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Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14, 2015

One year ago today: December 14, 2014, an old coot day.
Five years ago today: December 14, 2010, too mechanically complex . . .
Nine years ago today: December 14, 2006, on Habeas Corpus.
Random years ago today: December 14, 2008, classic Pudding-Tat.

           It’s true, a man did sue Budweiser because no pretty girls appeared when he drank it. The suit alleged beautiful women did not appear and “engage in unrestricted merriment”. He lost, but only because the defense successfully argued that it is under no duty to inform the public of commonly known facts. Like no babes when you drink beer.
           This is my new baby hot water tank. It’s news because most people have never seen one of these. They don’t make them any more. It is a General Electric 2.5 gallon, enough for a shower, or to do the dishes. You just can’t do both at the same time. Ah, but if I did, then the women would know I’m not really single. Aha, never thought of that, did you , ladies. You can tell a lot about a man by the size of his hot water tank.

           Then crawling into the space, I find the old tank has no hot water cut-off tap. Since it was blown and leaking, until tomorrow when JZ shows up with the new fittings, I have to run outdoors and turn the tap off and on when I need water. Lots of fun. That means I kind of sit here and wait. I don’t do plumbing and don’t have the tools. But finding this puppy in nearly new condition for $35 was nearly unbelievable, and it is practically new. Saves me around $600. And it only has to last until I flip this joint.

           Not a single property in the state of Florida matches my search criteria this beautiful morning. So, I did a world-class job of mounting the rifle scope and went for breakfast with a good book. This time, a carpentry book on how to do trim work. It has relevance, in that the same techniques are used when doing the finer touches to wooden robot parts. Plus, none of my indoor tools are rugged enough to make any actual trim.
           Here is the old water heater ripped out of the side panel and laying in the yard. Although he does not know it, JZ is being graded on how efficiently he works, since our plan is to renovate a place and flip it. I did this part of the work without a hitch. Nope, I never did any such thing before but I had no major nor minor problems. I say it is because I have recognized and embraced the policy of planning ahead.

           In the background, we have NPR radio, not for entertainment, but so we can hear whether or not we are turning off the right breaker. Damn, that station is frustratingly pro-Libtard. Example, they have been ordered not to present Donald Trump as anything except the racist and the enemy, so when some nobody opposed to Trump goes up a tick, it is referred to as taking votes away, not from the other 15 candidates, but away from Trump.
           But the one I like most is the angle that these votes taken away from Trump are now regularly presented as lost sheep coming back to the fold. Stray and errant muddy thinkers who came back to their senses and now embrace a total liberal agenda. Ha, that agenda today involved a “survey” on whether Syrians should be allowed into America. True to APM (American Public Media) format, they interviewed Syrians, not Americans. Duh.

           Back to the rifle, that’s the scope mount only, there is no place around here to sight the rifle. And JZ won’t go near the Everglades. I need a clear space of 75 feet. I always zero in on 75 feet, and you bet I can do some damage at that range. But I never do. It’s like playing bass, the real experts don’t have to kill anything. A quick demonstration once in a while is enough to keep the local big-mouths at bay.

           Since mention of the air rifle bumped my ratings, I’ll tell you it is an ordinary Crossman. It has a nitrogen piston, not a spring. Folding barrel cocking mechanism, it weighs 7.6 pounds with the scope mounted, and it always has the scope mounted. This makes the rifle on the heavy side, but also very accurate. Muzzle velocity is 1200 fps using special ammo, but I stick with 4.5mm lead pellets. It is not silent and produces a pronounced “thwhack” when fired.
There, that’s enough information to bring a tear to the NRA’s eye, especially from an isolationist/pacifist/Libertarian like me.            I’ve been further devouring the history book on Great Powers, purchases this week up in Lakeland. It is well-balanced and considers every angle I would be concerned with. Shipbuilding techniques, iron versus brass, war economy taxation, even the terrain over which invading armies must advance. Pretty heady stuff.

           What’s with all the Sinatra music. So, he was born 100 years ago last Sunday. He was already an old coot by the time I first heard of him when I was around ten years old. He was never my hero and he was a terrible actor. Which admits I saw a few of his movies. But by then, the Beatles had appeared on the scene, eclipsing everything else.
           So yes, I see there are a bunch of regressive old people around, who but for that would be the same age as me. I play one Sinatra song, and that was by his daughter. “These Boots Are Made For Walking”.
           I spent the remainder of the day getting the site ready for the new water heater. Of course, my feed trips regularly in the evenings and one is for anti-Trupm events. The mainstream media is terrified of this man, which automatically elevates him in my books. One of the reasons I never got into watching television is the heavy Liberal bias. I don’t believe the way to get people off welfare is to give them more money until it shames them into finding work.
           Plus, I believe the Liberals latch onto pet causes that are far too stereotyped to match reality. Like the concept that all refugees fit a single profile of humble survivors hoping to change themselves into Americans because they’ve seen how much better our system works. Hence, I repeat my stance that I do not support Trump as the political head of this country. I don’t know enough about politics to say something like that. But I am 100% behind a businessman running the show after what the Liberals have done to the country since the Nixon administration.

           I yanked out the stove to the middle of the room to give JZ easy access to that cavity around the old water heater. See what a nice guy I am? We got to talking, and the guy does not know how to cook cabbage. I’ve mean-mouthed sauerkraut. But not cabbage, because I like cabbage. I like boiled cabbage (but boiled outside or away from the main kitchen, thank you), and cole slaw, and cabbage salad with vinegar and bacon bits.

Last Laugh

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