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Saturday, June 6, 2015

June 6, 2015

One year ago today: June 6, 2014, the famous junkyard visit.
Five years ago today: June 6, 2010, my college days.
Six years ago today: June 6, 2009, happy D-Day.

           Okay. I’ve read half of Judge Judy and I now understand more about why she does things. But understanding does not extend to agreement. She talks about her struggles but has never known poverty or slept under a bridge. She advises us on the rewards of living right and obeying the law. And I ask Judge Judy if she could show me these wonderful things? Where are they?
           Here is your super security door lock. It's the only unique thing from this morning. Now back to Judge Judy.

           She is borderline crazy to suggest the path to success is dedicated hard work, no matter what your environment. Judge Judy was living in a middle class bubble while she was putting lower class kids in jail, not that they don’t deserve it. I can agree with her that lots of kids grow up in poverty and hopelessness but do not become criminals. But she’s wrong to say that society awards the good. Society awards only that which society wants, and it is rarely any good.
           Society rewards crooked politicians—yes, society wants them because they keep electing them. Single mothers, no problem. Illegal immigrants, step right up. America, where even the prisons are air-conditioned. People who argue the “reward” is not being sent to jail are insipidly stupid. I’ll say again, society does not award good behavior. Giving one lousy scholarship to only the top student in a class of 30 doesn’t cut it either. Especially when that kid is the son of the richest man in town. I speak with authority.

           According to Judge Judy, that one scholarship theoretically provides all the example that is needed by the other 29 students. Why, all they have to do is get motivated so everybody becomes the top student. And this brand of flawed logic forms an undercurrent of almost everything she promotes. For all her bluster, there is no way she would have finished university, much less become a Judge, if she had grown up in my environment—and mine was not even as bad as it could have been because I managed somehow to get out.
           The biggest joke is her advocacy of prisons providing vocational training. Huh? The reason most of the felons are in there is because they can’t be bothered to learn anything. The school system is equally bad. These programs teach kids how to get a low-paying job and work it for life. Pardon me, but isn’t that precisely what these kids are desperately running away from? I don’t know the answer.
           But neither does Judge Judy.

           Author’s note: bear in mind that Judge Judy is not a Judge any more. She is an arbitrator and has no legal authority to enforce any of the “awards” given on her TV show. What she decides is merely filed with the courts, but beware if you sign on for her verdict. You are waiving your right to an appeal, and face it, Judge Judy does lie and she too often picks sides early in the fight. Her show is edited for ratings, not for accuracy.
           Did you know her biggest critic is Judge Wapner (The People’s Court)? He says she doesn’t act like a judge. I can’t go along with that because I thought judges were supposed to try cases, not be concerned with measuring up to some undefined standard. I happen to like the way Judy tells some people to shut up. Although I wonder if she’d be that tough on lawyers and I’d love to see somebody tell her off to her face. Go ahead. She’s not a judge.
           Joseph Albert Wapner has successfully blocked most publication of his photographs off the Internet.


           “Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.” --Farm wisdom. (They’re everywhere!)

           That’s what I did throughout mid-day. I woke with an irregular heartbeat, but no pain or danger, just saying these things still happen. So relaxation was building the flaps and ailerons. This is a busy picture, but you can pick out various tools and the rudder. Sadly, the available spaces for the full size servo motors is 1/16th of an inch too small in all three directions. It cannot be made to fit without weakening the structure. This was fun and an excellent learning project.

           These servos are from that failed project that was supposed to draw pictures from sound files. I could not pursue the cause of failure since the code and the sound files were both downloaded. I’m holding one toward the camera. In the background you can see the landing gear struts and tires.
           Here’s an item. It says here the Chinese stole the personal files on millions of American civil servants. I don’t believe that. I mean, that they stole them. All they had to do was fill out one of those fake disclosure conforms and they could get all the information they need from Equifax.

