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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014

One year ago today: May 28, 2013, informative, a bit.
Five years ago today: May 28, 2009, who remembers Al Vicki?

           Do you like mangos? I don’t care for them, but this is a classic view of the fruit, hanging high in the tree. Over where I park my scooter. They may be a little hard to see, but there’s lots of them there. Kind of a pale purple color. I took the morning off to read and drink coffee. What a plan, huh? It says here (I like the sound of that, "It says here.") college professors make $56,300. This caught my eye, as that was the least I ever made per year in my last career. (That was in 1994. I used the inflation calculator and in today’s money, that is $90,000.) Thank goodness I never became a professor.
           I almost met someone. Whaddaya mean “almost”? You kinda gotta give me a chance to get to that. There’s a late-night happy hour just up the street, so I biked over there. On my new fancy 21-speed with disc brakes. Anyway, this okay-looking lady strikes up a convo. “What are you writing? she asks.
           Everything went okay for the first five minutes, but then she gets into how she could tell me about real life. The implication was writing has word-for-word diminished my capacity to experience “real” life. That she, who had never written a thing, therefore knew more about life than I did. Theresa, I think I just met your long-lost sister.
           She changed into a witch and was out to prove that I was not anywhere near as smart as she thought I was. Her divorce and her rejection, she said, were somehow, pause, infinitely worse than “anything I could imagine”. At least I think that’s what she was getting at. Why didn’t I walk away? Because the Amish bartender, watching all this with some fascination, gave me discount beers to stick around and let her carry on. She did.
           Here’s strange statistics. This blog is being intensely read in the past 24 hours between Feb.11 and Feb 28, 2011 by parties unknown in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. Other than that being the period I almost took Wallace back to court, I don’t know why those dates. And an average of 108 people per day are reading my post on April 27, 2014, I have no clue why. Most popular post of all time (except the few with nudie pictures) remains Sep. 14, 2013. I think that may be due to some glitch in the counter, like maybe some heavy duty but not very bright fan links to that date to get onto the blog, throwing off the count. End of blog stats.
           Looking for some harmony lines, from where I totally admit to stealing some of my best bass riffs, I stumbled onto that John Denver discovery, the Starland Vocal Band. Well, now hold on, because that was the band that wrote Denver’s biggest hit, “Country Roads”. But Starland, how do they put it politely, “could not follow up on their initial success” and folded. (And shortly, so did all their marriages, too.)
           Next, I read a list of the “50 Greatest Guitar Solos”. Other than the most blatant material by Led Zep and ZZ Top, I did not even recognize 40 of these songs, much less the guitar parts. My hypothesis is that never having taken guitar lessons, I never was indoctrinated over what was supposed to be great and thus had nothing to go on but how good things really sounded.
           It’s another broiler out there, so I’m stuck indoors. So here, why you should marry a Hungarian woman. I subscribe to a 3D printer information site, people who sent in money to purchase a printer a year ago and are just receiving them now. So far, everyone who received theirs has immediately turned around and sold it. Not sure what to make of that.
           Here’s a photo of the diversity in the club, why this robotic club has been one of the most successful ventures yet. This is tonight’s meeting, lasting until 12:05AM, and totally concerned with learning how to operate the Windows remote features. On the left side, Agt. M, with hotdogs and ketchup. And his cable TV rebooting in the background. On the right, my bag of pistachios and 1/3 bag of low-fat baked potato chips. And my thousand page computer manual at the ready.
           My habit of putting the date on pages was an eye-opener for the club. The remote feature page had an initial date nine years, one month, and eight days ago. That’s how long I’ve been meaning to get this remote connection thing working. As usual, there is nobody to ask and the few people who think they’ve done it are sorely mistaken. If they’d done it right, they’d know it isn’t a simple install. Let me explain something. Remote log-on does not use your computer browser and those who don’t know the difference are wasting your time.

           Wow, I see that my silver commentary y’day is a popular read. Careful, I’m no pro at silver and what I know you could know by a little reading. There seems to be a popular misconception that the big bad Hunt Brothers were criminals who tried to “corner the silver market” back in the early 80s. So that you know, that is only the version that has been fed to the public.
           The fact is, they were legally poised to make billions when a non-elected US government agency filed false charges against them, thereby deliberately placing a court order to cease trading until the moment had passed. There can be no doubt that DC intentionally sabotaged the Hunt brothers. The charges against the Hunts were obviously trumped up later to “justify” the trading halt until they had lost billions. Once again proof that the US will allow nobody to get big enough to challenge the system.
           Um, so that you know, last day I mentioned “Fifty Years In The Furnace”, the story of C.V. Myers, the old man the Canadian tax department hounded to death. That’s the guy Ottawa granted immunity to attend his wife’s funeral and arrested him anyway. It is known that slightly before the Hunt brothers began to speculate in silver futures, they had met with C.V. Myers. There is no compelling evidence that any of these people ever committed a crime that was on the books before they were arrested.
           And I see my fan mail mentions that my average blog is longer now than back in 2009. I was not retired back in 2009, see?