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Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 4, 2015

           First, food. I’m the breakfast rebel, I don’t believe there are breakfast foods. And I was a hungry man. So it was bourbon chicken this AM. Spicy food does not bother me, it only burns once. So it was the fiery Cajun style, not that ho-hummy eastern tenderfoot molasses goop. Bring it on. I was famished.
           A morning of moaning about things. Okay, so I woke up grumpy. But there are things that cause that and they are going to get it over my oatmeal. While I’m no rebel or revolutionary, I’m am always in defiance of the worst parts of what’s going on. Like the census claiming to be nothing but questions of local information. Except the information is required by law and there is no provision to opt out. They claim it is anonymous, but they got your address, did they not?

           The lowly comparator, the least understood circuit over here. The reason for that is although it is digital, it works on an analog input. It always was low on my priority list. Now that I’m out to learn it, I see most of the experts are in the same boat. Well, except they refuse to admit they don’t really know. How it works is easy, but I need to know enough about the characteristics to incorporate it into a circuit, and that’s where the existing literature fails. It’s like listening to a bunch of mechanics when you asked for a driving instructor.
           Companies you love to hate: Adobe. Constantly trying to shove the horrid Google Chrome on you every time you get one of their nonsense “upgrades”, not because you want the upgrade, but to stop their annoying popup messages. You can’t trick them anymore by downloading but never installing. Disgusting pack of losers, that Adobe, plus, they tamper with your computer registry. Gentlemen don’t do that kind of thing.

           And those westernized Chinese women they show in the movies. What’s the message with that? That the only liberated feminist oriental women are the ones who pretend they are white? And act like high-class hookers? Because if you’ve never seen the real role of women in Chinese society, it’s time you should. Because slavery is illegal in America, except to the credit card companies.
           Stereotyping. How about movies that start with some reject (social, police, military, space academy) and his/her recurring dream. You know, the dream that shocks them awake and they reach for a bottle of scotch. (Maybe they don't like bourbon?) The bright side is you know the agency is about to find him in his mountain cabin/Tibet/flophouse so he can save the world. So speaking of stereotypes, here are my favorite five stereotype quotes:

           “I bet you anything that 10 times out of 10, Nicky, Vinny and Tony will beat the shit out of Todd, Kyle and Tucker.” -George Carlin.

           “When you are about 45, something terrible happens to music.”

           “You never realize how the human voice can change until you hear a woman stop yelling at her husband and answer the phone.”

           “Love is cuddling on the couch. Marriage is deciding which couch.”

           “Popular in our time, unpopular in his. So runs the stereotype of rejected genius.”

           Mind you, I have always said that there is ALWAYS a reason for people being stereotyped and there are a lot of others who agree with me on that one. But I've also always said those who fit a stereotype have a duty to change themselves, not argue with the world. What's more, those who dislike stereotyping have things in common. They are boringly similar and are all talk. It’s like listening to ugly people call the world superficial. It’s so predictable, it becomes a stereotype. Love that circular logic! But only when I do it.

           Here’s the newest issue of the Canadian twenty dollar bill. It is the most common bill in the country, since, I suspect, anything smaller won’t buy anything. The bill is made of plastic, actually a polymer so it won’t tear. Anyway, this is the trivia. The maple leaf symbols all over the face of this bill is not native to Canada. The leaf on their flag is a sugar maple, but not the leaf on their money.
           It was uncomfortably warm today, so I was under the air-conditioning with a good book or two. Boy, anybody who doesn’t read books because of computers is really living in a vacuum. Even mediocre books that make it to print have better content than on-line editorial. I think media on the ether is built on crappy sensationalism so bad that their ratings drop if they dare to get the facts. Like that old priest “arrested for feeding the homeless”. None of that is true except that he got arrested.
           But isn’t it neat how, once he saw his own spin on the six o’clock, he started whistling that tune himself? The homeless, my eye. All he was doing was making sure the beggars and pickpockets were well-fed. He was turning the center of one of the finest beaches in Florida into a haven for druggies and queens of the twenty dollar paycheck. You like that last phrase, do you? Good, because I invented it.
           And one more thing I'll add. I sat down for my tea and looked in the package. I buy the large family size that makes the whole pot of tea with one bag. What? Talk about inflation. Same box, same price, but the number of bags dropped from 36 to 24.

           I was at the Paradiso. We rescheduled rehearsal for another night. Told you, I’m not feeling right. That even explains the movie, “Good-bye To All That”. A fantasy comedy about a divorced guy who scores all these super-hot women on the dating sites that his ex gets jealous. Yeah, sure. Must have been written in LA during the early days of Internetting. Did I just coin a verb?
           Didn’t I say how I canceled my membership in the university dating club? That was a joke, half those women have never been anywhere near a campus. The few okay ones were a little too close to their mothers. When over 50, this is not always a good marketing plan. And they were all still hung up on the age thing.
           Contrast this to my attitude that any women over 32 who isn’t married yet ain’t too young for anything that comes along. If I’m wrong, prove it. And when you can’t, it’s back to teenage dating philosophy: if they are all going to turn into beyotches anyway, at least pick the pretty one.

           I always pick the pretty one. But that’s only good advice for guys who have grown a pair. Sorry, Ken. Anyway, that dating club was upscale, but I did detect a money game going on. According to what those women said, they don’t enjoy the less-expensive things in life. It costs money to hike in Colorado and sail in Mexico. Moonlight on the beach and weekend getaways don’t come cheap, you know. What I’m not okay with is how they try to be coy about the fact you need an income they can enjoy.

           Anyway, the movie was unrealistic. The girls you went to summer camp with forty years ago are not, by today, divorced sex goddesses. Hell, I saw pictures of my 30th high-school reunion (which I did not attend as I was living in S. America at the time) and didn’t recognize any of the women. I would have had quite some difficulty picking the pretty one over there, so I stayed in S. America. Where you date who you want to date, not the one Ann Landers tells you is right for you. Never did care for age-appropriate women if they are over 30.
           True, those women picked the pretty ones themselves. But they married them, cheated on them, divorced them, and now blame the world. Myself, I don’t recall having done anything of the kind. That’s partially why, in the movie I just watched, I’m not buying that at the party, the first woman he meets invites him on a week-long scuba class in the tropics. Or that as an office worker, he can afford a house of his own the day after he gets the divorce notice.
           So in all, I rate this movie as a cleverly disguised chick-flick. He even meets a wild sex kitten that flat out tells him that’s all she wants. But he is too kind and sensitive to accept anything less than a relationship. Like I said, chick flick.

Last Laugh
Here's my stereotypical image of the fat lady's fridge.

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