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Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 10, 2015

One year ago today: May 10, 2014, typical day.
Five years ago today: May 10, 2010, on ripping CDs.
Six years ago today: May 10, 2009, dissing Archie comics.

           I said I’d confess my sudden interest in Jimmy Buffett music. I’ve been tipped off the resort is already looking for entertainers. And that “they pay extremely well”. That joint is going to bankrupt a five mile radius except for entertainment. The small places near casinos do better since, like myself, not everyone enjoys the big room atmosphere. I did Karaoke there once and it was like singing in the corner of an empty warehouse.
           Here is a prophetic photo of the complex. In the foreground are the existing shops along the broadwalk. No franchises, no chains, these are all mom & pop operations, bearing in mind that is a colossal figure of speech. Then, looming in the background is the new casino, er, pardon me, resort, blotting out the horizon.

           While there is no reason to think this audition will be any different, this guitarist may be the one to realize that no single act with backing track could compete with an organized duo. I have nothing to lose, I don’t even have anything remotely lined up. That, plus the casinos are about the closest thing left to an old style lounge. Lounges are the type of venue I preferred to play out west.
           Myself, I think nothing is going to happen at the Margaritaville soon. The place is still a construction pit blowing dust over the countryside. Then again, modern interior décor is so cheap and tacky, who’s to say they won’t furnish and occupy the place within a week? It’s worth the chance, so I learned my requisite five Buffett tunes.

                      Pirate Looks at Forty
                      Cheeseburger in Paradise
                      Come Monday

           There, I’ve paid my dues. Well, that, and when you play Buffett, you had also better be ready to play John Denver. I am. But I draw the line at Fleetwood Mac. I do not play Fleetwood Mac or any Eagles.
           The association turned down my application to put an iron grate across the front of my mini-patio. Some may find that weird, because it looks much better than the sheets of plywood the Frenchies put up as a security barricade when they are away. The real problem is that grates look Cuban and there remains a lot of resentment about what the Cubans have done to Florida.
           And another thing. If you find that you are arguing about reasons why people are supposed to tip, you are already in the wrong. Tipping is not an American custom, never has been, is not now, and hopefully never will be a custom. In any case, tipping is optional so arguing people are “supposed to” is a non-starter.


           “People are never sneaky in only one area of their life.” --Farm wisdom. Got that, Ken?

           Have you ever heard of the Trolley Problem? That’s the scenario where you are on a speeding trolley and there are workers on the track. You have the option to pull a lever and kill somebody else. The classic example is the suicide note where one of the people is wearing a T-shirt that says, “Hit me with a trolley.”
           It turns out he borrowed the shirt from the other worker. My favorite remains the choice between hitting a group of Nazi-sympathizers or a driver who doesn’t use his turn signals. If you follow that last link, be sure to read “Fifty Ways To Leave Your Mother”.

           The picture is a real desktop. This is how they look. Plenty of things going on. I don’t have any other picture for now and it is too early to go out and drum up some excitement. So, lazy people of the Internet, gaze upon my work in process and weep. My regret is that I never had the cash for medical school and thus never invented the cure for cancer.
           An incident up the street. The police came to my door. They pointed at a lady across the way and asked if I knew her. I said no, and she does not live here, and she has no business being in my neighbor’s yard. Sure enough. An escaped loony, claiming she lived in one of the vacant units. No, officer, I know what everybody who lives here looks like, and she does not live here.
           Apparently she has been stealing things in the area, fishing rods, small stuff people leave outdoors. Nothing is missing here but they found a pile of goods hidden under another of the units. Part of the deal was that she looked like she lived here so they say she’s been operating for a week right under the security cameras. Little pet dog and everything. She’s learned that pretending to be crazy is a free ticket in this town.
           Lock ‘em up, I say. Call the wagon and lock ‘em up. This country has welfare, food stamps, and the YMCA or whatever. No need to be stealing from people’s back yards no matter how crazy you are.

           Over the next short term, you are likely to hear more inside workings of the entertainment business. It’s what I do. Allow me to predicate my opinions by including a link to the Margaritaville entertainment hiring website. We can trim the ambiguities by using the same contact information I have. And I think the criteria are spelled out quite distinctly. ( For non-musicians, the term “cover” means to play other people’s hit music, that is, to play things like Jimmy Buffett does.)

           All talent must be able to:
           Play covers to connect with audiences of all ages & perform guest requests
           Perform a mix of different styles of cover music
           Interact with the audience & focus on performing fun and upbeat music

           I’d say it’s evident that ad was written by a musician who knows precisely what brand of bull donkey he is about to encounter. The emphasis is on inter-reaction with the audience. Hollywood, Florida, is the base station of Dunning-Kruger guitar players who fantasize they can do just that. In reality, there have been few lounge musicians in this town since 1995 when the cruise ships took the trade offshore.

           My plan is to follow what happens and see who gets hired. Entertainment is one of the those impossible-to-measure fields, like IQ. Society would like if everybody was around average, but what’s best is a dumb society where a rare few super-examples balance out. Think of it as the difference between Canadian and American society, where the average IQ [across both nations] is an identical 100. That cannot explay why hasn’t Canada done a damn thing in 50 years, but I can. Because most of them [Canadians] really are average, that’s why. Yes, that includes the Bieber.
           In fact, I’ll make one of those unwise predictions. That Margaritaville is going to have the same magnificent problem I have in finding decent guitar players. Guitarists will promise you the world but show up and play “Hotel California” at the audience. The ad spells out they are looking for versatile people who can work the room. I wish them luck. The guitarist of this town is a pro at the mellow audition. Once he gets on stage in front of retired couples, the dismal bastard will start playing Judas Priest. Right, Glen?
           Nobody connects with an audience like I do. I did not just say I was the best, I said nobody else. Being unique is an excellent alternative to being talented. But doing it right can be more challenging that being a virtuoso.

           After several documentaries on the changes in China, it’s pretty clear the West, including the USA, is due for the proverbial rude awakening. We seem to have bred a generation of politicians with their heads up their asses. They go on that China need not fear us, the most warlike and militaristic society in history. It is disgusting to hear the president say we can only “allow” China to become strong if China “accepts the responsibilities” that go with the role. Responsibilities, which of course, we see fit.
           Just how are the Chinese supposed to interpret that kind of threat? Mind you, they are no better for constantly going on about how long and wonderful their civilization is. Like India, if that were true, why are they advancing only by embracing western technologies? It wasn’t Confucius or Vishnu that invented all those skyscrapers and chemical plants. They are not going to let us dictate their role in the world any more than the US is going to give up without a fight.
           As far as communism, we know from the Soviet experiment that central planning caps the markets at a low level. That is not the case in China, that’s pretty clear. I’m saying only a form of capitalism can account for the growth levels and what’s going on is not communism. We say their government does not represent the people but that’s what they say about us. (In fact, no government can ever represent everybody for there are a great many people who would do harm to the system if they could. I know I would, but only to remove certain inequities that cannot be fixed any other way.)

Last Laugh

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