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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 5, 2014

           This blog has hit the big time - I've been censored. The October 21, 2014 post has been censored by Google, the Almighty. All editorial is 100% my own, therefore, it must have been one of two pictures. All pictures here are fair usage, that is, they are for a purpose that does not conflict with the intent of the original, nor do they in any way diminish demand for the original. Hence, no infringement. The complaint quoted the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act). But then, my usage quotes the stated intent of copyright law.
           What is fascinating is the process. Google only says there is a complaint, but won't say what it is. Kind of like the cop who asks if you know why you are being stopped. "I had to speed officer, because this is a stolen car.". Moreover, by default, they side with the complainer by placing the blog into “draft” mode until you “correct” the problem. Now get this, all of a sudden, ALL your email accounts are frozen until you get a “passcode”. The squad of Google and MicroSoft will get your name on file. Yours, not mine.
           The problem for them is I saw this coming a decade ago and have a perfectly safe network of interlocking and secure e-mail accounts all over the world. But most people do not. They were not using their brains. But things are definitely moving toward my contention that identification will soon be required to use the Internet. The big players are not putting the system in place at such great expense not to one day use it. There will come a time when an Internet account is as heavily government controlled as a bank account.
           Here’s a photo of my snowmobile helmet on top of the newest club acquisition. More on that below, but this is indeed not a motorcycle helmet. I can explain. It was plenty cold in Utah last November. Hence, when I needed a helmet, I went to a winter outfitter rather than a motorcycle dealership. I tried several different styles. I was not looking for warmth as much as for comfortable and airtight. This helmet also had the least rushing noise in the wind.

           Here are some of my favorite recent videos:

           I Can’t Believe It’s Not Democracy
           He Said; She Said
           Mommy & Daddy Get Caught
           The Six Girls You’ll Date

           Not watching TV has a bearing on what you don’t see here, in this blog. I’m aware of Middle East conflicts, the impending collapse of Europe, and gay marriage. But then, I don’t have Fox blasting these things at me 24/7. I can go for months without giving a damn about Syria, the banking cartel, or queers. Can you? Such topics can only get to me by the time the majority must be choking on that trash.
           The sooner everyone kills each other in the Levant, maybe we’ll get more cartoons again. The Jewish-controlled banking system has perpetuated every European financial crisis in history and made the continent their slaves—just like they are doing here. And weirdos will remain in the same fringe groups they have since day one. So if you want idle commentary, go to Fox News or read the New York Times. This is not the blog that sweeps along with the sheeple.

           Another laughable crowd are the ones that predict the system will collapse. They are blind. It has been collapsing for ten years. Housing, insurances, bailouts, Enrons, endless wars, and bank failures. Just because it doesn’t all happen at once tends to fool the unwary. Food will go up 20% in the next year, the sources of supply are now almost completely corporate controlled. They will get all the money from those foolish enough to have trusted them.
           So I’m saying don’t for a second think that the lack of political commentary here shows a lack of awareness. It is that what I think is not influenced much by the mass media. If I repeat things that were recently in the news, that is coincidence. My reactions are more what I personally noticed rather than what was dictated on the six o’clock. You know, I cannot name you one single news anchor, weather reporter, or syndicated columnist. Not one.
           But media has a place if one knows how to use it. My big prediction? Revolution in India due to the Internet. For the first time in millennia, outside subjects (like sex education) are reaching the village level. When those peasants wake up and realize what is going on, there will be hell to pay. It took 2,000 years for rape to reach the front page. It won’t be another five years before I predict some major class troubles. Thanks to the Internet.
           So there, that is my rambling this morning before I've had coffee.

           Noon-ish, I took the batbike out for a sprint to Hypoluxo Road. Primarily I had to test the electrical. I could not find the grounding problem, to I took the regular wire and measured it. The diameter was four times that absolutely needed, so I split it into four. I placed robot-grade grounding clamps directly onto the Honda frame and ran four heavy copper cables to each. This did not find the cause of the grounding problem, but it certainly made it go away. Electrical problems always come back, so no finger-wagging when it does.
           While up there, I purchased the club’s first oscilloscope. We still need the cables, but it seems to be in nearly new condition. On the return leg, I drove through the trailer court and it is certain as soon as I find something, I’ll be moving. It’s three times more money than I have, but retirement-wise, it waxes this town. I wound up here due to a heart attack, not by choice. And I’d like to get a move on.

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