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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 16, 2015

One year ago today: September 16, 2014, the unspoken marital interval . . .
Five years ago today: September 16, 2010, electric bike test drive.
Six years ago today: September 16, 2009, beware of “technicians”.

           Few things reflect the declining scientific skills of the western world as Hewlett-Packard's layoff plans for 85,000 people this year alone. The computer has solidly moved from being a tool to being a toy. It’s a sad, sad thing because it means the already marginal quality of new computers will decline even faster. And they’ve been crap since 2006. And to those who plan to tighten their belts, according to LifeHacker Wednesday is the best day to shop at the Thrift stores. I can confirm that.
           More rain! That found me in my easy chair reading the papers, listening to NPR, and browsing the news feeds. So, how would you like some political editorializing? If my points of view seem pragmatic remember that I take politics at face value. I don’t go look into the past or backgrounds of the individuals involved, only the practical value of what they do today. Few things bore me faster than listening to people explain why they are wrong. Or why we should consider cowards as brave because they ran into our lives uninvited.
           The biggest plagiarist of this blog is Yahoo! users, but since it is dozens of individual posters, there really isn’t much I can do. They are generally at least three days behind, five days on weekends. That is, what you read here now will start appearing in much the same order in Yahoo! comments in a couple of days. Today at the bakery there was a crowd reading the commentary on the border situation, which drew dozens of remarks concerning the obvious passages from this blog.
           Particularly strong is the focus on the fact most of the refugees are single young men—and if I am in any way responsible for more people noticing that, that pleases me. These men should be back where they come from, fighting for their country. There is also backlash that they are not going to their own cultural brothers for help. But that would be like Cubans rafting to Mexico. The fact is, they cannot stand their own kind.
           As for the dead bodies washing up on the beaches, I’m sorry, but that is a Syrian problem, not a European problem. You cannot “feel sorry” for the illegals without ignoring the plight of Hungary and Germany. Where is all the outpouring of humanitarian aid for the locals whose lives are being crushed by these illegal invaders? It is warm and fuzzy to side with the underdog, but “humanists” are the first that later come screaming for help when the flames reach their asses.
           But I’ll say it again. There is only one solution to the problem. Somebody in Hungary should have had the balls to shoot the first 100 of the bastards. Now, it is too late. Hungary is gone, even if they solve the problem today, they will be under threat of terrorism for all time to come. They should have stopped it when they could. Now, they got another America situation, an invasion of largely inferior masses that will change their society for the worse. Sure, there are always a few shining exceptions, but we are not talking about exceptions. Never forget that.

           Here is a picture that turns twenty today. That’s my lady friend in the lower right corner, with her feet resting on the window ledge, watching the sunset in Lincoln City, Oregon. September 16, 1995. I used to holiday with a lady ever fall or winter for ten days, back when America was a free country and nobody was watching every move you made. This is not a hotel, I used to rent a beachside condo or cabin. And for the right lady, I’d do it again.
           Trump is now a lot smoother with his delivery and pressing the known issues of the majority of Americans. As for my leanings, I still think politics should be outlawed. However, it would be folly to say I am a Trump supporter. Why? Because I never did like the hubris of people born rich who think they are self-made, but that is a trivial matter here. The fact is, this blog alone proves I have had the same outlook on every major issue that Trump is advocating—except one, which I’ll get to. But            I’ve been warning about illegal immigration, DC corruption, the world laughing at us, and the danger of Liberals for over forty years.
           The exception? The military. I remain a staunch isolationist. Let Korea and Europe defend themselves. Bring the armed forces home and equip them to defend the nation against invasion and nothing else. No expeditions, no adventures, and put a stop to the viewpoint of the military as a career. No women or married men in combat, and that has nothing to do with ability or bravery. But because the potential social cost is too great for the risk. Parents with children may have a place in the military, but not in the front lines.
           As for the size of the military? It is big enough and strong enough already. In fact, too big and strong and time to trim the fat. Sack all ranks above Major who have not seen active combat. No more civilian support staff at the bases. All major camps and barracks get moved to the border states. Privatization of all research and severe size limitations on manpower. America doesn’t need a large standing armies to defend itself simply because nobody can occupy this country against its will.
           This might be the time to point out that those who detract Trump are shooting themselves in the foot. Their main problem is that they have palpably vested interests, and secondarily are, to a one, so uneducated, so small-minded, and so passionately misinformed. For example, take Geraldo, Pakman, and Ramos. Vested? Gee, what is it those three have in common?
           As for the critics of American foreign policy, stifle yourselves because everyone else on the entire planet except you has known for forty years that the American government does NOT represent the will of the American people. If you don’t know this, go back and read what I just said about uneducated.

