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Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 2, 2015

One year ago today: April 2, 2014, apologies to Nesmith.
Five years ago today: April 2, 2010, Millie RIP.
Ten years ago today: April 2, 2005, I bash FOX for censorship.

           Did you miss me? It was my annual wait-in-line at the government clinic. I was the youngest person there today. And they found something, I can tell by how soon they need to see me again. Relax, it could be good news. I feel fine. Fine, that is, if you ignore that by the time I got out of there I had not eaten for 19 hours. Sometimes it might be better to skip a day and fast because I took the scooter up to 61 mph, highest ever, to get to the Taft CafĂ©.
           Look, all the things I’m not allowed to have. Fries, gravy, mayo, beef, real coffee, high fructose ketchup, salt. All I’m saying is that this time I earned it. What? The books on the table? That’s me when I don’t have a lady along. Let the other single men dwell on it, I never sit there and worry. Another suggested title for the picture is, "Honey, honest, I do miss you, this is just some work I was catching up on."

           The staff knows me, so it is totally okay I was there and hour, savoring every bite of that meal. And finding an alternate way to calculated the Sun's height. Probably 1200 calories in one setting, my usual daily total. While at the clinic, I had a “discussion” with an eye doctor. My position is the guy blatantly lied—and the whole waiting room heard it.
           I questioned the practice of requiring a new eye exam each year before renewing an eyeglass prescription. He stated that was the law; I corrected him that was an old and outdated law that applied only to contact lenses. He pretended to misunderstand and switch to saying it was a liability issue. That the doctor could be sued if someone needed new glasses and used an “old” prescription. I challenged him to state if he was ever aware of someone whose vision had changed that rapidly and was unaware of it.
           He then tried to quote some obscure statistics, I told him I’d heard enough. As far as I was concerned these people were milking the medical insurance system. As for liability, the extra insurance coverage would be a trivial cost compared to billing every patient for an annual eye exam.


           “Remember that in Show & Tell, the Show comes before the Tell.” --Unknown.

           What to do before welding something to a vehicle? Disconnect the battery. I got enough of the job ready last evening to take the job over to the clubhouse. I still don’t trust myself with the welder, but look at Agt. M. fly at this. I told you about the unique bracket for the original muffler? The downtown people called back, and they actually found one. The catch is the price is $265 plus shipping.
           Screw them, that’s half what the scooter is worth. A close examination of the old bracket mount shows that it had to move with the engine frame, yet it was attached to the flexible rear tire assembly. I wont explain further except to say if it moves like that, something else is going to break of fall off.

           It was not even hot today and this welding job consumed a half gallon each or orange juice, apple juice, and a quart of milk. For me, two cups of coffee and 1-3/4 gallons of iced tea. Do you think the club should install a soda fountain? Another pint I think I’m missing is the blood samples I gave this morning, because by late afternoon I was so bagged, I had to stop the repair half-way and zonk out.
           I just came to. I dunno, do I sound tired? I’ll be in my armchair for the rest of the day. If I get the energy, I’ll show you how far the muffler repair has progressed. That’s the limit of my endurance today. Yep, I’m that tired. And everybody who lives long enough will get a turn at it.

           Are you back already? Okay, this is the way the scooter muffler looks now. It is not finished, there is nothing holding it up at the back. The pipe extending upward at an angle stops it from hitting the ground. But it is not connected to anything solid. This excellent repair took a couple of hours. This is the original muffler and I’m amazed it lasted this long. Not to worry, the new mount means it can be replaced much more easily than before
           To the squinty-eyed who ask, “Doesn’t that section of pipe going to the motor casing look an awful lot like a piece from the handlebars of the old electric bike last year?”
           To which I reply something between, “Don’t you have anywhere to be right now?” and “Go tell you mother she needs you.”

           And that’s the full day around here. I can’t compare it to much, since I don’t know of anyone else who has a blog. Since you’ve read this far, I’ll give out a little background on that subject. I cut out revealing anything specific about my readership when it passed 50,000. At today’s levels, there is very little chance of any current information appearing again.
           It will be there, but it won’t be current. I’m the arch-proponent of telling people since 1976 not to put anything personal on a computer. To put that into perspective, I was warning people about the invasive nature of databases fifteen years before the Internet as we know it arrived on the scene.
           As mentioned, readership is falling, it is a fraction of the wild days of 2012. My opinion is that these retrograde fads like text or twit will not be around as long as blogs simply because the content isn’t there. There is a reason certain brands of authorship last long enough to become traditional forms. I’m saying even if instant socialized messages are still here in twenty years, will anybody actually be reading the old ones? I say that because I doubt anyone would read a ten year old tweet even should they become available.
           Oh, and they probably will be available. If not to you, then to the government, who keeps a copy of every text message and tweet in the databanks of that mile-long building in Bluffdale, Utah. There is a reason the authorities located the facility deep inside a military base. They lovingly refer to it as a “Data Center”. Aw, isn’t that nice?

           Here’s a note aimed only at those charmed and no doubt charming individuals with nothing to hide. If you file any type of consumer complaint against the following companies, you will be banned from their services for life.

                      Carnival Cruises

           This includes the situation where your complaint is resolved amicably. These are only the outfits I am aware of. You can bet the list is shared between every company that could possibly be interested in whether or not you are a complainer. Oh, but that’s right, you have nothing to hide. You are so paranoid of being called paranoid that you have nothing to hide. You must really enjoy the regimented lifestyle. For you, prison is like paradise, you don't have to make so many decisions on a daily basis.

Last Laugh
Now I ask you, how funny is this?

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