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Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015

One year ago today: June 22, 2014, beware of meat glue.
Five years ago today: June 22, 2010, liars always lose.
Six years ago today: June 22, 2009, another guitar player?

           Due to popular request, here is a photo of a Road Ranger tow truck. Distinctive white color, you’ll see them parked at strategic locations. I do not know how the system works, but I will look it up. It certainly makes sense in a road network like Florida for the authorities to provide some means of clearing away any stopped vehicles. Florida must hold some kind of record for drivers plowing into stationary objects.
           The batbike is now back in my driveway undergoing a complete inspection. I see that that size of puncture would, in a car, definitely produce a blowout. That means the likely explanation is that the motorcycle is too light to cause a fast blowout even with that kind of damage. All I noticed was a slight wobble.
           I have not located any source of those sponge type inserts that fit around the rims so the tire cannot completely deflate. But if you have ever thought it bad luck to always get a flat in the rain, read this article in Motor Cyclist. They quote Avon, a tire engineering company. When wet, road debris becomes “pre-lubricated”. So maybe it isn’t our imaginations.
           What I did find was an inflation device that might have had the oomph to pop the tire bead back onto the rim. It involves using a CO2 cartidge, the type used for “air” pistols. They are designed for bicycle tires and made by the same outfit that sells “slime” so I’m afraid to ask the price. But the concept is great. A blast of air might have saved me $140 last day.
           Here's an item just in. Who remembers the time I went to look for flat screens at the thrift and that fat old coot was blocking the aisle? He had set up one of the house computers to test the flatscreens, but they can only be tested one at a time. But the way he set it up, nobody else could test anything. He was hogging the space so others could not test. I reported him to the manager and I've been informed he is now barred from their stores. Good. I hope he remembers me, too.


           ” If you keep rephrasing the question, it gradually becomes the answer.” ~Robert Brault

           Here’s something kind of neat. Occasionally I’ll post and anti-guitar-player rant to keep this guys in line. The ones who think the guitar solo is the “central highlight and purpose” of every song. This has had an unexpected spin-off in the sense that it let the board know that it is okay to criticize guitar players. No, not their playing or their talent, that brand of sniping has been with us since day one. But to actually call down bad or non-congruent behavior of guitar brats. Maybe it’s just a trend, but I’m glad there is so much of it on-line these days.
           JZ and I had the big phone conference call over what to do with this flat tire. Besides getting it fixed, I mean. That’s a given. But the fact is when the time came, we could do little but go chasing around for a trailer. And the one we found was too small. Here’s a picture that captures the moment, although this was taken down in Card Sound y’day. At Alabama Jack’s.
           We’ve discovered the rate at which we can get things done is pretty much close to twice what it was when working for a living. There has to be a name for this phenomenon. When you work, you need $5,000 per month and can’t get by on a penny less. You are constantly broke and need something.
           This tarnishes your outlook for retirement—and it is wrong. When getting up to go to work is taken out of the formula, half that amount of money is good living. Provided you know how to have fun without spending. This is not evident, I agree. But there such a thing as investing in a good time and it is quite apart from deriving any fun from merely spending money. There is little joy in that but some people sure seem to think it is the only thing.
           JZ says to park the motorcycle for a while; we’ll use the truck to get around. I say it will cost the same waiting or not and there is a budget for repairs. Drop back to see which side prevails, or do we compromise?
           Did anyone read the article about the lady moaned her ex-flame’s name (“Oh, Rick!”) on her wedding night. It was Dear Abbey last week. He (the new guy) immediately left for Europe, insulted her parents, and filed for divorce. I can’t blame him, but I took exception to Abbey’s reply. It was geared to make him look like the bad one, he was immature, he was intolerant. Other than the fact he should have known that she had a past, I just don’t see the outcome as being mostly his fault as Abbey twists it.
           And those New York guys who tunneled out of the jug. Instant underdogs, with overtones of how bad the system has become. And another vote for my contention that jails should not be located in populated areas. Jails should be located in Alaska. Northern Alaska. So far, the longer they are on the loose, the more people are learning about how the police are less than law-abiding in the search. For example, they mapped the escapees DNA, but I highly doubt any prisoner ever agreed to providing a sample. Fifth Amendment. We shall be watching.

           Too much crap on the market these days. I invested in one of those ball end air nozzles. Because the standard model has a stem too long to fit between the spokes and hub of a Honda. Who dreams up this junk? And the nozzle with the flexible hose is $22. More than fixing the flat. The problem is, the ball end never depresses the valve stem enough to let the air in. Like I say, who comes up with gear where the simplest thing it is supposed to perform can go wrong? Millennials? Chinese?
           No dice, the ball has a different size connection for the end of the stem, and I’m not going down the path of trying to find the right adapters. And I’ll tell you a little more about how Florida works. I have my small compressor and I’ve been trying all afternoon to get that tire to bead. I get a few seconds only, as it is a small compressor. The way it is installed, I sit outside and listen for it to stop. That’s my queue to try again.
           Wrong. For the first time in the half-decade I’ve been here, the office across the fence starts using the exact same brand and model of compressor. So I can’t tell which one has stopped. Coincidence? Yes, but what are the odds?
           I’m trying to trick the tire into thinking it has an air blast by half inflating it, that’s the limit of my compressor. Then dropping it rapidly off the jack so the pressure kicks the sidewalls out to the rim. I’m not having much luck. Something is wrong because I cannot hear that characteristic sound of air filling the inside of the tire. It’s as if something inside there is pushing back, but a stuck a probe in there and there are no obstructions. Hmmm, I keep telling myself this is a learning experience.
           I admit, today was not up there on the excitement scale. But I’m the one that wanted to drive an old motorcycle. But the tire was brand new. I’m blaming the Florida freeways until further notice.

Last Laugh

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