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Wednesday, September 1, 2004

September 1, 2004

           I missed a day at work. Needed time to recover. But I haven't done anything [strenuous that would make me this tired]. This is not a good sign. I went out for lemonade but otherwise stayed put. Here is the Mars happy face.

           To me, the formal end of another summer, and 15 summers gone since I’ve [really] been in love. Thank the stars it hasn’t been that long since I got the old end wet. I’ll tell you what else will be wet this weekend. Miami. Unless the world wobbles more than usual by noon tomorrow, Hurricane Frances is coming directly toward downtown. Not that it would break my heart to see some of that overpriced and overdeveloped property over there get squashed flat.
           Wally and the gang are piping full of suggestions, like where to park my car, and to avoid humming “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head”, which is unlikely since I hated that tune the first time I heard it in, I think. 1968? I dislike the jazzy style and lyrics, which to me means it took a top ten spot away from a good rock tune. Speaking of taking away available slots, who is this brunette getting all the press? That is bad enough, but she looks like a mature woman and on top of that, she is married to a hockey player. I’ve said it before and it bears repeating: married, shacked-up, and going-steady women are not and will never be sex symbols in my book. Unless you are single and unattached, preferably have never been attached, you have sold out to the highest bidder so get out of my face. There is nothing wrong with being all those things, but there is something wrong thinking it makes no difference to anyone.

           My, I’ve got an attitude today! Yea, well with the possibility of not getting a full paycheck for the next two weeks due to hurricanes and holidays, it does not take much to aggravate me. I got a lift in with Julie today, only to discover after work I had the wrong key for the Taurus. Heddy gave me a lift home, I’ll have to do something nice for her. The weather held out till after coffee at Denny’s and I am looking forward to spending a lot of time studying if the office gets shut down. I’ve got plenty of canned everything and no property that can possibly be destroyed that would bother me. Let me take mental stock, I’ve got plenty of coffee, bottled water, canned milk, and canned tuna, potatoes, sardines, baked beans, peas and boxes of crackers, soup and pasta. Put it this way, before I’m hurting, others will be near dead. I don’t like the idea of sleeping without air conditioning (which, by the way, saved Florida), but I won’t need a generator either. I’m proud to say I have no “battery powered emergency gear”, and thus no dead batteries to complain about. So I have to complain about married brunettes thinking they are hot stuff.
           Another one that gets me is that Reese Witherspoon. They are so desperate to make her look self-made that they’ve created a controversy over how she can handle acting while pregnant. That is really stretching it, I mean she was born in India. Right there tells you something, most people born in India are kind of stuck there for life. Anyway, the story says she “discovered” she was pregnant. Gag me with a spoon, nobody buys that accidental pregnancy crap any more. Discoveries are generally made by accident, and from what I’ve learned about blonde blue-eyed women over 16, there is no surprise to it whatsoever.

           I’m getting ready for a marathon study session. I’m still stuffy with mild symptoms but more affected by the terrible writing style of the computer manuals causing my head to spin even more. Add another peeve to the list, I’ve noted that some of the most important aspects of programming in VBA are not even mentioned. At first you suspect you’ve overlooked them, but for example, I found a single sentence on page seven in one of let’s count, at least twelve manuals I’ve read, and it says, “Closing the main module exits the application.” This is the second most important thing in many programs and it is hard to describe the implications, but trust me, it is a serious omission.
           Last for now, I paid the rent and mentioned that I did not like two things. They way they have turned down the hot water pressure, and the barking dog. No negotiation, things get restored to the way they were, or I leave. It was amusing to listen to them give all the tired excuses, that they can’t hear the dog bark, they can take a shower in 30 seconds, the walls are really thick, the water is hot enough. All the bull, but they know it didn’t get them anywhere. There is one solution that compromises, and that is let me run the AC all the time, which drowns out the dog. But cheap bastards never compromise on money issues.

           Speaking of bastards, I learned that a stripe on a coat of arms means something. If it is diagonal top left to bottom right, fine, but bottom left to top right means the owner was a bastard. There are not, you can bet, many coats of arms in the USA these days. Hey, I meant to talk about lists a bit. I need three updatable lists, one each for sites, employees and phase codes. These have to be combo lists, not combo boxes (which can be updated on the fly). This is not as simple as just that, because the lists must be designed to only deliberate actions can add or delete a new member. I somehow know anything so practical is going to be very difficult to pull off. Um, it just hit me that I am really tired, so leave all this until another time.