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Friday, August 7, 2015

August 7, 2015

One year ago today: August 7, 2014, I call them “puke ads”.
Five years ago today: August 7, 2010, a sidecar, you say . . .
Six years ago today: August 7, 2009, go ride the bus.

           Back to the routine here, except some of the chores have become so easy with robot club tools. I mentioned the bedroom air conditioner gave out. This morning it was replaced in 19 minutes instead of an hour and a quarter like last time. How? All the correct tools. Three drills with the proper bits. Pilot hole, drill in, and drill out. Two saws, saber and band. Two hammers, hand sledge and framing. Start at 10:00AM, taking afternoon siesta early at 10:20AM.
           We went out to the scratch and dent after breakfast and stopped at the junk yard on the way back for some robot parts. But the gaining heat drove us back indoors. But so what, I’m back to 10,000 British Thermal Units of a/c and the price of electricity is fine by me. Maybe I’ll spend the afternoon looking for other properties. As we hone our house-hunting skills, and as you see the air conditioner has no outside trim yet, so don’t mention it. We already know.
           Furthermore, we are becoming ever more convinced how rare we are in the game, because we intend to pay cash. We are better and recognizing and dealing with salesmen and others who have a “credit mentality”. They often don’t realize how badly they have that mindset until they have to deal with us. It is disgusting how often they will quote a price they know we will not pay and try to lecture us on the virtues of credit.
           I know my attitude is changing now that I’m realizing how rare an opportunity we have. I don’t know the statistics, but I know the principle, which goes something like, “If I have more money that the next 20,000 people, then don’t expect me to obey the same set of rules that they have to.” Along those lines, and I think you can sense what I mean.
           A little further checking reveals that it seems that most prisons in Florida are not marked on the maps and not listed in Google, nor any common source that the average person would look at. I know that I drove through Moore Haven for years before anybody told me it was a prison town. So now, as far as I’m concerned, the government not posting warning signs and not clearly designating where these prisons are is just another form of public endangerment.
           As long the bureaucrats who create such rules—that they don’t have to tell anyone there is a prison in the area--make a fat enough paycheck to build their houses far way from the danger of prison escapees, they’ll make all manner of laws and theories about how safe you are supposed to be. I mean, it is not like they suffer when there is a prison break, know what I mean? They are the Monsanto of the correctional system, assuring you that everything is perfectly safe whether you like it or not.

           Okay, I found something already, although this is not a picture of the house. This is a few doors away from the house I found in a town called Ocklawaha, up near Gainesville. About 300 miles from here. What caught my attention is this is the house where the Barker Gang was surrounded and shot. Actually, the “gang” was nowhere around so the federal agents actually killed only Ma Barker and her son, Fred. It took them 3,500 bullets and the usual pack of lies to cover up the facts.
           For instance, Ma Barker, who J. Edgar Hoover announced was the mastermind of the gang had never been arrested or fingerprinted. Eyewitnesses say the tommygun she allegedly used was found nine feet away from her body, she had been killed by a single shot.
           As for being the brains of the outfit, those who knew Ma Barker said she “couldn’t plan breakfast”. I hear there is an annual re-enactment of the shootout. Same as at the original, the townspeople had set up picnic tables to watch the bullets fly. The Barkers were killed in the bedroom at the upper left.
           So basically, it was an early Waco. The feds filled the place full of lead and later criminalized every dead body they found. And cooked up stories later to cover their basic cowardice and lack of ability to defuse a situation. This was back in the “public enemy” era, so ordinary criminals were often called by that name to justify rough handling. These days, this government function has been taken over by the NSA. Protecting you whether you want to be protected or not.
           Oh, I’ve said it before, now I’ll write it down. In my opinion, the true purpose of Obamacare is to force everyone to complete an annual tax return. The tax law is clear, you do NOT have to file a tax return unless you owe the government money or are asking for a return of overpaid taxes. Otherwise, you do not have to file a “return”.
           The administration was loathe to risk making a law that forced people to file, so instead, they used the guise of Obamacare. The government pays your Obamacare, even if you don’t want it. Now you must file a “return” to prove you don’t have to pay them back, or face penalties. This is typical of post-Reagan “law-making”. They get you from behind, and the logical first targets are, you guessed it, those who had “nothing to hide”. Serves you all right.

           The next bunch that has to go are these damn evangelicals. It has long been nothing but a political label. I understand their “beliefs” that they atone for sins, pray for forgiveness, and love the New Testament. But be damned if that gives them a right to constantly question the behavior of others. Like they seem to think it does. Trump should tell them it is none of their business whether or not he asks God for forgiveness—they are obviously trying to make a political point. Being right and being righteous gets a little confusing for that gang.
           The bottom line is that he is the only “real person” in running with a pack of clowns and speaks for a fed-up population. He knows how to insult petty women with their plastic parts and has the cojones to call Palin a talentless dog-face, which I believe he said only because he’s never met Chelsea in person. Woof, woof!
           Changing the subject, how about my standing bet with Trent that sooner or later, Trump is going to throw one of these troublemaker “media personalities” out of the room. And it is getting close. Watch how nearly he comes to booting out this plastic piece of crap.
           What? No, I don’t know who she is, how many times I gotta tell you I don’t watch television. What I see is a shit-stain trying to look like a sexy woman. I don't know who she is and I don't care. I don't have much to do with aging, yawn-inducing women since I quit the phone company.
           Black roots, painted-on face, those fake eyelashes look like they weigh five pounds each. Where did she buy that hair? Oh, I’d hit on her in a crowded bar to see what’s for free, but otherwise, all I can tell you is I don’t know where older women learn to dress like that because I have honestly never been in a whorehouse. Maybe it’s the only way they can still get any?
           Anyway, watch Trump and the audience as she gets her undoubtedly-this-morning perfumed ass handed back to her. These so-called media people need to be taken down a few notches. Acting like they are superior to whoever they interview, when in fact they are reading a list of prepared questions for which any answer can be misinterpreted. Like we don’t know that’s what they learn to do in journalism school. They are not there to report news, they are trying to create it. Me! Me! They cry. Let me be the one who hits the great Trump with the trick question that changes history.
           This one was a complete sociopath trying to use feminism to undermine Trump. She’s part of the media gangsters who throw kisses at the Bush crowd and throw hand grenades at the Donald. Asking him rehearsed questions of what he said six years ago while people are being beheaded right now today. Yes, you dismal media sleaze, the economy is in tailspin, and you want to talk about "sensitivities".
           Would somebody tell that bitch that we fully expect the Donald to continue calling sleazy ugly women what they are after he's in the White House.

           The complete financial consultant.* He’s got the numbers right. Spain owes Italy billions and Italy owns Spain billions. And neither can pay the other unless they both get a bailout. It’s Obama economics 101.
           *OOPS! Moments after I put up the link, that video was wiped off the Internet. It was a spoof that looked like prime time BBC, explaining the circular house of credit cards that makes up Europe today, with everybody looking to Germany for money, but not for leadership.

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