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Friday, January 29, 2016

January 28, 2016

One year ago today: January 28, 2015, my dream motorcycle.
Five years ago today: January 28, 2011, 171,000 foreclosures, none for sale.
Nine years ago today: January 28, 2007, I’ll stick with the calendar . . .
Random years ago today: January 28, 2012, $2 in the bucket.

           How about these hipsters complaining that the lady doctor who attacked the Uber driver should not be fired. Anybody, they say, can have a bad day, and the real issue is the bad publicity of her behavior being broadcast on the Internet. Really? You stoopid-ass Millennials, you are the generation that bought into this intrusive technology. You are the ones that thought it was better because it was new. Fools.
           It was your collective patronage that allowed the present system to afford to grow to where it can wreck lives in an instant. Maybe next time an older person says they don’t like computers, you might pause to think why that is, savvy?
           Then she goes on TV to stage a totally rehearsed and insincere apology. That met with a huge rash of comments telling her to quit lying. You see, she tried the phony 1980s angle of claiming that her father was in the hospital and she had just broken up with her boyfriend. Oh, well, then.

           Is that why she put on her white shorty-shorts in her 41st floor apartment in Opera Towers, and went out drinking all night? She is now hiding out, having received clear explanations of what would have happened to her if she tried wearing those shorts back in India. But that fake apology reeks a little too strongly of damage control. The Internet at work, from doctor to bedpan attendant in an instant.
           Well, lady, you wanted equality to do as you please. Now deal with it. Gee, feminist Liberalism ain’t so great when it screws you right back, huh?

           Argh, I lose another bet to Trent. You see, while Trump did not kick certain journalists out of his rallies, he refused a Fox-sponsored debate. Due to that horrid “Megyn” who tried to use an interview to set him up with prepared questions on feminism. Says Fox, Trump “isn’t going to pick the journalists”. We shall see. Without Trump, there is no Fox debate—and I love it. Because Fox will have to write all those refund checks to the advertisers.

           [Author’s note: I know Fox by reputation only. I do not own a television and I have never personally seen a Fox broadcast, except possibly in passing. Only recently did I learn it is a broadcast network, whatever that is.]

           Here’s another incident you’ll not see in the mainstream media. A fundraiser for Hillary that flopped, big time. You’d think by now these hopeless tenth-raters would clue in what’s happened to the political scenery in this country. The old parties have been shot down in flames because they deserved it.

           Here’s another picture of the 30-something “medical student” kneeing an Uber driver in the groin. Apparently, she even attacked the wrong driver. I think it such a treat to finally see the Internet begin to provide a little pressure of its own concerning self-corrective behavior. I hope it was her boyfriend that caught the incident on video. That would be such sweet justice, since she tried to play the victim. Yeah, victims don’t use the words she did on that poor driver.

Wiki picture of the day.
Bowling Ball Beach


           “If the Cincinnati Reds were really the first major league baseball team, who did they play?” – George Carlin

           I finished reading “The Shack”, a NYT bestseller. I would probably advise most people to not bother with this book. It starts off like a mystery, the abused kid poisons his step-father and runs away and winds up near Spokane with the perfect family. Until his little girl is kidnapped. This is about a quarter of the way through. But then the rest of the plot disappoints the hell out of you.
           The guy responds to a note signed “Papa”, and you’d expect some action. Nope. That is the nickname his little girl called God, and the rest of the book is basically a discussion of religious dogma with three imaginary entities. God, Jesus, and I don’t remember. Chapter after chapter about him confronting “The Great Sadness”, but then, religious types often think they are the only ones who ever experience the real thing.
           My ruling on the book: Don’t bother.

           Argh, I’m rained in and the only contact I can tolerate is NPR. Who is blowing up restaurant noise levels into an entire 2 hour talk show. The commentators (or whatever you call them) are the usual obsequious troop of dork-meisters and lackluster leftovers from obscure eastern academies. I could not name one of them, but the callers—that was a hoot. You know, Sparky, there is a reason the major stations don’t let callers on the air for more than a few well-guided segments.
           Now let me get this straight. There are actually people who repeatedly go to the Hard Rock CafĂ© and complain that the music is too loud. That defies just about any principle of logic I’ve ever known, but the manager over there phoned in to say yes, they have had complaints to OSHA, going on to explain OSHA told them they can’t complain unless they work there. Double duh. This is one of those instances where the other patrons should be allowed to complain about the complainers. Hell, I don’t even like it when the house turns down my juke box sound for the sports scores.
           Joke. This guy takes this blonde lady to the ball game, but they get there late. It’s the fifth inning so the guy asks the score. Nothing to nothing, the fans tell him. “Oh, goodie,” says the blonde, “then we didn’t miss anything.” Actually, I see her point.

