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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20, 2014

One year ago today: May 20, 2013, free instructions, SpyHunter.
Five years ago today: May 20, 2009, learning to cobble.

           I worked off and on all on a project and listening to NPR, which I find either informative, boring, or infuriating, so they are doing their job. So relax like I did and here’s an account of what I did. I report a failure building a circuit but I finally learned something that’s bugged me a bit for a lot of years. Yes, I was taught wrong and I wonder what direction my career might have changed over it. Who recalls the lessons about logic gates from grade seven? Usually they teach two examples, the AND gate and OR gate, then tell you the NOT gate inverts the results and that all other gates can be built from these basics.
           So, on a cerebral dare to myself, I built a flip-flop using only switches and lights. And it could not be made to work. This was far more brain-wracking than it had to be for I was after the truth. Aha, I was right. The people who teach this are idiots. They tell you the logic gates are made of switches. Well, here is a photo of what I constructed—and it cannot be made to with ordinary switches. So every author teacher I ever met was only pretending to know what they were talking about, because if they had tried, they’d know a thing or two.
           Hey, just like them, I passed the test, but somehow I knew they were full of it. Turns out to build a memory circuit, in each pair the switch I’m pointing to in the photo is wrong, it will not work as expected. It has to be replaced by a special type of switch that turns on automatically when it detects a current. That is not something a pro teacher neglects to tell the class. No wonder this topic confused me for so long. I never questioned what they said about switches and was looking for a wiring mistake. Check back in the near future for how I proceed.
           MicroSoft has thrown its weight behind government proposals to require ID to use the Internet. It would be a government requirement but the information would be kept by those champions of privacy, the cell phone companies. Thus, a warrant would not be required to “review” your file because it would now be a “business record”, even though it is you being investigated and not the business. Them there DC types are so clever and crafty, it is hard to believe.
           Called an " Internet Driver’s License", the idea will be to pawn it off as a license to use the Internet, when in fact, like a real driver’s license, it’s primary use will be to identify and track the owner. Initially, this new ID will be required to renew all other government licenses. Come on sheeple, why so sad? This is what you’ve been waiting for—dirt on all your neighbors. The funniest part about having nothing to hide--that’s exactly what your neighbors are thinking.
           I learned that Buckinghams’ tune, “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy”. I guess my theory that a break song should be a catchy little number the audience recognizes must be totally off. But then, what does a bass player know? I know there is a reason that song has been consigned to the scrap-heap for the past fifty years. It is so obscure the Hippie would like it. It works like this: even though his band lacks a horn section, there are sufficient residual alkaloids in his DNA that when anybody strums the F#m, he swoons presuming the rest of the room is able hear the trumpets as “loud and clear” as he still can. Even all his guitar-playing enemies are quick to point out, “And there’s nothing wrong with that.”
           Apple cider vinegar. Folks, this isn’t a home-remedy blog. If I tell you what works for me that does not mean I supply all the details. However, on the basis that I’m still learning, here is a little more on the matter. The cider drink doesn’t have as much effect if you make it up in advance, that is, the strongest tingle happens when you make a fresh glass each time. I’ve increased my dose to four tablespoons per 8 oz glass of ice cold water and one packet of artificial sweetener. There are no effects for the first month. However, once I began taking an enzyme neutralizer (to inhibit production of the gout crystals) the healing sensation was greater. I have no idea if this was happenstance. The mending feeling is greater if you don’t consume any dairy products in advance, but this could by psychological.
           During all this, I was listening to NPR and nearly fell out of my chair. I missed the title of the movement, but there are actually people advocating “warning labels” for college courses. I know, pardon me! Maybe for elementary school, but college? These labels would warn students about courses that might make them “feel uncomfortable” such as racism, violence, or cause them to have an unpleasant memory. My oath, they’ve gone off the deep end. Is not the very purpose of advanced education to expose people to the facts regardless? For that matter, don’t universities have a duty to weed out the weaklings and closed-minded wimps living in some fantasy land cocoon. Warning labels, indeed.
           Here is my nifty idea to find the potential robot builders at the Nova meet-up. Imagine those bizcards with my contact information. I’m going to aim for those who show up early and for those who are not interested to pass the cards on to somebody else. Carefully thinking over the last meeting, you know, I did not learn a single new idea and I can’t keep driving that distance for nothing. So I’ll be on the prowl this week for those interested in moving a little faster than one aimless meeting per month. I will not be surprised if I don’t find anyone who has actually done something.
           My neighbor who has the quadcopters now has a unit five feet in diameter, but sometimes I wonder about the guy. That model cannot be flown within city limits. That means he has to make a minimum 56 mile round trip. The nearest unincorporated area is the Everglades straight west. And he doesn’t own a car. Then again, wonder about me because you know those big pine cones you pick off the ground in Bald Cypress Park and leave on your window sill as a decoration? Did you also know that termites can nest in them? Why, I’ve learned all kinds of new things just since I woke up today.
           Trivia. One of third of the airplanes in the US Air Force are drones. Before you say that’s bad, remember, those are only the drones we know about. There are other non-military “agencies” in the US with many drones which we are allowed to pay for but not count. What? Oh, in the Air Force, that’s around 7,500 units with more on the way. They have not yet been used in air-to-air combat.
           More trivia. The Spanish flu broke out near the end of WWI and killed untold millions of victims, more than the war itself. It was worldwide, so why is it called the Spanish flu? Because of censorship. Most countries with major newspapers were in the war and Spain was neutral. Therefore, the first [newspaper] reports of the flu began to arrive from Spain.
           I listened to Iggy Azalea, the newest model for Levi Jeans. This one from Australia, traveled to the US (to Miami, actually) at the age of 16 to “further her singing career”. It is not known where she got the cash for this trip and she has previously been kicked out of the US for making money “illegally”. I seriously tried to listen to some of her music, both notes, but gave up within minutes. She sings nothing but rap music and is certainly developing the hips for it rapidly enough.

