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Friday, November 27, 2015

November 27, 2015

One year ago today: November 27, 2014, Thanksgiving last year.
Five years ago today: November 27, 2010, selling the Taurus.
Nine years ago today: November 27, 2006, to catch a thief.
Random years ago today: November 27, 2013, California at 45mph.

           Watch me scramble. One of my new videos turned out pretty fantastic, but that crappy “free trial” software won’t convert the even crappier Android videos. It clips off at 75% or 5 minutes, whichever comes first. And the video I want is 17 minutes long. So, I’ll spend the early morning hacking that nonsense. How do you like that “Millennial-think”. “Gee, this app just clipped off the end of my video, I’d better stop what I’m doing and go send this poor guy some money.”
           If you see Pegasus and the dragon, I was too lazy to go get a decent picture this morning. Wait, there is more Millennial dropping in Android. When you turn the unit portrait, it displays what you are recording in that orientation. But still records it in landscape. That generation always complain they can’t get jobs. Well, who hires people that stoopid?

           In the background, I have the newest BBC science documentary worth watching. While I never endorse any policy which inconveniences the majority, the commentator on this one talks like a retard, which gave me time to confirm some of the calculations. Yep, a liquid fuel rocket to Alpha Centauri would use up all we’ve got plus everything in the visible universe. That’s why I kept watching, they have excellent animations of the theoretical engines and factories. You just have to put up with the gimped narrator. He----talks----like----this---. (Note: this is at times referred to as "drunken cowboy" talk.)
           The commentary raised a few other points that got me thinking. The ratio of humans dying in wars is apparently dropping despite growing numbers. But I cannot agree that the pace of invention is keeping up. I think history shows brilliant eras following dormant periods of massive quiet research. And I see a slowdown of such basic research. The only projects getting funding are those which are politically correct or “social” programs which have never, in the long run, benefited any nation.

           Yeah, by noon I’m still kicking Millennial butt. The bastards make sure all the new conversion programs require special “codecs” which do not download automatically. Oh, they know what you want, but they can’t make an honest living leaving things alone. Now, I’m converting to other, less suitable formats, but one of them usually works.
           Here’s some pretty blue flowers selling for $30 each. That’s always struck me as strange and the same with vegetables. I’ve worked on the farm and frankly, I cannot explain why some vegetables cost more than others. They all require about the same effort, although some are admittedly more fragile. But not twice the price fragile, if you follow what I’m saying. You won’t catch me spending thirty bucks on no flower.

           Still on the workaround for video editing, I looked at VSDC Video Editor, which is a free download. However, when they say “steep learning curve, that is a gross understatement. Essentially all I wanted to do was chop off the first five minutes of my video, since it was useless footage showing me turning up. Man! You don’t want to mess with that software. It was written by madmen and seems to do everything except what you want.
           The on-line tutorials are no help. They are either trying to learn it themselves by trial and error, or sound like drunken Hindu cowboys, an accent I just cannot tolerate. Every button you need is greyed out or does the opposite of what you’d expect. Remember, I’ve got years of experience with video edit software. VSDC, you suck. No wonder it’s freeware, selling it is obviously not going to work.
           I’m now trying Filmora, which is more intuitive because it is similar to Movie Maker, except it doesn’t seem to bother with “codecs”. But it is painfully slow. I also make a five minute video concerning the reasons I want to create a duo. I start by demonstrating I am quite capable of doing yet another solo guitar show, but that will get you nowhere. I can’t explain it but, solo guitar has become so routine that it really does not matter how good you are, the market is capped.
           An hour later, you can forget Filmora. I don’t do business with liars. Their “free” trial is not free at all. They put a huge distracting watermark across the rendered video and want fifty bucks to remove it. I don’t mind the watermark, but I do mind them not saying anything about it while advertising the product as “free”. Up yours, Filmora. Yes, when the ad says free, yes as a matter of fact, I do expect something for nothing.

           Another scam to watch for is ConverterLite. Even if you step through the install unchecking all the junk, it still installs the annoying wow on your system. That the World of War game link, which is easy to delete but that is hardly the point when some scumbag installs unwanted stink on your computer.

           Curiosity got the better of me as I looked up the quince (say 'kwinss'). Not so fast a look up, mind you, as quince is also the Spanish word for 15. Shaped like an apple, it is like a cross of pear, they say. You can’t eat them without cooking them first. Oh boy, a pear-apple I have peel and boil for 45 to 60 minutes. It turns coral red when cooked. The seeds are poisonous. Between you and I, I’ll stick with bananas and strawberries. This picture has nothing to do with quinces. It is the "pop-up" power plugs at the center of the new Aventura library tables. You push down, it pops up to reveal a set of electrical outlets. For your laptop if you are you, for your electric razor if you are Ken Sanchuk.
           Let me guess, there is a Japanese or Chinese quince that is the opposite. It is soft and red, and turns green and hard when cooked. And an Australian quince that blooms once every 200 years.
Examining how England used to be on the silver standard, I discovered that much of the silver was held by private households. So I followed that lead. What the? If you look, it is all table items. Isn’t it just like the English to center such a thing around eating. Myself, unless it was some total babe, I cannot imaging watching someone else eat. What is it with rich people and eating? Silver candlesticks, fountains, and egg cups. I find many of the settings garish, over-ornate.
           Then again, if you have ever sat around a supper table with a bunch of middle-aged Englishwomen, you might appreciate a nice set of silverware to ease your eyesight. The London spot price dipped to a low of $13.94 this morning. That is market manipulation at its finest. Come on all you people with real silver, sell it fast before it drops out of sight. I don’t want your certificates, I want your silver. Now, now, now is the time for you to panic sell, your situation is hopeless.

           Many videos on my feed state that this century will bring new and dangerous threats to our national security. From whom? I don’t think Russia even wants us any more and face it, Korea and Syria are a joke as far as invasion goes. Has not the F-15 fighter shot down 150 airplanes in combat without a loss? Oh, that’s right, we need more money because the enemy has figured out how to shoot down a $30,000,000 airplane with a $120,000 missile. And not one armaments manufacturer in our country saw that one coming.
           And the new Raptors are around $125,000,000 a pop, and they plan to build 4,000 of them. Nobody wants to cut the missile supply, there’s no money in that. Trivia: after oil, what is the second most valuable [legal] commodity on Earth? Stumped? It is coffee. And on that happy thought, I'm about to go contribute to that situation, one cup at at time.

Last Laugh
(I think you know this guy . . .)

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