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Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 10, 2014

One year ago today: May 10, 2013, talking money.
Five years ago today: May 10, 2009, I blast Archie comics.

           Here’s a rare photo of my tip jar. Bingo was so-so, meaning tomorrow we go to Denny’s instead of the Diplomat. They are only a couple miles apart and besides, who wants breakfast at the some fancy pants place week after week? Are their calories any better? Hey, even I can’t make some Florida Saturdays any more exciting than they really are. The news? Are you sure you want to hear it? I asked recently what happened to all the bedbugs? They’ve returned with the warmer weather. Mercifully, I don’t have them.
           You know, speaking of tips, I would remind everyone that I work in many situations for tips only. That is the purest way for a musician to know what he’s worth. I’m not some food service type with his hand out no matter what kind of job he does. If I don’t provide what the crowd wants, I make diddley-squat. Some say playing for tips-only undercuts “real” musicians. Yeah, well house pay is a function of negotiating skills, not musical talent.
           Definitionally, I do not undercut anybody because in the final analysis, I get paid more for playing the exact same gigs than they do. Often lots more, Glen.
           So imagine my eyebrows when I hear of other bands who think the tip jar is supplementary income. Or that a four piece group considers $25 a great night. Split four ways? Wow, it might pay for the gas to get there. Tell you what, let me look up the last time I personally for my share made less than ten bucks in tips. Here it is. October 3, 2009, nine bucks.
           Here’s another a calculation for you. Which musical instrument or gear has provided me with the highest rate of return on investment? Careful, it is a trick question because I’m asking about the rate, not the total. The total would be the electric bass because I’ve played it the longest. It was the microphone I bought four years ago. It has brought in 48 times as much money as I paid for it without ever a single penny for repairs or maintenance. This is the headset microphone that clips over my ears. I cannot sing and play without it, as I have to watch my left hand when I play. That’s a habit that made no difference before but which is now unbreakable.
           The new A/C unit is from the Scratch & Dent. Agt. M and I, a.k.a. Tesla and Edison, we drove up there, but never again. That place is so picked over. BrandsMart, which some people mispronounce as BrandSmart, now requires even cash customers to sign for a purchase. First, I’d like to say up yours BrandsMart, and second, I didn’t realize how many people in this area code were named “Donald Duck”.
           Trivia. Sony has come out with the newest cassette tape which uses nano-particle technology. The size of the tape is standard, identical to the original overpriced Sony models that unwound inside your dash after about 100 plays. Except this newest tape can hold 47 million songs. Isn’t that the rate that the on-line indie freaks crank them out? But don’t expect a cassette comeback. As with all serial data, access time is a bitch.
           On that note, did you see that study that glorifies mama’s boys? Defined as men who have unusually close lifelong connections to their mothers, it points out certain presidents and champions of the type. The reason they are successes is imputed to be that they face the world “better equipped to handle a wide variety of conflicts and social situations”. And they make better husbands, says the same source. The source is, you guessed it, a woman. Sorry, I lost the URL.
           The Nova robot crowd moves slowly if at all. I’ve invited anyone who wants a head start to contact me but instead, I’m getting junk mail from the site host, mostly seeking more personal information. I’m better at profiling sites than they are at profiling me and I’ve noticed another pattern that fits their format. (Patterns that fit so closely are called tessellations, but I’m not going to use that word. See? I didn’t use it.) Most of the “clubs” are actually discussion groups, which tend to be social rather than cerebral, that is, all talk and no action. I don’t like discussion groups, so I hope the robot meet doesn’t go there. If people want to sit around and exchange sob stories, go to the saloon, not the campus.
           During the hot afternoon, I watched a documentary on the Israeli nuclear program. Everyone knows they have them, so I don’t understand the heavy secrecy. I also don’t sympathize with that traitor guy because he claims to be a conscientious objector. If he did not want to participate, then quit, but don’t assist foreign enemies. Does this apply to Snowden? No, Snowden did not claim to be anti-war, rather to be pro-freedom. That, Bam-Bam, is the difference between a traitor and a whistle-blower.
           The rumor is that Israel has 200 weapons of mass destruction, including 75 nuclear warheads. The remainder would be biological or chemical, I’m guessing. They also have three nuclear submarines for some reason, probably a last ditch strike force. But I cannot agree with the UN clowns who say that situation is unfair. They are counting toys. While the Israelis keep nuclear weapons a secret, the Arab dictators have sworn to use them the minute they can. Not knowing the difference is where the “clown” part comes from. Since the Israelis are not going to budge, is the UN saying to be “fair” we maybe give Syria and Iraq some nukes?
           And in case anyone has forgotten, if the Arabs had accepted the 1948 partition, they would today own half the land area of Israel and the better half at that. But, no, when they saw the ports and cities and orange groves rising from the swamps they sold them crazy Jews, suddenly that became homeland and they wanted it back. I know that's over-simplistic, but it's closer to the truth than saying anybody stole the land.

Um, if you wait LONG enough, all the dots will form a straight line where the white marker is shown.

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