           Did you know the lady from the bakery bought a house years ago out near 441 on Pembroke. She put $20,000 down and the following day an airplane from that industrial airport pancaked the house next door. She quickly canceled the check and moved two miles away.
           Here’s a first. I bought a sealed package of eight gel pens. When I went to use them, all the refills were missing. Hmmm, sabotage at the factory? All eight pens with no insides, just the plastic stems. Or barrels. Or whatever they are called. Did I tell you one time in the 80s, pre-Internet, I once went on a quest to find out the proper legal name for those little curly piece of eraser left over when you rub something out? It took two days of phoning around to get the information. They are called eraser crumbs.

           I’ll see if I can get a better picture of the model later. Hey, I’m a bass player, not an airplane architect. But if you think you know a lot about airplanes, try building a model from scratch. Not just something that looks like an airplane, but with load bearing structures and flaps that move. They move quite well, actually. At least as long as Agt. M. never asks for his old bicycle spokes back.
           Here’s your evening photo, which tells you I didn’t get out of the house all day long. No relevance to the picture but I’d say that was merry old England. Let’s have some trivia. 585,260 pounds, that’s the shrimp ordered by Carnival for its Fun Cruise Buffet. Of the total 90 ships in the Carnival fleet, only 24 have the buffet. Carnival is the world’s 24th largest navy, well ahead of France, Spain, and Germany.

           Among the names rejected for the original Seven Dwarfs are: Burpy, Shifty, Awful, Deafy, Lazy, and Shorty. And at first, the evil queen was called “Fatty”. A corporate Yellow Taxi medallion in New York City costs $750,000. Plus an undisclosed annual fee thereafter, but likely in the $80,000 per car range. Stealing cattle or spray painting graffiti on somebody else’s cattle is still a hanging offence in Texas. Since the invention of the electric light, people’s average sleep time dropped from nine hours to seven and a half.
           In 1975, Australia fired all their government people (called “Members of Parliament’). Canned the whole lot and reheld elections from scratch. A million dollars in $100 bills weighs only 22 pounds. Barbie’s measurements have nothing to do with real life—they are designed so her clothes are easy to put on and stay put.
           All babies have blue eyes in the womb. And you can buy land on Mars from any number of organizations. The going rate is $29.99 per acre.

           Agt. M shows up last evening with a truck, a Ford F-150. (The “150” means it is rated for a one-ton load, the “100”, but has one and a half-ton suspension, the “50”.) Dang if the interior isn’t identical to JZ’s Toyota, right down to the same air conditioner knobs. The Ford is only borrowed but apparently can be borrowed any time. That’s good to know if I need to move on short notice.

           He was over to borrow the club battery charger. It’s staggering how few people know how to properly use those things. And how the project lacks decent instructions when you buy them. Hint, use the fast charge setting for two hours. If your battery is not fully charged by then, it is bad. It will hold a charge. Just not for very long. After two hours, you’ll boil your acid and that’s game over. Invest in a timer.
           And M is forgiven for damaging the charger last time. He fell off his bicycle, which has happened right in front of me. He’s been without a car nearly two years now.
           I was further miffed because I had informed my entire crowd that I would be out of town on Sunday and had to explain the change of plans. To a one, they say the same thing. Dump Peggy. What she did was unforgivable. If I had to cancel out the same, I’d offer to put you up in a motel. To cheer myself up, I watched some Leslie Neilsen spoofs.

           While waiting for a phone call, I thought to watch the latest documentaries available on-line about Pearl Harbor. The only consistency is the repetition of lies by yet another generation. The Japanese attack was not unprovoked, America had been sticking its nose into Japanese business for years, far beyond any role as a peacekeeper. The attack was not a secret for Japan had been practicing it for years. When thousands of people know something, somebody talks.
           The mystery for today was the location of the US carriers on that day. Every production states they were not in Pearl Harbor but fails to say where they were instead. I don’t mean their positions are not known, but that every commentator glosses over that information. It is clear that the next round of documentaries on the topic will once again reveal nothing new and will repeat the lies.

Last Laugh

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