           Zzzzzz…snork…. Huh? That was an early morning phone call from an old, old friend out on the west coast. In fact, he is one of the people who took over my old job, part of which involved working on switches that belonged to the Canadian phone consortium. He just got back from a two year contract building and maintaining databases. He is also an expert cable-splicer, one of those jobs best suited to those who can tolerate total and utter tedium.
           I got the update on what’s happened lately [in Canada], which I followed with great interest because it would have been me if I had kept the job. First he says, a beer in Canada is $6 and a pack of smokes anywhere is $10. That alone is reason to leave the place. He also reports the medical has gone for a dump in the past three years, that there is no longer blanket free medical coverage for every ailment in the land. I saw that coming long ago, folks. The few wise ones will get out while the going is still good.
           You see, whenever medical is "free" you get drastic abuse. And not just the people, the government too. The crown would give free needles to drug addicts but not to diabetics and shout themselves wonderful for it. Plus, the Canadians refused to institute any kind of user fee, not even a token $15 in order to discourage the worst of the baddies. Unless you understand the extent of government hand-outs in Canada don’t even suggest you could make fifth generation welfare recipients take the slightest responsibility for themselves.
           As a consequence, the Canadian “free” medical system has finally imploded. He says he has received circulars listing items that are no longer covered. Serious conditions like arthritis are not "approved" or worse, diagnosed and then ignored. The doctors make their money from the diagnosis, not the treatment, which may not be covered.
           The abuse and lineups were horrendous. Even the drug companies pushed pills on the market because insurance payments disguised the true costs. Apparently it is so bad you do not go to a Canadian hospital unless you have no choice. The cleaning has been contracted out to third world types and there are now highly infectious diseases being spread by the hospital system. Changes for the worse are not self-correcting in Canada, where it is practically impossible to sue for damages. It is inevitable that such a system will burn itself out and this pending medical atrocity is just an early indicator.
           Conclusion? The whole Canadian economy is a bubble about to burst. The worst scenario will be the last two generations who blindly paid into the system thinking their future was guaranteed. I’ve repeatedly warned the world that a Canadian sees nothing wrong with lying and then changing the rules when payback time arrived. No law against it. Now we have proof they operate like that on a governmental level. Take the money under one set of rules and refuse to pay it back under another. I’ve seen it first hand, don’t argue with me.
           Mercy? Not from here. I remember when as the only American in the room I was only one to complain about high taxes. Shut up and pay your share they said. Funny, they don't say that any more. Ottawa knows precisely how many old people must die to balance the books. It is my critics turn to shut up and do their share of the dying. Mercy? Let them phone their mothers. And don’t call me names unless you personally know first-hand what it is like to be the smartest person in a room full of 500+ Canadians. It ain't pretty.

           Why have you never heard of this medical outrage? Here, try a few of the links.

                      Current TV Censored
                      Ottawa Citizen Censored
                      Snopes Not censored because it is a US post. But still a real eye opener.