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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014

One year ago today: October 8, 2013, Miley who?
Five years ago today: October 8, 2009, Japanese fashion.
Ten years ago today: temporarily suspended, I will notify you.

           Now we await the results of the audition. The group may have a little further to go that I concluded from their e-mails, but they’ve definitely got a lot of mileage on them. So let’s tie up some loose ends on other topics. Remember NeverWet, the liquid-repellent spray coating? My conclusions are it is difficult to work with, has trouble coating anything but flat surfaces, is easily scraped or dissolved off by anything except water, and cannot be left wet for very long.
           It will repel some oils, but this wears off the coating each time. My estimation is this product is not worth the $20. But Rust-oleum is a reputable company and you may enjoy these videos just to see new product in action.

           I love my five-string bass and met other bassists last evening who report the same thing. Once you get used to it, the instrument is more expressive. But it turned out to be more of an eye-opener, since what I learned on that, I quickly used to modify my 4-string bass, which is far more familiar territory.
           For me, that is a wake-up call for your average guitarist. To me, most guitarists are about as fantastically average as they come. It won’t be long before I find ways to widen that gap. A little innovation will go a long way.
           Humor time. You know how the saying goes, the two happiest days in a boat owner’s life are the day he buys it and the day he sells it? That got me to thinking what is the second happiest day in his life? And you can apply this to anything: The day he gets married and . . . Ha ha, pretty funny, don’t you think? No? You must be married.
           I’ve been asked about what it is like to work at the phone company. I don’t know how to answer that. Except for the clerical work, there really isn’t much to compare it to. Here’s the best I can come up with. It is like working at the post office, but without all the glory, wild sex parties, and free trips to Paris.

           Ah, the nice weather, and me at the age where I appreciate sitting right here doing nothing. Not nothing like some, I mean, but my brand of nothing. I’m well into “The Nautical Chart”, which would be a great book if Coy, our hero, would just jump her bones and quit fantasizing about her. Every chapter does go on about how she’s dressed and what it is covering up. I got brothers who think like that and no wonder they never get any.
           What’s wrong with this picture? Looks perfectly normal to me. Everybody in my family was blonde.
           I’m next designing a type of circuit that closes a relay, but instead of causing a huge battery drain, I’d like it to tug on a capacitor. I’m learning all I can about these devices which were once called condensers. As I learn about these components I also realize the majority of people who use them don’t know that much about them. Just you try to find out much more than those beginner’s charts of how they charge and discharge. Other than smoothing AC ripples that tells you nothing of their other usages.
           The news reports say that Florida is ready for the outbreak of ebola, with one bed in one isolation ward. Gee, what a comfort, unless two people get it, which could be a problem. But, they assure us everything is under control. Like the way they halted the spread of herpes and AIDS when all the infected people voluntarily warned their partners ahead of time. These methods should work equally well with ebola. The projected death count is 5 million, clearly not enough for the feds to seal off Africa.

           I went on a callout, for Windows XP. Told ya, that program is going to be around a long time yet. MicroSoft is improving itself out of existence. They even mucked up the “new folder” command in 7 and 8. And folks, your anti-virus will not rid your computer of spyware. You have to use a product like Spyhunter to even see the infections. But that callout just paid for my motorcycle tire installation, so I was up at Panera till late over coffee.
           Now remember, Florida, when you walk into a big empty restaurant like Panera, always sit at the table next to the man reading a book. You just know that he is sitting by himself in a corner because he needs you to entertain him with loud tales of your favorite sport and to listen to your intelligent phone calls. And remember to act surprised when he finally gets up and moves to the other side of the room. Why, if he doesn’t want your wonderful company, he must be anti-social.
           I dropped by to see how Agt. M was getting by. He took the ebike for a spin to make sure it still functions as a regular bike when the batteries go dead. It is considerably heavier than it looks, so this element is all the more important. Nor is this bike cheap despite 60% of the parts being made to order. Even the spokes are custom made.
           Don’t disparage home-made. Look at this:

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