One year ago today: July 27, 2014, Cape Canaveral on $180.
Five years ago today: July 27, 2010, California politics.
Six years ago today: July 27, 2009, Key West architecture.
Barely time to settle back in and there goes the doorbell. We may have a new robot club member, but folks, this is not a hobby for broke people. Everything worthwhile costs a fortune. We convened to the Panera and were lucky enough to be wrapping up by mid-morning when the gerentological league started showing up with their spittle, racing forms, and oxygen tanks. The Panera has smartened up and limits each IP address to a 30-minute maximum log on. This would not work on me (just change your IP), but it gets rid of all the old-coot “experts”.
Isn’t it great to be back in civilization? Here is a rear-ender on I-95. I know, it is disgusting how that could happen on a freeway, but east of the big river, lots of people will cut back into your lane at 70 mph with just a few feet to spare. This was just across from the Ft. Lauderdale airport, we heard later 11 people injured. What were 11 people doing in two cars?
One thing about silver is I have no idea, but neither does anybody else. Currencies everywhere are falling against the dollar. I don’t know how that works, but I know that any major change is a signal to try silver. We know from ancient times, you only have to speculate right 10% of the time. Maybe watch for something soon. Silver closed at $14.54 this afternoon—if I sold now, I would lose. But real speculators do not sell at a loss. They accept a down market as a temporary position.
Since we did not buy the house, there is an easing of money for a while and I’m going to check out one of these vocal harmonizers. They correct pitch, which I do not need, but are advertised to pick out the key you are singing and add a harmony. That makes sense with a guitar, but will it work with a bass? It looks like another brutal summer stuck in the tropics, so once again I’ll use much of the time for music.
Aw, what a nice picture of the stormy Florida west coast from the rooftop of the Lanai Kai. Those are big breakers down there, seen through the fence. And the weather doesn’t normally get that rough in the placid Gulf of Mexico. This is a bad photo, it looks like there is a clearing on the horizon, when it is actually just some lighter rain clouds. I’ll predict steak dinner for myself at this place if one of two events occur. One, if I lose enough weight (not specified here). Two, if Trump finally winds up kicking time-wasting trouble-making reporters who use his rallies to pose staged questions.
He already told one of those dorks, “You’re finished.” I loved it.
Thanks to Trump, that’s Lord Trump to the establishment, I am learning something about politics. Everyone knows I hate politics. But I love the way Trump is uncovering the rats in the cellar. His opponents have one common theme. They all won’t openly admit it, but they don’t want the wall to be built because they are terrified it will work. Or at least will work better than whatever else.
Trump is getting ever closer to kicking certain hostile news people out of the room (for disruptive behavior) and calling individual big-mouths to face him directly. I hope he does. Their only hope of “winning” at this point is to bash Trump’s chances. And they are desperately striving to find one issue they can use to bring Trump down to their level—which has not worked so far.
Furthermore, I think Trump should abandon these “interviews” and talk only directly to the electorate. Time and again you get complete jackass reporters trying to advance their own agenda over the person they are supposed to be interviewing. See, now I know who O’Reily and Hannity and Anderson are. They are assholes, that’s what they are. Shame upon any audience that ever listened to those morons. Don’t you people know a pie-hole when you hear one?
Add another to the list. This Texas politician, Rick Perry. Former whatever, just another mouthpiece. Trying to twist Trump’s words down to his own boring way of doing things. So odd to hear a person who did so little I’d never heard of him talking like Trump doesn’t have what it takes. This Perry looks and acts like the political fossils who have run this country into the dirt for the past forty years.
On the other hand, he does look exactly like a Texas ex-governor. I like people who are not ex-governors.
The potential of a new club member brings the Arduino (microcontroller) back into sharp focus. Without realizing it, because I’ve done so little actual programming on it, I have become, by comparison, an expert on the thing—locally speaking. Because I have no way of knowing what isn’t local. Florida is not a hotbed of scientific and robotic innovation. This is not silicon valley, although there is (ahem) cause to call it silicon mountains.
I dug out some of my older (successful) projects and pondered what to do. Out of several working prototypes, there is nothing there I could foresee having manufactured. The major hurdle is that nobody in America wants to invest in new plant and equipment, meaning they are hesitant to build anything unless it can be done with existing plant, tools, and jigs. Why take a chance on innovation when the wimps in DC won’t guarantee to block the inevitable import of cheaper knock-offs?
This is the old RAM board, the one destined as a science fair kit when Hacktronics imploded. At least (by comparison) the innards of my kits are colorful. The lighting is too bright to show this in operation, but the RAM is activating a display of the numeral “5”. This is an analog circuit, it does not contain any integrated circuits. Nothing but switches and diodes. Electronic research at the lowest level without building the components yourself. This model is vulnerable to shorts, as all the major connections are exposed.
For clarity, I have a running bet that Trump is going to kick a reporter out of a rally or close down an interview. These so-called professional media keep hounding him over and over with questions he has already answered many times. And they keep reaching deeper into his past instead of talking about issues today. So what if he made contributions to both sides back in 1987? Who cares any more? If he does give some media bitch or bastard the boot, I have to buy. And gladly.
He got close with that painted hussie, Tur(?). She refused to listen to his answers and during that interview told her some things were none of her business, that she was a fool trying to quote statistics that immigration was not a problem, and to quit playing the cutsie little reporter and causing trouble. Come on Lord Trump, you can do it. Tell her to fuck off with her tired old lame questions that only work on a trained political monkey.
[Author's note: I looked it up, her name is Katy Bear Tur. "Bear"? Apparently she does have plenty of [personal & personality] troubles that cause her to behave like such a sleaze. She got her job through family, her father is now her mother, and Katy, since age 25, has fat thighs. That's quite a load for a mousy shacked-up off-blonde to deal with, so no wonder she get's off on constantly finding fault in others.]
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