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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20, 2015

One year ago today: October 20, 2014, it’s the schytts!
Five years ago today: October 20, 2010, it’s a “dremelcaster”.
Six years ago today: October 20, 2009, the language hurdle.

           Here’s the batbike in for the brake repair. The diagnosis is it finally gave out from age. That leaves two more upgrades. The gear drive gasket and the shock absorbers. Both are budgeted for year’s end, but with the brakes, I can make a trip. Nothing is planned, but if the bike is ready by this afternoon, I have all evening to plan something. I’m about to drop the pretext of “Russian sidecar” and put a comfortable chair in the bucket.
           Let the next guy pay for something more authentic, because it didn’t last on me. Also, the saddlebags are removed and panels are fitted to take new batteries. After the somewhat (I said somewhat) astounding success of the solar battery pack on the scooter, this sidecar is the next candidate.
           The sidecar is due for a 24 map deep cycle replacement battery in the pocket behind the Honda battery. That factory replacement is a joke, it required a half-hour of coaxing and spray this morning even to get the pistons dieseling enough to draw some gas. But when connected by booster cables to the scooter, it leaps into life. Like it wants to start running. Come on baby, you only need to last until I buy a house in the country.

           One would not think dropping a vehicle off for a brake job should take all day, but you don’t live in Florida. This involves riding the bus or paying a local taxi what works out to some $6.40 per mile, although I have heard it put about that local non-Uber types passionately deny this. Particular at the annual license renewal assemblies. Yet, I did not get home until 7:44PM, long after dark.
           I took the batbike for a test run with the new brakes. Everything is fine, so I thought I’d drop into a couple of army surplus stores. Bad move, they are now mostly pawn shops. And you will never find a deal at a Florida pawn shop. They go online and price everything slightly more than eBay but slightly less than 75% of retail. For the average item, you’d be wiser to cough up the extra and get a warranty.
           On the way, I lost track of the locations on 441, so I pulled into a pub, figuring vets will know where to find military goods. Whoa, I walked in on half the old Jimbo’s crowd. That’s a fair distance out there, but even the barmaid was a familiar face. I have some news. Remember Jules, who used to always say, “That’s my birthday,” when I-27 was called? Not no more. She died on her 50th birthday (last April 27).
           And Charlie, he’s gone too. Age 72. That’s the crusty old guy who gave me a ride home in the rain a few times, who’d bartend at Jimbo’s for free. The rumor is cancer. Let’s see, who does that leave of the old crowd? The guy who built that pineapple tree and myself. There’s a few others, but just barflies of no consequence.
           It was only the fact I only had $60 left on me that I didn’t continue straight out to Naples or something on the batbike. The super-battery is only rigged up temporarily and already the machine growls right into life. That new alternator keeps up but you watch. Whenever you put in a new alternator, soon you will have to replace the starter. Budget-wise, there are two items left on the batbike. The new gear bearing seal and new shocks. The shocks are close to $500, installed.

           My normal pace is slower than today, so I was exhausted enough to pull in to Senor CafĂ© for coffee on the way home. The gal mistakenly gave me change for a $20 over a $5, which I rapidly pointed out to her. That shop is right next to the Russian store. By the time I walked out, there was a ring of Russians and Ukrainians all over the sidecar. I told you, that is not a copy, it is the real sidecar. Heavy duty.
           Maybe there is another similar unit in town, but the batbike still draws all manner of attention, which is fine by me. I can’t write anything inspiring in my condition and the windstorm has not let up all day. So be a peach and come back tomorrow. I’ve got chicken potato chowder on the front burner, I’m bagged, in fact so bagged I won’t listen to the rumors of another Trump sellout record crowd y’day.
           Although I’m not keen on his stance of “the prisoners”. What are American citizens doing in these insane places, whatever, unless they can prove they were forced to go there at gunpoint, I say leave them bastards. These morons can start taking risks on their own dime. I suppose it is a good selling point to the masses, but Mr. Trump, I would not pay a penny of taxpayer’s coin to get them released.
           Which brings me another bet. And these are just bets, not predictions. I say Trump is going to advocate 12 of his “opponents” just drop out. I could not name that many of them. I’ve heard of Hillary and some guy named Bernie, but then again, I’ve always been anti-political. Only weaklings need to be led around on a daily basis. My dislike of the system is based on bureaucracy, which in itself is maybe a bit okay, but my contempt of it is the concept of seniority, which I totally despise.
           The concept that the general’s thinking is “above” the major’s which is above the sergeant’s which is above the enlisted man, this idiotic concept is utterly ridiculous. As absurd as believing the older person is smarter than the younger, a precept I was force-fed as a youngster. Older people may have more experience, but smarter? I call the bullshit on that one. Old people are the type who say to leave a lamp shining atop the TV to prevent eyestrain. Shit like that endears you only to the power company.
           But that’s all. You can come over and join me in a cup of tea or go make your own.

Last Laugh

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