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Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015

One year ago today: May 29, 2014, notice to Singapore.
Five years ago today: May 29, 2010, a look at brazing.
Six years ago today: May 29, 2009, signs of trouble.

           That was a productive cup of coffee. A lady walked into the bakery that I recognized from Caracas some twenty-five years ago. What? Well, of course she is drop dead gorgeous but that is not why I remembered her. She’s barely over thirty today, but that woman can play a cuatro. It’s a four-stringed Venezuelan guitar. Alas, she could still only play the same few chops, but it is miles ahead of the best rhythm players I’ve been able to recruit in this dirty sidewalk town.
           It resembles a ukulele but is played “vastly” different. I once tuned one for Ivan’s sister-in-law, I believe it was A, D, F#, B. It is sold in 8 and 12 string versions which is kind of dumb, since cuatro means “four”. When properly played, it is a full-sounding instrument and comes in a concert version.
           The point is, a beginner on the cuatro exceeds what I require in a professional guitarist. She brought it into the bakery and gave us a few minutes of excellent Venezuelan classical hits. It would remind you of flamenco strumming but not the picking. Again, impressive, since I doubt I would have recognized her otherwise. Yes, I have her phone number, no you can’t have it.
           In other good news for me, although it may be too soon to speak, the “diet” pills have none of the nasty side-effects on me. None of that not-hungry because you are stoned feeling. It seems to work the proper way, by nullifying the cues that trigger the eating instinct. Hence, I can have a lingering coffee and not even think of a treat. This augers well for me, who has tried everything else worth trying. So far, it does away with any nagging hunger pangs, the ones that eventually make you cave.
           Last, the paper reports the FCC is finally about to enforce anti-robocall technology. Gee, and only after receiving 200,000+ complaints per year for how long now? Anyway, the article goes on to say the phone companies object that automatic call-blocking may “run afoul” of their mandate to connect phone calls. What a crock, they love the telemarking income—each line is billed at the maximum business rate. That’s akin to the post office complaining about the junk mail that kept them in business long after they could do the job. What a bunch of lying azzholes, it makes you wonder.
           Wonder, that is, that there are still people ignorant enough in the FCC to even entertain that argument.


           “’Extra’ money is defined as that which you have in your pocket just before the car breaks down.” –Anon

           Who are these old people? Actors. They are part of that team of professional “background actors” you see in the movies, called “extras”. Now largely replaced by replicas, they were an important feature in early productions, often given to overdoing their parts to prove they were not dummies. This one caught my eye because they are in front of the stars. That’s the German officer and the French prostitute walking away from the camera in the background.
           Because in the movies, the Germans are always so bad they can only get sex from French prostitutes. This concept appeals to Millennials, you know. I think it has to do with the fact that most Germans are taller, blonder, and better looking than most Millennials. It would break their little hearts to admit most women would prefer a German to their scruffy-looking selves. You see, in the movies, berating Germans is "typecasting". Berating anybody else is racism. Take care up-and-coming indie producers that you don't get that mixed up, now.
           That was not all the yard work, but that’s all the yard work you are going to get out of me today. My least favorite labor, it reminds me of weeding the garden. Hold on, I mean somebody else’s garden. This, for me, is heavy duty work. Isn’t it strange how the books say diet and exercise will result in weight loss, but it doesn’t seem to be that way? There is an explanation, you know.
           The formula that says one pound is 3,500 calories is misleading. When you begin to diet, your metabolism slows down due to less food and you have to burn 4,000+ for results. What’s worse, as your weight drops, you require ever fewer calories all the time, even when you are idling. So you need more and more exercise and less and less food to keep losing. That double whammy is why average people cannot lose weight. That’s part of what makes them average, kids.
           How about that couple caught doing the wild thing on Bradenton beach a month ago? Result: the female gets off with time served as a “young lady who made some poor choices” who “never, ever” intended to hurt anyone. The male remains in lockup and faces two and a half years in prison. The courts, desperately seeking to justify this disparity say the male had a criminal record. Sure. That’ll do. That’s all you have to tell Mr. & Mrs. TV-watcher these days.
           The courts further incarcerated the lady who overdosed her son (she believed she could not protect the child from the men she dated). I hold American women 100% responsible for for the men they choose. She got 18 years from Judge Charles “Chuck the F*ck” Solomon because she didn’t appear repentant enough for his liking. Proving once again that American Judges become, upon appointment, blessed with the ability to read people’s minds.
           No, Chuck doesn’t have to define what constitutes “repentant enough”, neener, neener. Of course you can complain as long as you do so in writing and sign your name. They need to know where you live or it isn't a valid complaint.
           And again raising the question of whether 'tis wiser pay for “repentance lessons” as an alternative to hiring a New York City attorney.

