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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 20, 2015

           Finder's keepers. In the used book store last afternoon, a love letter fell out of an old novel. Other than the first sentence saying the 31st of March fell on a Wednesday, it is undated. Because MicroSoft Excel has gone full you-know and no longer has a function to print the weekdays, I’m stuck with the assumption that Wednesday is day 4 [of the week]. Since I could not tell what book, I determined by others on the shelf the year was between now and 1978. That gives five possibilities: 2006, 2000, 1995, 1989 and 1978. But the letter is everlasting.
           Here is the full text of the hand-written original:

A Soldier’s Love Letter

My Love,
           Hey sweetie, its Wed. night the 31st of March and right now I am missing you so much. I sent you a box today. It had alot of snack foods homemade cookies that I hop dont go stale, your favorite conditioner Biolage (I think that how you spell it) and the digital camera. I was so nervous about sending it. I’m afraid it want get to you or something. theres a lot of money in the that box w/ the camera and conditioner. I’m worried because last time I talked to you you said you got the Easter box & the box with your exercise equiptment but I sent 3 boxes that day. You are missing the box with all of the food in it. Well anyway I hope you have gotten it or will get it soon.
           My days are still going about the same. Yesterday I had to drive to Ft. Bragg to fix your insu health insurance. They didn’t have you in Deers or something like that. I had to show them the letter they sent me saying you didnt qualify for tricare, a copy of your orders and my military ID. I had to run around everwhere on base. I went to one place they would send me to another but finally I fixed the problem. I also got my hair cut while I was there you cant beat 5 dollar hair cuts. I got home around 4:00 and went to the gym as usual and came home and studied fo that test I have monday.
           Today Josh came over and we went to the landfil w/ the dump truck and got 2 loads of mulch. One was for my mom. You know that big flower bed around the Gazebo thats where we put it. The other load I got we are going to park the dump truck up at Food Lion and put a big sign in the mulch that says “Mulch for sale” and my phone #. I hope this will get us some more business. That reminds me yesterday me and josh went and looked at a job on our way to the gym. Its a big landscaping job. Its for Jeff Jones you remember him vitamin man? Well anyway its a lot of stumps we have to dig up and haul off fill the holes we make, put out grass seed and fertilizer, and bring a load of mulch. I havent given him a price yet I have to go around and price supplies. :-) I love you. I also have a job monday for Ms. Reed again she need a load of mulch and wants us to spread it. I need this money right now I’m broke and I really want to save some money so I can take you somewhere when you get home. Actually I’m not BROKE but I’m not letting my self spend the money I saved this month. But anyway back to my day. After all the mulch stuff I went to Wal-mart and got the stuff to put in your box. I packed it good and used alot of tape. But you probably have noticed that by now. You know me the post office gives the tape to me for free :-) and I abuse it. :-) I mailed it around 4:00 and then went to the gym I was there until 6:00 thats the longest workout I have had lately. I am starting to get my endurance in my muscles back. I feel really good workout wise I’m running further and fast in the mornings and lifting heavier in the evenings but emotionaly I’m very sad and I miss you so much. The only thing that keeps me going is seeing your pictures everywhere and knowing you love me and you will be home I dont want to say soon but its the only word that will fit. I truly do miss you and I think about you 24/7. Well its 7:00 now I just got finished eating and now I’m going to study some more tonight.

           But enough about me... how are you? what are you doing? do you need me to send you anything? are you still working out? even though you dont need to because you are the mostest beautiful person in the world. Your beautiful eyes you perfect smile that mes me so happy to see, your gorgeous blond hair that will be beautiful at our wedding, and I cant forget your sexy body. I picture it in my mind all the time. So sexy... I remember all the crazy sex we had everywhere at the apartment. And on by squeaky bed and we cant forget about the vibrating balls. :-) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I cant wait until you get your R&R. We will definitely have to get a motel room. I might not last long but I will be able to go more than once and my tounge will be working too. I cant wait to kiss you all over and rub you down with lotion from head to toe. I’m going to give you the best massage ever. and more kisses than you can handle. We will have to find a motel with a whirl pool in the room so we can fill it w/ bubble and have sex in it. I truly can’t wait to see your beautiful face again and feel your touch on my skin. I LOVE YOU MORE than ANYTHING!!!! and you better remember that. Well I’m going to study I’ll write you again soon.

                                                                                        Love Always & Forever,

PS Call me. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

           May I say to Michael and sweetie that is a truly touching love letter. It is presented here out of respect and encouragement. I do not pry, I feel that there is nothing here to identify you and anyone who already knows you must necessarily be aware that you two are in love.
           Now, you are also immortalized and semi-famous.

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