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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 5, 2014

One year ago today: August 5, 2013, a lot of info.
Five years ago today: August 9, 2009, generic post.
Ten years ago today: August 5, 2004.

           I missed my memoir club writer’s meetup because I have no wheels. The scooter is still parked at the club, I was too lazy to go up there. Now hold on, that is being harsh. I was exhausted. That was a lot of work on the water heater and I raked the yard. I need the break. I biked up to Senor CafĂ© for a clubhouse and to read the newspaper. That’s my first bacon sandwich in at least five years, likely more. A borderline boring day, so let’s see what’s in the Miami Herald, as if that’s going to help.
           Just the usual pack of nobodies trying for brownie points over the same-sex marriage thing, as if anybody with any brains gives a hoot about that. What else? African killings, check. Recession over, check. Drug news, check. Air fares up, service down, check. Yes, I made sure I did not accidentally have was not reading last year’s paper by mistake.
           Let’s go back and see if anything makes any difference to me. What’s this, Megabus? Something about $1 tickets. Hey, if it hurts Greyhound, I’ll ride the thing for spite alone. Screw you, Greyhound, using your zero tolerance policy to block customer complaints. Not happy? Complain? They throw you out of the station. I gather the concept, the Megabus is point to point (no local stops) on prime routes. Good, stomp on Greyhound. Scoop their gravy and leave that company in the backwaters, where their mentality has been for just ages.
           It says here they [Megabus]keep costs down by not having terminals. Funny, Greyhound is doing much the same thing with terminals. Remember Jacksonville? Sixteen plastic chairs for 38 people? I’ll look closely at this Megabus, see if it goes anywhere I might want to visit for a day or two. The newspaper also reported the average hotel room in America was $113. Where? In North Dakota?
           What else. Hey, drive-thru McDonald’s says 60 second service. For people who like to eat in their cars. To stuff their fat faces while they should be driving more carefully. Fast food meets instant food. You know they are cooking the crap up in advance and nuking it, but since when did these people who need a crane to get out of bed ever care a twit about quality?
           Moonshine. Making moonshine in Wilton Manors. It is illegal to operate a still without a license. That’s right, you can brew beer and wine, but distilling gets the tax depart , er, I mean, Tobacco and Alchohol people all riled up. And it isn’t like you just go get the license. They need to “interview” you to see if you “qualify”. Those with certain “backgrounds” are not allowed to operate a “plant”. Are you beginning to see why it took sixty years for the pot laws to ease up?
           Awright, you been good. Here is a popular link from Jimmy Ruska making the rounds.

                      The Commanding Officer.

           And two more for luck.

                      Time lapse mushrooms.
                      Ketchup spatula? <----For the life of me, I can’t figure out what this is supposed to be. It is not fast enough to put to work. Weird. Just plain weird. Then, by a few months later, this link goes dead. Beware, for that reason, of blogs with lots of links.

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