           It’s wet out there and I’m cooped up. That means all the tools and motors are oiled and tuned. I also spliced in a new quick-release cable for my home-made videocam. I can now switch from battery to A/C without changing plugs at the camera end. Plus I enlarged the finger-holes for the more often used buttons and replaced the batteries in the majority of my multi-meters. This is a more common activity here than usual, which I’ll explain by giving you the inside tip. A multi-meter will work fine, sometimes for years, on a battery that is 9/10ths dead for any other purpose.
           Then, as I was cutting wooden cleats, a tiny glimmer of blue sky appeared on the western horizon. I might get that cup of coffee yet. As a matter of fact, quite a number of my otherwise unruly extensions cords and power cables have custom cleats to wind up on., Once you have a scroll saw, there is no real excuse not to have such things in abundance.

           All afternoon just tinkerin’ and experimentin’, I build an airtight coupler for old aluminum fire extinguishers that works better than my old system. And listening to my first Merle Haggard album, his top 11 hits. I’m reminded why I only like two tunes he every did, and even then only because I wrote custom bass lines to spice them up.
           It is pleasing to go “backwards” and build some of these projects, in the sense that I’m working backwards from what are mainly over-complicated robot skills. I’ll set up a precision drill press setting where a nail hole would do, and that goes for materials as well. Oak fittings and aluminum braces where scrap plywood is more than enough. How I regret not have these opportunities so many years ago.

           And bread. Home-made bread. Anyone says you can’t make bread in a microwave, show them this. I like home-made to be light and fluffy. I can even proof it in the microwave. This is not frozen, this is the real McCoy, but frozen I’ll tell you is just as good.. I see it is down to 69°F outside; time for chicken soup and a butter sandwich. Maybe finish off that jar of Russian pickles.
           Say, is that a saw in the background in the bottom photo? Yep, I used the microwave in the work room so I could keep an eye on things.

           Here’s a statistic, the large number of students from China that arrive to go to American universities. I thought their system was supposed to be the best. Nor does it make me happy to see the large numbers here to study drama. It drives up prices for American students. That’s right, drama, Chinese parents have enough money to fly thousands of teens across the Pacific Ocean to take acting lessons. Quick, name a famous Chinese actor from China. Yep, that’s what I thought. So what’s the real reason they are coming here?
           Or how about this uproar with the lady that died waiting for a transplant. They are trying to pin it on the hospital, which questioned her immigration status. In actuality, the patient died while all kinds of questions were routinely being asked, but the Liberals picked that one.
           You see, the hospital only has a duty to stabilize a critical patient, and that had already been done. But the lady had ingested poison and that hospital could not perform the transplant. The other hospital was under no obligation to admit a patient who was stablilized. Nor can any hospital schedule organ transplants, that is not how the organ donor system works. You kind of have to wait until somebody with the right parts die. Possibly the Liberals think we should have killed an American to get the liver for somebody who was probably not even supposed to be here.

           Trump has an opportunity to do some real damage to this Fox Network. I don’t suppose Fox is any worse than the others for using interviews as forums to push their own Liberal viewpoints, but I lost all respect when they suggested they has “won” against Trump because he walked away. This is schoolyard nonsense, claiming victory when the opponent walks away because he doesn’t want to wrestle with pigs.
           Mr. Trump, start scheduling your own appearances to coincide with the events where Fox makes its highest revenues. Hit them where it hurts. Americans are sick and tired of stations that angle news reports to express their personal opinions and hidden agendas.

           As for the shootout in Oregon, the Federal government is looking for trouble by vastly overleveraging its true authority at the state level, and they are beginning to find it. Like the meme says, firemen do not go out looking for fires and policement should not go out looking for people to arrest. The premise is that they should wait until they are called. The Oregon incident is being vastly downplayed by the media, who do not (or refuse) to recognize it as symptomatic of a larger crisis.

           Remember, Oregon is where the government told a man the rain that fell on his own land was not his property. Just you keep doing that out west and you are going to get a bloody nose somewhere along the line. In equally scary news, 54 senators voted to impose restrictions on what can be said in political campaigns. Basically, they want to preserve the system whereby anybody already elected (the incumbent) has a tremendous advantage over any challenger by virtue of having a “free microphone”.
           That’s partially why Trumps campaign is being referred to as a movement. He brought his own microphone. The smartest thing he’s done is use the Liberal media’s own rating system against them. I love it, and I'm not even that pro-Trump, I'm just anti-politics-as-usual.

Last Laugh

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