           Yes, I have seen the ad. Whisky Six is looking for a bassist. Why don’t I jump on it? I’ll tell you why not. They aren’t really a country band, they are a rock band who has discovered there isn’t much local work except the smoke pits for $100 a night. What country they do play isn’t real country, it is the latest schlock being ground out of Nashville. The KISS FM sound. I admit, I’ve never sat through one of their whole sets, but there is a reason.
           That reason is they start off with some pseudo-country, but it has a rock edge—and they quickly switch to rock and country rock at the first opportunity. And they are not above manufacturing that opportunity themselves. I don’t care for that premise and they do have all the defects of a rock band, starting with guitar-worship.
           I checked the musician’s list, it is mostly commercial ads for lessons. That’s a sad fate for the last really free place for musicians to team up anonymously. The “clubs” require a membership and musicians are often too independent for that. One thing I must snortle at is singing lessons. Yeah, vocal coaches. They do no good for most people.
           Here’s a message for NPR and your single mother listeners. If you are on welfare, you are not raising your family on your own. You are passing the cost on to society. The argument that you are part of a growing number of women who opt out of the “institution” of marriage is not a valid stance unless you pay your way. Time for you to read Ann Coulter’s book about the stats on single-mother families. You are breeding 70% of the nation’s criminals, drug addicts, and repeat offenders. Maybe time to think about the kids rather than your welfare check?

           What a dreary day. I cannot help noticing the parallels between Trump and what happened in Operation Barbarossa. The attack was so overwhelming that it actually helped the opposition. They were so disorganized that they did not know they were being clobbered everywhere. Had they know that, chances are they would have given up on the spot. That’s how I see the other candidates. They say Trump can’t run things because he is a business mogul, not a politician. Hypocritically, they do not say the same about his closest rival, who is a medical doctor.
           Yes, I heard about the kid in Texas arrested for bringing a home-made clock to school. No, it does not look like the counter I made last week. You are smart if you can build such clocks, but not so smart if your name is Mohammed and you carry it into a school inside a suitcase. Some people are so fucking stupid it must hurt. Poor, poor Mohammed. What did he do wrong? Texas, you done right, playing it safe. I know what it is, and it still looks like a bomb.
           Speaking of losers, I took a tour of my old dating site. That’s the one that claimed to be for university grads. Wrong. It has gone completely downhill, the women have discovered you don’t even have to lie about having a degree to get in. But I was curious to see a lot of the same women running the same ads with the same photos. My dynamically programmed ad remains the best ever seen there but such things make no difference when one is dealing with leftover women.
           Ah, but am I a leftover man? Nope, I’m missing several of the key ingredients. To be a leftover, you have to cling to fantasies that take you off the market. However, I don’t still consider myself as good looking as forty years ago. I’m not still living in my teenage illusions. I’m not expecting to marry a millionairess. I’ve learned a thing or two over the years that constitute real smarts. But the thing that makes a real leftover is lying.
           Lying on their ads. Seventy year old women who claim they are into skydiving and mountain climbing, by the dozens. Lying to themselves, lying about their looks. Lying about their education. Lying about attachments to their mothers. Lying about their age and lying about their willingness to start over. I can personally attest I have never had to lie to a woman to get what I want. The problem with that is the women who think I’m lying because they don’t have anything I want.
           Didn’t I tell you I turned down a women last week? She came on to me in the club and had plainly heard me sing somewhere. But she said the wrong thing right off. Well, first of all, she approached while “Wheel of Fortune” was on the overhead. I like that show because they have decent questions. Anyway, she implied that I was only pretending to write things in my notebook. That it was all a scam and I didn’t fool her. She wanted me to put away the book and pay attention to her. Wrong move.
           “Off the table, Mabel, the ten bucks is for the beer.”

Last Laugh

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