           I declined a movie invitation this afternoon. It was the foreign cinema and my reason is the film was over two hours long. The time was better put running more numbers on the cottage. It’s tempting the more because it is a sure thing right now rather than a guess in the future. I would be set for life no matter how long I lived. Yet I remain leery of small towns.
           Here’s the emerging financial situation. If I had that property I could borrow against it. The idea of buying in Boynton is only a plan, it could take two or three more years if the right place doesn’t magically appear. During that time, the rent here is wasted.
           If I was in my own place, the equity leap could mean I’d wind up with both places paid for in three years (around August of 2018). None of this has to do with JZ and this is independent calculations per my own circumstances. Am I going to live another three years? Hmmmm.
           The photo is JZ at the Desert Inn, Yeehaw Junction. Except for the bar, that’s what it is. A junction. It’s about a half-hour to the east or south to the next town, a little more than that west and north. These places are in central Florida, closer to Disneyworld than to Miami or Ft. Lauderdale.
           Once again, the documentaries run in the background as I go about my dailies. What is with this spate of anti-German videos all of a sudden? And always the same theme, that all Germans are Nazis, which was never the case. No matter what search criteria I use, I get the propaganda point of view. Example, that the German officers kept prisoner in a British estate were so dumb they did not know they were being eavesdropped on. And their favorite after-dinner topics were top secret weapons and up-to-date strategic plans, nothing less.
           In reality, that is bull and you know it. That is pure British propaganda, a cover story for their worldwide espionage system that exists to this day. How did they know when and where the Argentines were going to attack? Easy, they just captured a few officers, locked them up, and waited for them to spill the beans. There’s a reason England keeps its fifty-year-old war records under wraps and invents these nonsense tales. Man for man, the German officers were the best in history.

           I lied about the yard work. I spruced the whole place up including the yard. Even trimmed that tree in the back that just will not quit. Bad tree, instead of growing up like it is supposed to, it stays the same height and grows tons of branches under the canopy, where I have to cut them off with a hand saw. Mind you, if I want shade in a new place, I know exactly what to plant.
           And don’t forget the new iPod, my motorcycle camper. Now that I have a reliable machine back, the open road beckons. This picture reveals a number of features. No, not my leaf-blown back yard. That tree just mention also sheds year-round. The fenders have not been relocated, that’s a couple of bolts.
           What’s happening here is measurements. I’m in thinking mode. The interior of the camper is measured to be a regular size twin bed. Which got me to thinking, so is the metal frame that Agt. M dropped off here for the pedal pub experiment. Here you see the two being mated for a fit.
           As shown, all I need is two 36” rods and a couple of cotter pins (large) to have a camper 6-foot-8 with an added bonus or two I’m still mulling over. Don’t worry about the splotchy paint job. That will be taken care of in a day or two. The majority of the planning right now is how to de-engineer the project. Last time it (the camper) was built to a far higher standard than ever proved necessary. This time, it is maximum ½” plywood all round, for example.
           Playing electric bass and listening to NPR, that’s my big Friday night. Not now, but in general those phone-in talk shows are a laugh for all the wrong reasons. These women call in to complain their man is cheating, yet you find out they are not married. And that these women leave the man, if he wants variety, absolutely no other choice. I’ve dated women like that. The minute they think there is a commitment, “Take me” becomes, “Don’t touch me there.”

           Reading up on some updated history via books I bought at Cliff’s, up in Deland, some of my notions have been overturned. It was scholars, not doctors, who taught us that the white man (insofar as Spanish are white) brought syphilis into the New World. Wrong, studies of the Chumash Indians of the west coast (California) show that disease existed from the 1500s onward, hundreds of years before the Spanish arrived.
           ID magazine has published on baboon “society”. According to that study, baboons should live in a paradise of plenty. The climate, food supply, forest, and lack of predators should spell Utopia, but instead, the baboons create Hell. They are “evil, deceptive, ruthless” and “unbelievably cruel”. They do not fear hungry lions so much as each other due to societal unrest they choose to create.
           Recently, however, the baboons have increased access to human food supplies and have been developing tuberculosis which in particular kills young aggressive males. The report suggests the remaining males are those with an increased need for harmony and the violence has abated whenever the docile males outnumber the “bullies”.
           Well! I, too, consider myself an expert on hostile primitive behavior, having spent over a decade at the phone company. I can agree that much aggression is the result of an affluent life where the “tough guys” (jocks) don’t have enough work to do, but stop short at saying that is the sole cause of brutality. Jocks are a stupid lot, far too easily distracted to cause organized distress unless drafted into the military or sports teams, in which case they do little else. But it keeps them busy and away from civilization most of the time.
           My theory, now published here, says the increase in peaceful behavior is proportional to the increase in the ratio of females to males. This is reflected in my related theory that America should only allow the immigration of young, skilled, proportionate, single females from other societies. This will solve all the ills of society, including unemployment—but it requires deep logical understanding to see it. It is not the decrease in tormentors that causes baboon concord, but a surplus of females.
           And don’t hand me that crap about monogamy and helpless women. It is plain American style marriage does not work, so don’t even quote it. Most wise American women opt for self-support, they wanted freedom, now they got it.

Last Laugh

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