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Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29, 2015

           It’s no surprise that getting the toy pistol to work and getting it to work efficiently are two different animals. I have the set of wood rasps only to find a need another set, somewhere between wood and metal, I suppose a “medium” tooth set, if there even is such a thing. But everyone is impressed by the pistol and it is surprisingly accurate for about six feet. Wait, I just got a phone call. Be back in an hour. Maybe I'll make to that museum after all.
           One hour later, yes, success. Some kind of excursion is in the offing now. Gotta see my trains and museums, strip clubs just are not my thing. Neither are single mothers, drunk husbands, and low-lifes but I repeat myself. Right now, I'm heading for Miami. Eat my dust, Hollywood. Here is another picture of that beautiful Honda I am not going to buy.
           If the last laugh feature does not display right on your monitor, let me know. It is designed to display on mobile devices. Yes, even I am making concessions to a changing readership.
           Know what I found out? Vet services now offer a tummy-tuck for your dog. You know, so she gets her figure back after the last litter. So she can get a boy dog for the next litter, maybe? So she'll look good in her little doggie bikini? So the other bitches will be jealous? I think I'm gaining a whole new understanding of the term anthropomorphism.

           Thanks to this morning, I spent the afternoon in South Miami. I’m back, and we are planning the trip already. The sidecar has to have the repairs completed and tested before I take it on the road, so be patient. JZ, retired or not, still has to “take time off work” to make a trip during the week. Then again, he’s been retired that way since 1990. When I say all afternoon, that includes sitting in Miami traffic.
           Shown here are two of your choices. A drawbridge or a train crossing. Not shown here is the perfectly legal third-world mentality of that town, particularly when you drive through the ethnic areas. Don’t get coy with me, there is a definite difference between routes that don’t go through Little Haiti or Little Havana. Try it before you start name-calling.

           On the return, I stopped in at Guitar Center for supplies and met this guy who said he could play guitar and was interested in the bass. He was set up, so I jammed with him but all he could play was lead and shred to reggae-like beats. So I cranked out some Marley material and away he went. Not bad, but not the rhythm player. I’d be amazed if he ever finds the band he’s got in mind.
           But now the incident. I never play loud and as this was going on this older dude who I’ve seen around somewhere, walks over to “our” corner of the room and plugs in. He starts playing his tired old riffs he’s been at for thirty years, over top of our little jam. He’s going to show us how real guitar playing sounds.
           Well, this miffs the reggae guy, who flips the volume knob to eleven. I’m like, okay, that’s enough, I’m not here to make enemies. I left, but this is what I mean by “guitar mafia” in this town. It was a confrontation brought on by that second azz-clown, like I say, I’ve seen him somewhere. And if you play music anywhere in this town, I’ve seen you somewhere. What a gonad, the kid I was jamming with was half his age.
           You’ve seen the jerk, too. Five-nine-and thirteen-sixty-fourths (over 50 and still checks it daily), claims [to be] six [foot call], Kramer hairstyle, highlighted blond thinks you don’t know, wears untucked Hawaiian shirts thinks it hides his beer-gut, toothy-grin all caps, Mr. Beach Bum but mostly the latter, hangs around music stores bookless and bone-headed. Total head-case, never held a steady job, played until his fingers bled, blah, blah, blah.

           See this? That’s a late din-din. Soup and sandwich, totally home-made. Food we can identify with, note I was so famished I took a bite out of the corner before I could get my camera ready. Bakery bread, organic tomato and lettuce, and broth. Well, okay, I mixed in some broccoli and such, but it was still a slow news day. Now some history and some learning.
           While at the music store, I picked up a recorder. This flute-like instrument goes back a while with me. When I was in elementary, there was an German girl, the Reuther clan, I think, anyway they were Catholics and she played clarinet, her specialty was “Clarinet Polka”. She was two years older than me and really liked me, but she was already “all woman”. Women who like you “that way” can be a bit intimidating to a thirteen year old like myself, especially if they look and act like my mother.

           While that had nothing to do with my buy decision, it reminded me of flutophone music. Just like ordinary English, I can read it upside down just as easily. Thus, I was able to play a couple of easy tunes by inverting the sheet music because I used to watch the German girl reading the notes. Anyway, the flutophone is not the “easy” instrument many people mistake if for. It has a long development history and you can find them anywhere in the civilized world. And in Greece and parts of Togla-free Turkey, too.
           Wait, there’s more. The German girl said she used the flutophone to practice with. And that gal knew how to play the pennywhistle, too, or at least as local rumor had it. What is the major difference between a recorder and a flutophone? The flutophone has little dents around the finger holes so you can tell by feel if you are getting it right. So I guess I have a flutophone. And Louise, that’s it. The lady-girl’s name was Louise Reuther. My oath, that was a long time ago. (She was also the first "older woman" who liked me but I didn't like her.)
           Additionally, I brought home a set of ratty old roller blades, with the wheels still in new condition. I was after the bearings of which I now have eight sets. Upon closer examination, they are not really roller bearings, but the most expensive ball bearings, so I hit the jackpot. Um, you are aware that is why these were originally called “roller” blades? If not, that’s your trivia for today.

           When I went to remove the wheel part (since I only want the bearings) I found the toughest plastic I’ve ever encountered. So don’t believe that they can’t make it right. I smoked two saw blades already and still have not got the first one off. And I erected a 20” fan on the work table as the material emits fumes that cannot possibly be any good for you.
           Last, Fred could not find his beautiful 2” belt sander, he figures he must have lent it out years ago and never got it back. That would be ideal for here. The smallest one I can find otherwise is a 4” model. I see lots of people came by while I was out of town. Must be to see the famous toy gun. You see, by 6:30 PM, after a full day, I went over to Jimbos II and sat down for an hour. Did not feel like visitin’ much.

Last Laugh
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