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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1, 2015

One year ago today: September 1, 2014, more Arduino fun.
Five years ago today: September 1, 2010, fights at the library.
Six years ago today: September 1, 2009, Limewire is fading.

           See photo of Tokyo today. Historians record today as the date that Japan surrendered, ending World War Two. As is common, the historians are wrong. But only those who can read are aware that Japan did nothing of the kind. Put down their guns, keep their religion, keep their emperor, completely rebuild their economy at the expense of others, avoid Soviet occupation, and conquer their neighbors economically rather than militarily. They did all those things. But surrender, not so much.
           And when asked if this tactic still works on the politically correct American electorate, the Japanese and Trump often respond with, “Have you ever heard of Iran?”
           There’s a rash of critical videos over Japan’s huge sex trade in “schoolgirl fantasies”. When the dreaded “older men” pay money for the company of young girls, a concept which mortally offends Americans unless nobody is looking. Stop it we say, stop this taking advantage of their female youth in brothels. Fix it so they can be taken advantage of at a minimum wage fast food joints.
           As for the male youths, those lazy bastards can join the army or go work at the car wash. Who cares about them? Besides, they need some experience to succeed later.
           It’s the hottest day yet and it saps the strength. I spent the day studying and watching documentaries in the background. Ever heard of the I-52? That’s the Japanese submarine with all the gold still down there. Here’s something, you know how a lot of these documentaries repeat themselves twice. The reason for it is because it defeats copyright flags. Actually, they would just have to repeat about the first 15 minutes, but they probably don’t know that, either.
           I was looking at manipulation of the gold market. Interestingly, all the documentaries that say the gold is gone never mention the Rothschild involvement. Talk about power. And what’s this that Texas is going to start its own gold reserve. That would make sense, since any gold stored in New York (where most states that have gold send it) is never seen again. I know when Texas asked New York for their gold back, New York told them no because transporting it caused “security concerns”.

           Trivia. Today in 2009, it was predicted that in only ten years (2019), the American deficit would hit $9 trillion. We’ve doubled that in around half the time. So phooey on anyone who says we can’t make the bar anymore.
           Hey, only morons would be outside today. I can see a goodly number of them through my jalousies. I’ve got a good book and a breadboard to keep me indoors. I even skipped the library, they won’t let you drink coffee in there. Then, such rules make sense in this town. And the nearest branch is certainly okay with letting in all the noisy drunks and smelly bums. So that, one supposes, the now-necessary security guard can wander around telling them they “can’t sleep here”.
           Well played, library, well played.
           I see a note on my desk calendar that it is 15 years since I’ve eaten a chocolate bar and 12 this month since a peanut butter sandwich. You folks, enjoy those while you can. The human system can tolerate those things only so long, then it is not chocolate bar, but Rosie O’Donnell time.
           Did you know she was voted class clown? That, I have never doubted. But she is best remembered for pioneering the lame tactic of announcing she is queer, then later, off-air, stating she only said it to “bring attention” to the gay issue. Way to go, Rosie.
           Calling her Irish is like calling chop suey Chinese. Calling her names is like Donald Trump. I tried watching her once, for a couple of minutes on TV. What I really thought was funny was how people around me thought she was funny. I grade her about par with that show for ‘tards, “Two and a Half Men”. I listen, I get it, not funny. I mean, just how sexually repressed do you have to be to think those constant innuendos are funny?
           Don’t answer that, Ken.

           Good grief, some people never listen. Let’s go over this once more. There are dozens of youTube videos on multiplexing a seven digit display chip array. But they have one thing in common: they all use a shift register, usually a 74HC595 which is an integrated circuit. A shortcut. You simply wire it up according to the supplied diagram, download the code, and make the video.
           What I’m doing is accomplishing the task WITHOUT the use of the integrated circuit. This means I must invent the (rather clever) wiring scheme. There are no diagrams, I have to make my own. And the code has to be created from scratch. No, folks, these are not the same things at all. But sure, if you just look at the finished product, they both do the same thing. The difference is my way doesn’t come with instructions.
           The “two digit” display on-line is a no-brainer. All it does is flash “CP”. That’s Arduino 101. The other popular ”two digit” display does NOT count by itself. Basically, it is two one-digit displays and the buttons must be pressed independently.
           Those setups involve around six lines of code and some minor wiring. My code runs upwards of 360 lines and a nightmare of wiring. I have 14 pages of notes and diagrams spanning two weeks of work. I doubt the other examples spent more than a half hour, start to finish. I spend sixteen times as long just building my prototype. That’s the photo you’ve been seeing here [around here lately].
           Last, for now, is these displays do not “count”. They display the digits they are programmed to display. My circuit actually counts. That is, if you send it 537 pulses, it displays the number 537, not just three digits in isolation. Oddly, at least to me, most digital displays work on that simple display method. The digits are determined by display commands that are NOT connected to any actual ordinal numbering system. My system is light years ahead of that simple multi-digit display. No comparison.

Last Laugh

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