propels upward. It breaks the water at tremendous speed. The aerodynamics of air cause it to perform all kinds of antics, like an unbalanced Frizbee. Then it slices back into the water, all quite silently.
           As for the death rays, did any of the ships open fire? Did any let off a missile? The objects were reported flying between the ships, and it would not be the first instance of friendly fire during a panic situation. Death rays or missile exhausts, or even sunbeams reflected off the polished ice? Anyway, that’s my logic and it falls quite short of a theory.
           This is my concept of how people who do not read intellectual material every day think:

           While reviewing these videos, it came to my attention that most folks, like myself, don’t really read the “movie credits”. Who cares about all those other people? The credits are a damn annoyance to the general public. I thought I’d point out who the top dogs are because the average Joe doesn’t understand those jobs either. Here is a beginner’s list of who’s who.

           Executive Producer: this is the important guy, the one with all the money. He is top dog and signs the paychecks. That puts him above the Producer and Director, which often are thought of as most important.
           Associate Producer: sounds unimportant, but he is second in command. If it was a construction company, he’d be the field boss. He runs the operation at street level.
           Producer: he’s the idea-man. He’s the one who read the scripts and formulates what scenes will convey the message in the movie. Screenwriters, this is the honcho whose arse you need to kiss.
           Director: Low man on the totem pole, the workaday schmeeb who looks after everything you see and hear. He usually has five departments under him. Namely camera, sound, art, special effects, and what I do, post production. Post production contains the famous cutting room floor.

Before you rush out and buy a digital HD camera, knowing you could not possibly come out with movie crap as bad as what has hit the market lately, be warned. The movie business is so lucrative that only the best and the worst survive, never the in-betweens like the rest of us. The “Blair Witch” thing was reputedly created for $35,000. But that claim has never been audited. What’s more, there is a huge difference between having $35k and having $35k to gamble on a risky venture. Y’day I watched a new TV program called “Fear Factor”. If you watch, or even can watch, that you have major problems in your IQ and mental departments, you sorry sumbitch.