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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 5, 2015

One year ago today: August 5, 2014, I hate Greyhound.
Five years ago today: August 5, 2010, extreme Libertariansm.
Six years ago today: August 5, 2009, rather Trump-like, in ways.

           JZ’s beautiful new truck now has body damage right along its extended cab. As he drove to CVS, a Cuban driver gunned it out of his driveway right into the side of the truck. Is Cuban important here? Yes, because the neighbor had a huge work truck parked on a residential street and Cuban districts are high crime. Therefore, Cubans like to park their vehicles where they can sit in their houses and see them. But in this instance, it blocks the neighbor's view of the street from his driveway.
           Instantly, the Cuban gets out of his vehicle and tries to insinuate it is JZ’s fault for “not swerving out of the way”. This is very typical of the attitude in Miami. The world is supposed to swerve so that the Cuban can drive as unsafely as he pleases. So he can race out of his driveway backwards without looking. So his neighbor can park illegally. All else is “racist”.
           Sure enough, I’m still waiting by the telephone. Actually, I’m reading and studying because I like to do that. I have a news feed if anything happens in the world that concerns me. Agt. M stopped over on his way to the thrift, but I’m stuck here in case that agent calls. If this goes, I’m sidestepping the need for a mortgage and I figure that is worth investing a day or two. He [Agt. M] was amazed by the construction of the shaft coupler, sometimes called a shaft collar.
           That is fascinating, intriguing work, building something that small and fine. The tiny threads and screws use the smallest sets of Allen wrenches and screwdrivers I own. It also demands a spotless and shadowless work area, which is not something I’d planned on maintaining. I also had NPR on the radio in the Florida room. Why do I listen to that Liberal crap? To remind myself I’m not as screwed up as they are, that’s why.
           And I hate jazz music. I don’t like listening to it even in the elevator. I don’t even care much for people who like jazz, they seem to me the last generation that unquestioningly did what they were told. And the jazz tune I dislike the most because it is played the most? “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B”. Grates on my nerves, I just don’t like the tinny sound of the early recordings.

           While I’m waiting, I read through my new copy of the sight reduction tables. These are not quite the correct version for the type of celestial navigation that I do, but as I’ve told before, GPS has made it difficult to find anything in print. Fortunately, I studied the theory, which is more difficult and takes far longer than memorizing the procedure. Therefore, I am able to do the extra calculations required by using this these tables meant for airplanes rather than ships.
           Tiny bits of news are filtering through on what happened out on the Gulf coast with the property. It seems the check did bounce, but not before the guy began some renovations, as we guessed. And we are now driving a hard bargain over the closing costs. I don’t want to pay them because I don’t agree with them. They are a useless bunch of tacked-on charges that are not necessary.
           They seem in a rush to sell, so I suspect that they are a small real estate office. And they may have themselves spent some of the money supposed to derive from the bad check. I'm saying that something doesn't add up. Why would a check bounce after the renovations began? The timing is wrong. Interesting, the jams these credit-minded people get themselves into, innit?
           In one sense, tomorrow we make history. Unless something unbelievable goes wrong, we shall be the first in JZ’s, mine, or your world to buy a Florida property cash. I’m not comparing us to well-funded banks or contractors, but to ordinary man-in-the-street buys a property cash—which never happens. Real cash, so even the deal with Wallace does not count since I was relying on him to keep his word. This round, it is 100% no nothing to nobody. This is a dream for most people.
           But nobody give me a rough time until it is over and done--because I will back out at the last moment. I know the real estate people are used to desperate dealers gone past the point of no return to buy no matter what extras are tacked on in the process. I’ve backed out of many a deal before due to last minute inclusions and add-ons the bank has tried to buffalo and railroad in at the last moment. Like a "buyer's premium", right, Auction dot com?
           I’m just saying if this goes as planned, we make history. What I'm saying here is crooked outfits like used car salesmen and banks know the scam of adding on last minute "fees" after the buyer has gone through 99% of the buying process and just wants to get the dame deal over with. I never fall for that.
           And, for the record, I avoid doing business with outfits that advertise on youTube. That includes those whose ads which are placed without their knowledge, which seems to be often the case. The point is, these ads originate from a company that cannot be unaware how annoying they are.

           We have detected, among other things, a hesitation on behalf of the seller of this lower-priced property. That means we’ll need to invest the time and gas to go out there to find out what is being hidden. While the agent is answering our questions, there is something that isn’t ringing right. Now JZ and I have learned that despite our internal arguing, we stop each other from making many wrong decisions, so we have decided to trust just that.
           It’s too good to be true unless there is some mysterious or hidden factor being glossed over. It predicates our attitude, but we are now searching for what is wrong. It does not seem to be anything deceptive within the ad or the photos, so we need to look around and ask questions. At this point it is good to remember that I have already asked the real estate agent if the place is quiet, safe, livable, and whether he has told us “everything that is important” about the place.
           Hence, if we find anything wrong at this point or thereafter, the agent has been lying to us. We are heading out on this adventure early tomorrow morning. As for today, I’m home inside during this rainstorm, except for this jaunt up to the market. See the red scooter? And the bicycle of that homeless guy with the blue umbrella.

These will drive you bananas.
           Batman on drugs.

Last Laugh

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