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Thursday, December 10, 2015

December 10, 2015

One year ago today: December 10, 2014, puttering around.
Five years ago today: December 10, 2010, split into two?
Nine years ago today: December 10, 2006, the condo fee enigma.
Random years ago today: December 10, 2011, now that was a boring day.

           It’s clear. The Spanish galleon was found by an American firm. They pinpointed it and years later, the Columbian government announced they found it in an “undisclosed” location and that suddenly it was a national treasure. Phooey. Maritime and salvage law is particularly clear and established for centuries. Half goes to the finder. Some of the reports say $17 billion. Even with inflation, I think that is still the largest wreck ever, which still pales against Columbia’s “other” national treasure.
           Here’s a bad photo, but remember it is this type of fuzzy foto that causes things like the Loch Ness monster, Sasquatch, and faces on Mars. It was taken in the dark without a flash with a digital camera. That’s JZ staring at a life-sized statue in Plant City. So life-like, we first passed by. It’s a mannequin with paint clothes, a ladder, and a spilled bucket of yellow paint at his feet.

           I bloopered and called what I thought was an ad for an acoustic player forming a duo. Nope, he was looking for gigs. Experience shows that solo guitarists are very rarely any good for anything after that, which makes sense. Solo is the only hassle-free band you will ever play in. Next, I called the guy who doesn’t have any inkling of what acoustic-bass duos are all about, and he’s wasting his time really, sifting through all the same old tired people I went through years ago in this town. I told him when he’s done wasting time, give me a call and we’ll be playing by that same weekend.
           Say, did I mention I got a call from Ray-B on the way back from Lakeland. He’s up in Broward for a few months and we are an instant hit with a duo. We met back when we were both about the same level with duo work, but he went solo. Duo bass work is an unknown, unrecognized specialty and I wasn’t always in that mode. Heck no, I’ve played in trios and above since my early 30s. When I say I play bass “the same” as I always did, that refers more to how I will focus and specialize than to any actual or individual tune.
           And Trent called. He’s met a lady who impressed him with an ability to sing harmonies. He reports it a real talent and they sang a few Karaoke numbers. Further, he says she is a fun personality and mighty easy on the eyes. Of course, I’m all for singers in the band who look like that, but besides all that, I said count me in. I’ve worked with ladies who sang, but never a lady who sang natural harmony. That is worth any effort to experience that. You see, I’m so new at singing, a harmony might throw me off key.

           Here’s JZ in front of the shark logo. I stop for coffee every two hours and this was one of them. Whoa, JZ, I didn’t mean we eat every two hours. But you go right ahead. JZ is sensitive to food, while I can normally eat anything in any quantity without a hitch. Truck travel cannot compete with motorcycle sidecar adventures. But together we are a fairly unbeatable team.
           Laugh, ye of little experience, when I state that I have jet lag. Oh, no mistake, I know it well. I’ve noticed twinges of it after recent auto trips. This was an attack. Me, the inveterate traveler. Yes, I’ve always suffered jet lag. But never on north-south trips and certainly not from land travel. I wonder, do others ever get this? The symptoms disappear on the morning of the second day back. Which is tomorrow. I’ll check in with you.

           I’ve been off balance all day and sniped at a lady in the supermarket. No shopping from the checkout, ma'am. She held up eight people to send her husband back to find the cheese. He got lost. I told ther that was “not cool”. When she gave me a dirty look, I told her don’t try that with me because I’m right. The lineup behind me agreed, unanimously. In other words, I did a Trump. I said what they were thinking.
           On that, did you hear Trump about the situation in California? Apparently the killers families and neighbors knew for years something was going to happen. But they were afraid to say anything and be called names. And an investigative agency also knew, but were afraid they’d be accused of profiling. That is your Liberal legacy, people afraid to report a potential murder. Both of those situations are degenerate and repulsive. Folks, political correctness is over. People are dying from it. Are you going to hold out until somebody you know gets beheaded? Democracy has no room for wimps.

           Part of Trump’s appeal is that he does not understand the “legal implications” of the Constitution, but that he demonstrates a thorough understand that the Constitution is meant to protect the liberties of freedom-loving peoples. It was never intended to provide a shield for subversives to conduct their treachery bent on destroying those freedoms. Like happened in Sweden. Mentally balanced people don't think the way to stop a killer is to become more like him until he decides to slaughter fewer of your tribe.
           He (Trump) is also finally pushing his self-funded campaign in a more proper light. The bulk of “opposition” candidates since Kennedy have shown themselves to be nothing but a shameless gang of “unscrupulous tax farmers”. I am finally studying a book of how these self-serving people eventually caused the decline of every world power for 500 years.

           Here’s a laugh. A survey of 70 “housing experts” shows that of the ones willing to express an opinion, the majority say there is another housing bubble going on, or will be in the upcoming year, or will be shortly thereafter. No doubt, the price rise is contrived by the media. I don’t know of even one person in years who has bought. Another house price collapse would make me very happy right about now. Oh yes, indeedy, happy.
           A broad scan of “the corridor” shows not one suitable property listed for sale. Even specific criteria, such as Deland at one end and Arcadia at the other comes up with plenty of nothing. Normal for pre-Xmas, but there should be something soon. Think of it this way, I have just as much difficulty amassing and storing money than the next guy, so when I do it, you can expect to see decisive results. And it is difficult to pay in cash. Most people are so inept at it, they’ll sign 30-year mortgages to avoid even admitting they have a problem.
           Not me, I’ll wait until the end when I have no choice but to buy a house, and do it in one day. Because the system isn’t designed to operate with people like me. I’m still combing the listings, but the emerging conclusion is that everybody is holding back. There is a bump after New Year’s, but traditionally, we now have to wait until nearly summertime.

           What’s this? The Lakeland Ledger has a front page story with a Muslim saying Trump’s no immigration policy absolutely will not work in the long run. Um, Ledger, I don’ think anyone really cares about that. Secondly, don’t you find it awfully racially biased of yourself to interview and publish a Muslim on that question? What? The thought never crossed your mind? We are not surprised.
           I’m back and reading the Herald, Miami’s Liberal Smut-Sheet. But hey, I told you it has two crosswords every day. Let’s see if I missed anything. Boo to Judge Jaqueline Schwartz for apologizing to a store owner whom she told, quote, “go f--- yourself”. By the sounds of the report, the store owner deserved it, therefore she was apologizing because he was an Arab. Hey, Firas Hussein, “Go f--- yourself, and I ain’t apologizing. Neither should anyone else who says something they really mean, Jaqueline. It’s selling out when you do that.

           Oh, Mel Gibson apologized? Yes, we saw that. But he is forgiven because he did so in such a cheezy manner (“I can’t believe that came out of my mouth.”) that everybody got the message. He’d been threatened. You want to work in the movies, you don’t criticize a certain religion for starting all the major wars in history. That never happened. Got that? Never. Happened.
           On page 7A, we have an American named “Suarez” who stole $21 million and only got nine years. The column says “Suarez”, an American name, by the way, has refused to provide and accounting or assist in recovering. Why should he? He’ll be out before he’s 31 with millions. Did I mention that “Suarez” is a name that is American?

           And there has been yet another “settlement” over the copyright claims to the song “Happy Birthday”. The claims revolve around a 1935 filing and whether Warner Music had the right to purchase that claim in 1988. Myself, I say throw it out of court, since it is clearly public domain by usage and in any case the tune was lifted from an 1893 song called, “Good Morning To All”. Significantly, the article appeared next to an advertisement for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Last Laugh

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