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Saturday, August 29, 2015

August 29, 2015

One year ago today: August 29, 2014, lots of reading.
Five years ago today: August 29, 2010, washboard tie?
Six years ago today: August 29, 2009, more reading.

           I’ve been reading the newspapers again. The poor man’s newsfeed. I see the establishment opposition (to Trump) is closing ranks. Their message is the same, that Trump’s campaign is the “daily horse race” and that he is getting unfair air time. Yet, none of them are addressing the real issues that are destroying this once-great country. Right or wrong, Trump talks what people want to hear. However, he does get repetitious and there is such a long way to go.
           The batbike is back on the road. In this picture, it is jacked up on the stands and we've already fitted the new tire in place. With JZ and I working on it, from scratch, we had that new rear tire on in less than forty minutes. This is a considerable savings over the hour of shop time I was formerly paying for. And for efficiency, it is a two-man job at places. I was surprised at how simple the procedure was.

           We also discussed the details of our “auction blitz” and he confirms that several credit checks were done after we registered to participate. Since there was no cause for this, be aware that it should be treated as an unwarranted background check. And, the credit agency does not record (or maybe not reveal) who was accessing the information. We’re learning.
           We had to readjust our limits downward by $25,000. That’s not a problem, because we can increase the number of auction bids to bring the total back up. All in a day’s work for me. The idea is to get us noticed and I doubt we can fail on that count. Not two guys who can fix motorcycles. If the motorcycle in the picture looks a little flimsy, the saddlebags are removed.

           Getting back to the tire that was punctured, it turns out there is no easy way to glue a patch on the interior. The damaged spot is properly plugged, but it has come to my attention that several states don’t like interior patches. There must be a reason for this. The logical reason is the plug alone does not work. It follows that both a patch and a plug would be better.
           If you don’t know, a rear Goldwing tire only lasts around a maximum of 6,000 miles. And in my case, it is very rare for the rig to travel more than 55 mph. Hence, the repaired tire is not going to be subject to any high-speed punishment. So, the challenge is to find an adhesive that works. Here is a can of top-rated rubber cement. It did not hold.

           The surfaces were properly prepared, wire brushed down to the recommended “rough” surfaces and clamped for 24 hours, even though such pressure was unnecessary. I could still tickle an edge up and peel the patch off by hand. JZ says that epoxy glue will work. But have I not read that, like crazy glue, epoxy gets brittle?
           He also mentions a newer product he’s seen recently that slightly dissolves the surfaces. Like acetone does to plastic. But he could not recall the name of the product. Something like shower pad adhesive. To see the exact procedure followed on this repair, see video.
           The destiny of this tire is not to replace a flat, but to be used as a spare. This is not the same spare as the “continental kit” on the sidecar. The identical procedure of removing the rear wheel is required to replace a tire, so there is no advantage to just replacing the tire. Plus, many will remember the tough time I had finding the correct tire in Wichita Falls back in 2013. Then I had to drive to Altus to find a shop.

           So JZ and I headed over to the club to put the finishing touches on our plans and to talk women. I understand better his fascination with getting out of the city. But I don’t think he should make the leap without a trial period. Since I intend to move, I say he let me take 100% of the risk. We are now planned ahead until late January next year. No rush equals fewer mistakes. And there is zilch on the market right now.
           While I’m interested in a mobile home, I don’t care for trailer parks. There is quite a distinction and I want a place on its own private piece of land. JZ says get a place near the orange groves. I’m cautious about runoff and chemical spray. Now, if I wanted to live in the countryside, there are already several places in my price range. I prefer a few conveniences and I like movies, so just outside of town is better for me. Most of the interior of Florida is 39 feet above sea level.
           Dang, it is no longer possible to view the foreclosed properties on Trulia without revealing your identity. That’s right folks, if you start looking for a house, complete strangers have a right to know about it. I’ll use the library computer later today.

Last Laugh

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